The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1585 What if 2 people get up together?

"Strengthen the attack, don't give him the opportunity to use Xuanwen and other means."

"I don't believe that without those means, he can still block the attacks of our two Saint Venerable fifth-layer peak warriors with pure power!" Yi Shaojun said solemnly.

Immediately, Chu Mingjian and Yi Shaojun frantically mobilized their True Qi in their bodies and poured them into their attacks.

In the blink of an eye, a huge force was generated, and under the control of the two, they frantically attacked Lu Feng.

With Lu Feng's left hand, the fist behind Wushen Huangjin kept attacking Chu Mingjian, but Chu Mingjian resisted with the majestic True Qi.

Although he was suppressed for the time being, he was not repelled by Lu Feng.

With Lu Feng's right hand, the True Martial Arts Seal blocked Yi Shaojun's attack.

However, the real martial arts seal did not have the special characteristics of the Wushen Huangjin. Facing the crazy attack of Yi Shaojun, he soon fell into the disadvantage.

In no time, it was already in jeopardy!

Chu Mingjian felt overjoyed by this scene.

As long as Yi Shaojun's side breaks Lu Feng's right side, then Lu Feng will be attacked by Yi Shaojun incessantly and fatally.

At that time, Lu Feng will have to fight against the punch on his left, and it is absolutely impossible to block Yi Shaojun's attack with one hand.

At that time, Lu Feng will die!

For this reason, he frantically mobilized the True Qi in his body to perfuse his attack, trying to force Lu Feng so that he could not withdraw his hands to resist Yi Shaojun's attack.

On the other side, cracks have begun to appear on the seal of the True Martial Arts. Facing the crazy attack of Yi Shaojun, it has reached its limit.

Both Yi Shaojun and Chu Mingjian clearly saw the cracks on the seal of Zhenwu, and their faces were full of excitement, and their attacks were even sharper.

As for their purpose, Lu Feng was very clear, but after looking at them, Lu Feng shook his head slightly and said, "Do you really think that's the case?"

"Jiuyoutian Lei Jue!"

"The body of Tianlei!"

Zijin's thunder condensed around Lu Feng's body,

It turned into a lightning armor and attached to Lu Feng.


When the body of Tianlei just appeared, the seal of Zhenwu was broken, Yi Shaojun had killing intent in his eyes, and stabbed Lu Feng with the blue long sword in his hand.

"Purple Gold Burning Thunder Sword!"

Lu Feng pointed a finger, Zijin Fen Lei condensed into shape, turned into a long sword, and attacked Yi Shaojun directly.


The two attacked and collided, and the terrifying energy storm dissipated instantly.

It directly hit Lu Feng and Yi Shaojun.

Lu Feng had a lightning armor on his body, blocking the energy storm.

But Yi Shaojun did not have lightning armor on his body, and the terrifying energy storm hit him directly.


Yi Shaojun's body stepped back several hundred meters, his complexion was blue and white, and the blood in his body was tumbling.

Yi Shaojun's face was solemn, and he hurriedly mobilized his true qi to stabilize the qi and blood in his body.


Lu Feng, who had repelled Yi Shaojun, did not stop his movements.

On the front of the fist, lightning flashed.


This punch hit Chu Mingjian, and in conjunction with the last wave of Wushenhuang Jin's attack, it directly hit Chu Mingjian heavily.

Chu Ming's sword spit out blood and flew out backwards.

The moment he flew out, his face was still full of incredulity.

He never thought that Lu Feng would instantly repel Yi Shaojun, and then before he could react, the thunder attack came, and the blood flowed back in his body, causing him to be seriously injured in an instant.


Lu Feng stepped on his feet suddenly, and his figure rushed towards Chu Mingjian, and the sword in his hand directly stabbed at the position of Chu Mingjian's heart.


But soon came the sound of swordsmen.

Yi Shaojun used his sword to block Lu Feng's slaying strike against Chu Mingjian, giving Chu Mingjian time to react.

Lu Feng frowned slightly, it seemed that he underestimated this Yi Shaojun, and so quickly suppressed the turbulent blood in his body.

"Thank you!"

On the other side, Chu Mingjian reacted, hurriedly stabilized his body, and then took out a pill and swallowed it.

Soon, the blood flowing back in his body recovered.

The injury was also healed in an instant.

Obviously, this elixir is an absolute holy medicine for healing.

Yi Shaojun did not look at Chu Mingjian, but stared at Lu Feng, alerting Lu Feng to take advantage of the opportunity.

It was only after Chu Mingjian's injury was stabilized with the medicinal pill that he said, "Lu Feng is too strong, we can't be his opponent by conventional means, we..."

"Three thousand things sink in weak water!"

"Weak Water Sword Art!"

Before Yi Shaojun finished speaking, Lu Feng made a move, and Ruoshuihe directly covered the two of them inside.

The power of weak water inside directly dragged their bodies to the bottom of the river.


Chu Mingjian and Yi Shaojun snorted in unison, trying to mobilize their true qi to escape the control of the power of weak water.

"Broken Blade!"

It's just that they just mobilized their true qi, and Lu Feng slashed down with a sword in hand.

Broken Blade is not a powerful martial skill, but it is very powerful for Lu Feng, who has reached the peak of the Fourth Heavenly Reverence, to display it.

Chu Mingjian and Yi Shaojun couldn't ignore it, and they quickly ran their True Qi to block the sword.

At the same time, the power of Weak Water in the Weak Water River completely spread into their bodies, pulling the blood in their bodies directly to the bottom of the Weak Water River.

The terrifying pulling made Chu Mingjian and Yi Shaojun feel a burst of pain in their bodies, and they couldn't concentrate on using their martial arts to counterattack Lu Feng.

"It can't go on like this!"

Yi Shaojun said urgently: "If we are dragged by this weak river, we will lose."

"Exercise Martial Arts!"

"it is good!"

Chu Mingjian also knew the current situation. After Shen Sheng responded, he directly roared: "Martial Dao Fa Xiang!"


Chu Mingjian roared, and the power of the law behind him condensed, which instantly freed him from the control of Ruoshuihe.

"Martial Arts!"

At the same time, Yi Shaojun also performed martial arts.

The faces of the two people instantly condensed behind them.

The image of Chu Mingjian is a swordsman holding a long sword.

Yi Shaojun's dharma image was a huge disc, and he couldn't tell what it was.


The two frantically mobilized the power of the law and poured it into their attacks.


Behind Chu Mingjian, Fa Xiang, the swordsman holding the long sword, pulled out the long sword from his scabbard.

The bright light on the long sword was condensed in the sky, like a small sun, and the dazzling light made people unable to open their eyes.

"The Sword of the Lie Yang, coexists with the sky!"

Chu Mingjian let out a deep shout, and the bright and brilliant long sword in the hands of the swordsman Fa Xiang slashed at Lu Feng.

"Purple Gold Burning Thunder Sword!"

The Gan Jiang sword in Lu Feng's hand turned, and Zijin Fen Lei appeared on the Gan Jiang sword.

Terrifying thunder and lightning instantly flooded the surroundings.


Holding the Ganjiang Sword in his hand, Lu Feng cut out the Purple Gold Burning Thunder Sword again, and fell to Chu Mingjian's dharma image.


The attacks of the two collided directly in the sky, and the terrifying aura instantly spread from the collision.



But in the next instant, the lightning strike on the Zijin Burning Thunder Sword quickly spread to Chu Mingjian's attack.

Lightning, quickly erodes Chu Mingjian's attack!

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