The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1607 The aggrieved Yi Shaojun

It's just an injury. What Yi Shaojun didn't expect was that the Great Emperor Ruins was closed at this time!

This made him bewildered.

It doesn't matter if you don't get the treasure inside, but the key is that your purpose has not been achieved yet.

After he was injured in the ruins of the Great Emperor, he met Gu Xiaohu and others of the Guda Dynasty, and recovered his injuries with their help.

Originally, Yi Shaojun planned to wait until his injury recovered, and then he would look for an opportunity to take action and kill the three great saints of the Guda Dynasty headed by Gu Xiaohu.

But now that his injury has not healed, the Great Emperor Site has been closed.

This makes him go there and find another chance to kill Gu Xiaohu?

"Lu Feng!"

Yi Shaojun put the account on Lu Feng's head.

In his opinion, if Lu Feng hadn't injured himself before, with his own strength, as long as he found the three of Gu Xiaohu, he would surely be able to kill them smoothly.

However, when he met Lu Feng, his plan fell through.

This account must be placed on Lu Feng's head!

"Brother Yi, let go!"

Gu Xiaohu came behind Yi Shaojun at this time and said, "I am lucky to have it, but I lost my life. The Great Emperor Ruins are now closed. We all haven't gotten much, so don't worry about it."

Gu Xiaohu also thought that Yi Shaojun was upset that he did not get enough treasures because the Great Emperor Ruins closed too early.

I don't know that Yi Shaojun did this because he didn't have the chance to kill the three saints of their Guda dynasty.

If Gu Xiaohu knew about it, he would probably regret his bowels!

When Yi Shaojun heard Gu Xiaohu's words, he hid his killing intent towards him in his heart, sighed softly, and said, "Oh, it's just a pity for such a good opportunity."

"Although it is a pity, we should be fortunate." Gu Xiaohu said with a smile: "After all, we are still alive, and none of the people who entered the emperor's ruins in the dynasty did not come out. I heard some people say that those people have been stolen by Lu Feng was killed."

"Compared to them, we are much better."

"Although I didn't get too many good things in the Great Emperor Ruins, I still got something."

Yi Shaojun heard a sneer in his heart, do you think I am for those things? I am for your life!

But he certainly couldn't say what he thought.

He just sighed again.

Gu Xiaohu heard it and said with a smile: "Okay, Brother Yi, don't think about this anymore. You still have injuries on your body. Why don't you go back to the Guda Dynasty with me to help you heal, and then go back to Yicheng Business?"

Gu Xiaohu really wanted to win over Yicheng Commercial Bank.

"No, I should go back earlier when the Great Emperor Ruins are closed, so as not to make my family too worried." Yi Shaojun shook his head.

He wants to go back and tell everyone about the situation, telling them that he failed and failed to kill the three great saints of the Guda Dynasty, and the follow-up plan must be changed.

Seeing this, Gu Xiaohu didn't persuade him any more, he just said: "Since that's the case, I will definitely welcome Brother Yi if you have time to come to my Guda Dynasty in the future."


Gu Xiaohu said no more, and left here with the Holy Venerable of the Guda Dynasty.

Yi Shaojun looked at the back of Gu Xiaohu's departure, and the killing intent in his eyes condensed, but it quickly dissipated.

He knew very well that when he was outside, it would be very difficult for him to find an opportunity to kill Gu Xiaohu silently, or even impossible.

This matter, there is no hurry, it has to be put in the back and take it slow.


With another long sigh, Yi Shaojun also left.

After he left, Zhongzheng Juggernaut and Jian Jiu appeared here.

They were also ostracized by the Emperor Realm City together just now, but because they knew that the Nanyan Kingdom had made many enemies, they didn't show up for the first time.

If Yi Shaojungang was still seriously injured, they would definitely try to kill him.

But Yi Shaojun recovered a lot after this period of time, and his injuries were much better. The two of them couldn't kill them together.

So, just hide it.


Why hasn't your majesty come out yet? "Jian Jiu asked while frowning.

Zhongzheng Swordsman shook his head and said, "I don't know either, but I believe that His Majesty will be fine, we will just wait here."

Jian Jiu nodded, but there was no other way.


In the imperial palace, after the formation operation of the imperial realm city repelled everyone in it, Emperor Tianyu used the secret method to move all the treasures in the imperial realm city to the imperial palace.

All kinds of elixir, elixir, and exercises, etc., are simply countless.

Lu Feng made a rough estimate, and the contents here are almost equivalent to the revenue of the Nanyan Kingdom's treasury for ten years.

I have to say that the treasure of a Martial Dao emperor is really shocking.

In particular, these things were still consumed by Emperor Tianyu before.

If it is a prosperous emperor, how terrible should his treasure be?

Lu Feng was suddenly a little tempted. If he killed an emperor-level warrior by himself, what he would get should be able to support the operation of the Nanyan Kingdom for decades, right?

Of course, that's just thinking.

A monarch in his heyday, with Lu Feng's strength now, he can't kill a hundred plus.


Taking a deep breath and calming his mind, Lu Feng looked at Emperor Tianyu and said, "What about the ten psychic puppets?"

"Coming soon."

After Emperor Tianyu finished speaking, the formation turned and ten puppets appeared in front of Lu Feng.

There are women, strong men, elegant scholars, and stunning beauties.

The shapes are different, but the threat to the person is exactly the same.

A puppet of the psychic level, just standing there, the threat to people is already fatal.

"Your Majesty, these are the only ten psychic-level puppets I have left now, and each of them's combat power is equivalent to the peak of the Holy Venerable Four Heavenly Layers."

After a short pause, Emperor Tianyu said again: "I also had some psychic-level puppets equivalent to the peak of the saint, but when I was chased by the sword emperor, those powerful puppets were used by me to resist the sword emperor, so There are only a few left."

"Enough." Lu Feng nodded in satisfaction.

Ten psychic-level puppets whose combat power is equivalent to the peak of the Fourth Heavenly Venerate is equivalent to ten warriors of the peak of the Fourth Heavenly Venerable.

It is absolutely enough for them to defend the capital of the Nanyan Kingdom, and to match the various formations they have arranged in the capital.

Seeing that Lu Feng was satisfied, Emperor Tianyu finally breathed a sigh of relief. Now he can be sure that Lu Feng will definitely not kill him again.

He thought for a while and then said, "Your Majesty, although I only have the afterimage of my soul left, if I have enough materials, I should still be able to refine puppets."

"However, the combat power should be limited to the Holy Venerable First Layer."

When Lu Feng heard this, his eyes suddenly filled with joy.

This is good news.

If Emperor Tianyu can really refine a large number of psychic puppets at the first level of the Holy Venerable, then for the entire Nanyan Kingdom, the strength will be completely improved!

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