

The golden flame burns the space, making this space make a harsh sound.

Space is being burned at a rate visible to the naked eye.

At the burning place, space cracks appeared again.

But these space cracks were quickly cut towards Lu Feng under the traction of the golden flame.

Moreover, the golden flame also has the ability to block space.

Lu Feng, who was surrounded by it, could clearly feel that the spatial means he had mastered could not be used at all.

And the space cracks that were drawn by the golden flames began to merge with the golden flames at this time, and the power increased several times.

"Is this your method?"

Lu Feng looked at it and understood the attack method of the so-called Heaven and Earth Golden Fire Array.

Said: "Using the space cracks to fuse this good golden flame, it reaches the level equivalent to the attack of the Holy Venerable's fifth-layer peak martial artist. To be honest, your formation is not bad, it can be regarded as a powerful killing formation."


Jun Zhe snorted coldly and said, "If you really think so, then you are not far from death today!"


Lu Feng shook his head.

"In the face of absolute power, all means are nothing."

"Jie Jie." Jun He sneered and said, "Don't think we don't know, you were able to kill Tong Yuxian and Gong Yangxu by various means. Don't you think it's funny to tell us about absolute power now?"

"In addition, we want to see what the absolute power in your mouth is like, making you so confident."

"You will see!"

Lu Feng looked at the three elders of Junjing and shouted, "Broken!"

He clenched his fists with both hands and slammed into the big formation.


The fist slammed on the big formation, which directly caused the big formation to tremble.

The complexion of the three elders of Junjing changed greatly.

In one punch, they actually felt that their Heaven and Earth Golden Fire Formation couldn't hold on!

This made them panic for a moment.

Although they knew that Lu Feng's strength was very strong, he had killed Gong Yang Xu, who had killed the seventh heaven of the Holy Venerable.

But everyone knows that Gongyang Xu's strength has been improved through secret techniques.

It's not a real Saint Venerable Seventh Layer Heavenly Martial Artist at all.

In their opinion, Lu Feng's combat power should be at the level from the peak of the fifth level of the holy god to the middle stage of the sixth level of the holy god.

However, their Heaven and Earth Golden Fire Great Array is a god-level low-grade killing array, which can perfectly utilize the killing and damage of space cracks to ensure the maximum power of the Great Array.

They once relied on this great formation to besiege a warrior of the sixth heaven of the Holy Reverence in Wuzhou.

Therefore, Yuzhou said that Lu Feng was the top three in Yuzhou's combat power, but they were dismissive in their hearts.

In their opinion, as long as Lu Feng met the three of them, he would definitely die!

But what's going on now?

The big formation arranged by the three of them turned out to be trembling when Lu Feng punched them.

You know, this is just a punch from Lu Feng, without any blessing of martial arts and supernatural powers!

Is Lu Feng's combat power so terrifying?

"Don't panic."

With a solemn expression on his face, Jun Wei said, "Use the secret technique!"

Jun He and Jun Zhe also looked solemn, nodded and said solemnly: "Ran!"

Soon their aura began to improve, and the golden fire formation in the world also exuded a powerful aura.

They did not hesitate in the slightest, and immediately used the secret technique.

Because they knew very well that the three of them were able to fight against Lu Feng because of this great formation. If the great formation was smashed to pieces by Lu Feng, they would definitely die!

"You don't understand at all." Lu Feng shook his head and said, "It's not your strength that's weak, it's that you don't understand this great formation at all."

When the sound fell, Lu Feng's right hand changed, and he punched again.

Accurately hit the center of the big formation.


The big array trembled violently again.

The complexion of the three elders of Junjing changed greatly, and they hurriedly fixed the formation.

But at this moment, their eyes flickered, and Lu Feng, who was originally trapped by the big formation, disappeared without a trace.

"I said that your weakness is not your strength, but your lack of understanding of this great formation."

At this time, Lu Feng's voice came again.


The three elders of Junjing were instantly terrified. Where did Lu Feng's voice come from?

Suddenly there was a bad feeling in their hearts.


When the bad premonition in their hearts just appeared, a huge force of blockade shrouded the three of them.

In an instant, the bodies of the three of them were imprisoned.


Without the control of the three elders, the big formation was shattered cleanly.

"Lu Feng!"

Looking at Lu Feng who was controlling the three of them, Junwei looked horrified and said with a trembling voice, "You... how did you get out of the big formation?"

"This is a fierce formation combining a trapping formation and a killing formation, but unfortunately, you do not have the ability to understand the true essence of this formation."

That heaven and earth golden fire formation is very strong, very strong!

Lu Feng could feel it.

But unfortunately, the layout of the three old masters is too clumsy and full of loopholes.

If you meet a warrior whose combat power is below the fifth level of the Holy Venerable, you will catch one.

Even if it is a martial artist who meets the realm of the Holy Venerable Fifth Layer, as long as the enemy does not know the formation method, it is also a sure-shot.

But unfortunately, they met themselves.

Not only is he proficient in formation techniques, he also understands ancient profound formations and initial profound texts.

These are the ancestors of the current formation.

He could see at a glance where the problems with the formation that the three old masters of Junjing laid out were, and by exploiting these loopholes, it was very easy to get out of it.


Jun Wei snorted coldly and said, "Although I don't know how you came out, do you think that if you say a few words, we will feel that there is something wrong with our formation?"


Lu Feng looked at Jun Wei speechlessly, and said: "If I guessed correctly, this formation should have formation flags, but you can't mobilize the formation flags at all, so you used some secret techniques to dismantle the formation flags. Use the formation on yourself."

"Am I right?"

The face of the third old Junjing changed, and they looked at Lu Feng in horror, not knowing how Lu Feng knew about this.

Lu Feng looked at the three elders of Junjing, shook his head, and said, "Forget it, it's useless to tell you so much."

"Now let's talk about something useful."

With a move of his hand, his infuriating energy condensed, and he brought the string of Buddha beads on Jun Wei's body.

"This bead seems to be quite complicated."

Lu Feng looked at the bead in his hand and threw an exploration technique on it.

Soon, the exploration information was fed back.

Treasure-hunting beads: the treasure of Wuzhou Buddha Duobao Tianzun, which has the function of finding all the rare and precious treasures, and is very much loved by Duobao Tianzun.

Realm: None (special item)

Restrictions: none

"Wuzhou Buddha?"

"Duobao Tianzun?"

Hearing this, Lu Feng was stunned.

You know, the word Buddha is a supreme existence in Buddhism.

This string of beads is actually...

"Ding, the Buddha beads of Duobao Tianzun are detected, and the task is triggered: the ruins of Duobao Tianzun!"

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