The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1604 Taiyin Purple Spirit Pill

I have to say that Emperor Tianyu is definitely a very discerning person.

From being extremely arrogant just now, he now respects Lu Feng every word of 'you', for fear that something wrong with Lu Feng will kill him. "Oh, your face has changed quite quickly."

Lu Feng looked at Emperor Tianyu and said lightly.

However, he really has no intention of killing Emperor Tianyu right now.

After all, a so-called emperor who can't even kill a fourth-level celestial warrior with a strength now can provide very little experience if he kills him.

Keep him, but let him lead the way to find that initial Xuanwen!

The powerful Lu Feng of the initial Xuanwen has already known, and now he has the opportunity to get a brand new initial Xuanwen, and he has no reason to miss it.

For this reason, he could leave Emperor Tianyu's life.

When Emperor Tianyu was talking with Lu Feng, he had been carefully observing Lu Feng's expression, and he was overjoyed when he saw that there was no killing intent in Lu Feng's eyes again.

He knew that Lu Feng would not kill him now, and said anxiously, "Your Majesty, don't worry, you keep my life, and I will never let you down."

Tianyu Emperor is very good at using this set of fighting snakes and sticks. of

Lu Feng looked at him and said, "I may not kill you, but I don't trust you."

"I, Emperor Tianyu, swear by my soul that I will follow His Majesty Lu Feng, the king of Nanyan, in this life and this life. If I disobey, my soul will be broken and die!" Emperor Tianyu understood what Lu Feng meant, and immediately swore his soul.

Lu Feng was a little surprised. Emperor Yu was really fighting hard this day.

After getting his own news, he did not hesitate to swear by his soul.

Once this oath was made, it really meant that Emperor Tianyu would never betray Lu Feng in the future.

Once betrayed, without Lu Feng's action, he will surely die!


Lu Feng threw a probing technique on the afterimage of Emperor Tianyu's soul, and soon, the probing technique information was fed back.

Emperor Tianyu: The emperor of martial arts in the mainland of Kyushu, proficient in all kinds of secret methods.

Realm: The peak of the emperor's first layer of heaven (now the afterimage of the soul, only the initial stage of the fourth layer of the holy god)

Occupation: Puppet Master (God-level low-grade)

Loyalty: 85

Tsk tsk, actually has 85 loyalty.

The loyalty of 85 is not very high, but it is definitely not low.

Emperor Tianyu, who has just surrendered, has a loyalty of 85, which is already very good.

But Lu Feng would not think that Emperor Tianyu was really loyal.

All that has such high loyalty is nothing more than fear of death!

Emperor Tianyu's expression did not change.

There is a saying that goes well, if you live for a long time, you will naturally not want to die.

Emperor Tianyu agrees with this sentence very, very much, otherwise he will set up a game for hundreds of thousands of years, in order to successfully seize a warrior's body and regain his life.

Unfortunately, his layout failed because of Lu Feng's appearance.

But now that he has a chance not to die, he will fight for it at all costs.

Because he is very, very clear that when he dies, there is nothing left.

Alive, everything has a chance.

This is his choice.


"Tell me about it here." Lu Feng pointed at the imperial palace and said lightly to Emperor Tianyu.


Emperor Tianyu nodded, pondered for a while, and said, "Your Majesty, in this imperial palace, the real valuables are this medicine pill and my storage ring, and the rest are all prepared to cooperate with me to seize the house. ."

Speaking of which, Emperor Tianyu was slowly helpless again.

He promised to win the house, but in the end he became Lu Feng's subordinate.



"This medicine pill?"

Lu Feng looked at the medicinal pill in the hands of the old man on the throne, moved his hand, and sucked it over.

I threw an exploration technique on it, and soon the information came back.

Taiyin Purple Spirit Pill: Refined by the Purple Spirit Pill Emperor in ancient times, it contains the martial arts of the Purple Spirit Pill Emperor. (Note: Emperor Ziling Dan also placed his own exercises in the medicine pill, and the martial artist can only comprehend it after taking it.


Grade: Imperial Medicinal Pill.

Function: It can enable the warriors who have the purple spirit body to penetrate the world after taking it, change the purple spirit body against the sky to the yin purple spirit body, and there is a 70% possibility that they can successfully cultivate to the realm of emperors.

Restriction: The warrior who takes the Taiyin Purple Spirit Pill must have the body of the Purple Spirit. Otherwise, the medicinal power of the elixir will detonate the warrior's body.

"Pills specially prepared for the body of the purple spirit?"

Looking at the information fed back by the exploration technique, Lu Feng narrowed his eyes slightly. It seems that the Purple Spirit Pill Emperor is probably the body of the Purple Spirit.

Lu Feng knew the body of Ziling, because his harem concubine Qu Xi was the body of Ziling.

Moreover, the body of the purple spirit can only exist on women.

To be honest, the body of the purple spirit is strictly a bit tasteless, because this physique is useless to the warrior itself, only the warrior with the body of the purple spirit is willing to give himself to other warriors, and the body of the purple spirit has Useful, to help the warrior who obtained the body of the purple spirit to speed up the cultivation speed.

And the accelerated cultivation speed is very, very fast, more than ten times that of ordinary warriors.

Therefore, warriors with the body of the purple spirit are often a sweet treat on the Kyushu continent.

The sweet pastry of the strong!

The young sect master of Lingjian Sect took a fancy to this before, and wanted to help Ziyang Kingdom, but in the end, Ziyang Kingdom failed to help, but instead took his own Spirit Sword Sect into it.

As for Qu Xi's side, Lu Feng didn't get her Purple Spirit Body either.

After all, Lu Feng killed her father, killed his brother, and still wanted to get her purple spirit body. This possibility is quite small.

Fortunately, Lu Feng's body system does not require the help of the Purple Spirit Body.

"This medicinal pill is called Taiyin Purple Spirit Pill, and it is an imperial medicinal pill."

Emperor Tianyu looked at Lu Feng holding the medicinal pill and thought that Lu Feng did not know, and explained aloud: "Taiyin Purple Spirit Pill is of no use to ordinary warriors, because only warriors with the body of the Purple Spirit can swallow the medicinal pill. ."

Speaking of this, Emperor Tianyu is also very depressed.

Back then, he was very excited when he got this imperial medicine pill, because in his opinion, with his talent, as long as he swallowed this emperor medicine pill, he would definitely be able to stabilize the foundation of a martial artist and improve his strength at that time. , it came naturally.

But when he later found out that this imperial medicine pill was the Taiyin Purple Spirit Pill, he was instantly desperate.

He is not the body of the purple spirit, so he can't swallow the Taiyin Purple Spirit Pill at all. He can only take this pill and occasionally understand the martial arts inside.

But unfortunately, because he is not the body of the purple spirit, even if he comprehends the emperor's martial arts, it is of little effect.

However, he quickly reacted and continued: "Taiyin Purple Spirit Pill was refined by Emperor Zi Ling Pill in the early days of ancient times. Emperor Zi Ling Pill was born in a great power and has a very high talent in martial arts, but because he has a Purple Spirit The body has long been used as a tool for marriage."

"She was not reconciled and looked for various methods. In just ten years, she created the Ziling Pill, which could speed up the cultivation speed of the Ziling's body for her own use, but the effect was very small at that time."

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