The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1582 Dragon Demon and Mad Demon

"Tsk tsk, looking at the information, this world's golden fire formation is an emperor-level killing formation!"

Lu Feng looked at the information returned by the exploration technique with excitement on his face.

The power of the fully opened Heaven and Earth Golden Fire Great Array will not be weaker than that of a god-level high-grade killing array.

Lu Feng is an array mage, and he is an ancient array mage.

He knows the game very well.

No matter what the formation method is, as long as the rank reaches the god level, the power will be like destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

The opening of a god-level low-level killing formation is enough to kill the warriors of the sixth-level heaven.

The formation of the god-level middle-grade formation is enough to make the warriors of the Holy Reverend Jiuzhong feel a fatal threat.

The formation of the god-level high-grade formation is already enough to threaten the emperor-level warrior.

Lu Feng really did not expect that after this Heaven and Earth Golden Fire Great Array was fully activated, its power would not be weaker than that of a god-level high-rank killing array.

You must know that there are very few killing formations of god-level high-rank, let alone Yuzhou, even in the entire Kyushu continent.

The golden fire formation in this world really gave him a big surprise.

As for the three elders of Junjing, as Lu Feng said, the three brothers studied the formation flag and found that their strength could not mobilize the formation flag. Although there are some flaws in the formation, there is no problem in dealing with those holy warriors who do not understand formation.

It's no wonder that the three elders of Junjing and the others knew that they were powerful, but they rushed forward. It was this formation that gave them too much confidence.

But unfortunately, in the end, it was just a fan of self-confidence.


Looking at the information returned by the exploration technique, Lu Feng was a little puzzled. The rank is only a god-level low-grade golden fire formation. Why can the power reach the power of a god-level high-grade killing formation when it is fully activated?

This is not easy.

It's just that Lu Feng doesn't understand these things now.

Perhaps only after the Heaven and Earth Golden Fire Great Array is fully opened will one know why.

Fortunately, it is not difficult to open the Heaven and Earth Golden Fire Array, Lu Feng got it from Jun Wei's soul information.

If it wasn't for the strength of the three brothers Junwei not reaching the fourth level of the Holy Venerable, they wouldn't need to use any secret techniques.

Lu Feng is now able to open the Heaven and Earth Golden Fire Array, but he cannot fully open it yet.

But even so, the god-level low-level golden fire formation is enough to become his trump card.

As for the three elders...

After being searched for souls, the three elders of Junjing have almost become idiots.

It is also thanks to them that they are warriors of the holy level, otherwise they will become corpses directly after soul searching.

Lu Feng looked at them, waved his hand, and took the lives of the three of them.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the three warriors of the Holy Venerable Third Heaven, gaining 4.5 billion experience points."

The system prompt sound appeared in Lu Feng's mind.

Lu Feng pursed his lips as he listened.

The strength of the three elders is really not good, and the experience value provided by all three of them combined is half that of the Shadow Saint.

I really admire them, and when they have a formation in their hands, they start to be arrogant.

I really don't know where the confidence comes from.

"Your Majesty, where are we going next?" Zhongzheng Swordsman asked in a low voice.

"Go to a good place."

Lu Feng also got a piece of information in Jun Wei's memory.

At first, they used the treasure-hunting beads of Duobao Tianzun to find the place where the baby was. According to their speculation, the baby's rank was at least the god-level low rank.

They were on their way to the place where the treasure was, and then they saw the sword qi here on the way. The treasure-hunting beads also pointed in the direction of the sword qi, and the hints given to them were even stronger than the movement of the treasure they found before.

So they came over and wanted to get this baby.

Then, they became three human-headed babies.

Not only did the baby not get it, but he also gave away his own life.

Thinking of this, Lu Feng couldn't help but glance at the corpse of the third old man Junjing.

I really don't understand what these three old guys think.

If you don't get a treasure, you have to run here. Now it's okay, your life is gone, and the baby is gone.

Really are!

Lu Feng shook his head for a while, completely unable to understand the operation of the three old masters.

"By the way, take this one, comprehend it well, and see if you can comprehend the Sword Emperor's Sword Intent."

Lu Feng turned his head to look at the Sword Saint Zhongzheng, and gave him the Sword Enlightenment Stone.

"Sword Emperor Sword Intent?"

Zhongzheng Juggernaut was taken aback.

As a sword cultivator, he naturally knows that the sword emperor is a sword cultivator at the level of a martial arts emperor!

The Sword Intent of the Sword Emperor, for any sword cultivator, is a treasure that can be acquired with one's life.

This stone, there is actually the sword intent of the Sword Emperor?

The first reaction of Zhongzheng Juggernaut was not to believe it. After all, the Sword Intent of the Sword Emperor is too precious. Such a seemingly ordinary stone does not look like a treasure that records the Sword Intent of the Sword Emperor.

But this thing was given to him by Lu Feng, and thinking about the sword qi just now, this stone could not be fake.

There is absolutely no need for Lu Feng to lie to him.


After swallowing his saliva, Sword Saint Zhongzheng looked at Lu Feng and said, "Your Majesty... Your Majesty, do you really want to give me this insight?"

"What? I don't want it?" Lu Feng smiled and said, "If you don't want it, return it to me."

"No no no, want, want."

Zhongzheng Sword Saint hurriedly said.

Then he knelt down again and said, "Your Majesty's kindness to Zhongzheng will never be forgotten by Zhongzheng!"

"Okay, don't talk about this, take it and comprehend it well, and return it to me after you have fully comprehended it." Lu Feng said.

"Yes!" Zhongzheng Swordsman said solemnly: "This subordinate will definitely not disappoint His Majesty Long En!"

Lu Feng nodded, and without saying anything more, he took Zhongzheng Swordsman to the place where the treasure was in Junwei's memory.

Not long after they left, the place was haunted by magic.

Two middle-aged men appeared here.

It was the other two of the Nanzhou Three Demons.

"The third child is dead!" The boss of the Nanzhou Three Demons, the dragon demon, looked gloomy.

"Damn, who did it? I must kill him, kill him!" The second madman roared.

"In this city of the Emperor Realm, you can kill the third child and let him even release the distress signal. There are only three people, they..."

"Wait, these three corpses?" The dragon demon's eyes suddenly locked on the corpse of the three old men.

His hand moved slightly, and a black handprint landed on the corpse. Soon, a ray of breath was extracted by the handprint.

Feeling this breath, the dragon demon instantly turned gloomy.

"Lu Feng!"

"Is it Lu Feng's hand?" Madman's expression changed slightly, and he said, "His strength is so strong? Can he make the third child's distress signal not be released?"

"He was the one who killed these three people, and the third one was also killed here. There should be no other person besides him." Longmo said with a gloomy expression, "Whether it was him or not, he has appeared here before. ."

"He must die!"

"Find him and kill him!" The mad demon's eyes flashed coldly, and he said, "I will crush his bones one by one to avenge the third!"

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