The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1594 The medicine pill reappears

The first thousand five hundred and ninety-four chapters reappearance of medicinal herbs

"Next, there is only one Thunder Warrior left."

Looking at the corpses of many warriors in the dynasty, Lu Feng murmured in a low voice, after the Thunder Fighter was wiped out, his mission would be completed, and his strength could be improved.


After destroying the dynasty and these people, Lu Feng did not delay any longer and entered the imperial palace with Jian Jiu.

After Lu Feng and the two entered the imperial palace, the other warriors here dared to look at the portal again.

When Lu Feng killed those emperor warriors just now, they didn't dare to look at the portal at all.

After all, from the information they knew, the only place where the dynasty could offend Lu Feng in this imperial city was to block the portal of the imperial palace.

The ghost knows whether Lu Feng's previous offense was an excuse, and what if his purpose was for this portal?

Therefore, when Lu Feng was there, they didn't dare to look at the portal at all.

After Lu Feng left, they dared to put their eyes on it again.

However, most of the warriors present did not have the fiery thoughts about the imperial palace before.

The battle in which Lu Feng destroyed many warriors of the dynasty just now made them understand that only warriors at the level of Lu Feng and Qinglei Warlord were qualified to compete for the things in the imperial palace.

These people, entering the imperial palace, can only be a stepping stone for Lu Feng and the others.

Of course, as long as they enter the imperial palace, everyone has the opportunity to compete for the treasure inside.

But once they failed, they would be facing warriors of the same level as Lu Feng and Qinglei Warlord. For them, it would be catastrophic news.

Everyone wants treasures, but the key is, if there are treasures, is there enough life to take them?

Many saints from the first and second heavens looked at the portal of the imperial palace, sighed softly, turned around and left here.

Only some warriors from the fourth and third heavens of the Holy Venerable, gritted their teeth and entered the imperial palace.


"Brother Yi,

What's wrong with you? "

On the other side, Yi Shaojun, who was seriously injured and fled, met three saints.

The leader is a 4th Heavenly Martial Artist, followed by two Holy Venerable 3rd Heavenly Martial Artists.

When Yi Shaojun saw the leader, his heart trembled slightly, because this pedestrian was his biggest purpose in entering the city of the emperor this time, the three saints of the Guda Dynasty!

The warrior of the Fourth Heavenly Venerate is the ancestor of the Guda Dynasty, Gu Xiaohu.

Seeing his goal, Yi Shaojun was not excited at all at this time. On the contrary, he was still a little nervous.

Because his injury is too serious, a warrior of the fourth level of the Holy Venerable is now enough to kill him.

Not to mention that in addition to Gu Xiaohu, a warrior of the fourth level of the Holy Venerable, there are also two warriors of the third level of the Holy Venerable.

"Cough cough."

"Cough cough."

Yi Shaojun coughed twice and said, "Hey, when he met that damn guy Lu Feng, he remembered Lu Ming's revenge against him in the imperial call-up order, and when he met me, he shot at me and killed me. Seriously wounded."

Although he was very nervous, afraid that Gu Xiaohu would see that he wanted to kill them, but Yi Shaojun didn't show anything on his face.

When he spoke, there was only resentment and anger towards Lu Feng.

Gu Xiaohu heard it, but his heart moved.

Gu Xiaohu is very smart. Although there is still an Ice and Snow Dynasty between the Guda Dynasty and the Nanyan Kingdom, he understands that Lu Feng is a very ambitious person.

In the future, I will definitely start with the Ice and Snow Dynasty.

As far as the strength of the Nanyan Kingdom is currently displayed, most of the Ice and Snow Dynasty will not be an opponent.

After the Ice and Snow Dynasty, it was the Guda Dynasty.

The Ice and Snow Dynasty is not Lu Feng's opponent, let alone the Guda Dynasty.

Now, it seems that Yicheng Commercial Bank and Nanyan Kingdom are not going to die. Why don't you win over Yi Shaojun and prepare for the future?

Even if the Nanyan Kingdom does not attack its own Guda Dynasty in the future, he can maintain cooperation with Yicheng Commercial Bank to improve his strength. After the chaos in Yuzhou, he can also go out to the Western Regions and get a piece of the pie.

Thinking of this, Gu Xiaohu immediately said: "The hateful Lu Feng, he deserves death!"

"Let's not talk about this, why are you here?" Yi Shaojun looked at them and said, "The imperial palace is already open, why don't you go to the imperial palace to snatch treasures?"

"My family knows about my family." Gu Xiaohu shook his head and said: "Although the strength of the Guda Dynasty is not bad, it is too difficult to win food from Chu Mingjian, the Dynasty, and Lu Feng. ."

"Instead of going to the emperor's palace to fight for treasures with life, it is better to use the Jingkong order to find treasures in this emperor's realm city."

"Such a big city can always give us something to gain."

Yi Shaojun nodded and said, "Brother Gu is really smart. In this way, when the forces in Yuzhou have suffered heavy losses in the imperial palace, the strength of the Guda Dynasty will increase instead of decreasing, high! It's true! high!"

"Haha." Gu Xiaohu smiled proudly: "This is also a helpless move, but now it seems that this helpless move has a lot of benefits."

After a short pause, Gu Xiaohu continued: "It's Brother Yi, it's really dangerous to be alone in this Emperor Realm city with a seriously injured body. It's better to come with us, or have someone to take care of."

Gu Xiaohu wants to win over Yicheng Commercial Bank!

Yi Shaojun listened to Yi Xi in his heart. He originally wanted to kill the three saints of the Guda Dynasty. If it was another time, he might not have a good chance.

But if he is with them now, when his damage recovers a little, he will definitely be able to take advantage of it and kill him in an instant.

So, Yi Shaojun nodded immediately and said, "Okay, then I will trouble Brother Gu."

"Where is it." Gu Xiaohu laughed and said, "With Brother Yiyi joining us, we will definitely be able to gain a lot in the city of the Emperor Realm this time."

Yi Shaojun also laughed.

It's just that there is an imperceptible killing intent in the smile.

Gu Xiaohu didn't know this at all, he was just happy now.

In his opinion, Yi Shaojun being with them is equivalent to accepting their favor, which must be of great benefit to win over Yi Shaojun.


In the imperial palace, when Lu Feng entered it, he realized that he had indeed entered a palace.

Inside the palace, at the front is a throne, and on the throne sits an old man dressed in a golden dragon robe.

The old man held an elixir in his hand.

Lu Feng knew that the medicine pill was the imperial medicine pill that flew away from Yi Shaojun before.

At the same time, he also saw the Thunder Warrior who entered here earlier.

He was walking in the direction of the old man step by step, but every step he took seemed very, very difficult.

"Your Majesty, what's going on?" Jian Jiu looked puzzled.

Qinglei Zhanjiang walked too slowly, but Jian Jiu couldn't feel any formation around him.

Lu Feng didn't answer immediately, but let out his martial artist perception to look around carefully.

Just when his martial artist perception touched the palace wall, a huge message suddenly poured into his mind.

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