The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1626 Does the mere saint dare to be mad?

"Jinyiwei's mouse?"

Zhang Liyuan was stunned when he heard Zhang Xiao's words, and then said, "Is Jinyiwei's dark guard here too?"

Zhang Xiao didn't answer his words, but still stared at it and said, "What? Are you still waiting for the deity to arrest you?"

"I didn't expect that you Zhang Xiao actually broke through to the first level of the Holy Venerable, which surprised me a little."

Where Zhang Xiao was staring at, the dark guard and his party came out.

They were not surprised that their figure was discovered.

After all, they hide their movements, and their strength can only guarantee that the warriors of the emperor and the semi-sacred realm cannot find it, but it is another matter to meet the warriors of the holy realm.

A warrior at the level of the Holy Venerable is not something that can be concealed from their emperor's realm by casting a secret technique.

"It's actually here!"

Zhang Liyuan's expression changed instantly when he saw the dark guard appear.

He had no idea that the dark guard was actually here.

You must know that the Dark Guards are the absolute armed forces in the Jinyi Guards and the Shadow Secret Guards, and their existence is for the purpose of assassination.

The dark guards appeared here today, and you don't need to think about who their purpose is.

This made Zhang Liyuan look good.

The dark guard arrived here, which means that the people of the Nanyan Kingdom were completely sure that they wanted to use the Liyang Eternal Hate Army to delay time and buy time for their own people.

Otherwise, the Dark Guard would not be able to appear here.

This also made Zhang Liyuan feel afraid for a while, but fortunately, the secret guard planned to block them when they left the city. If it was in the palace, it would be really a hassle for them.

As for now...

Zhang Liyuan smiled coldly, with the ancestors here, these secret guards are courting death!

"Just how many of you?"

Zhang Xiao looked at the dark guards, sighed softly, and said with some disappointment, "I thought I could kill a few more eagle dogs from the Nanyan Kingdom today,

I didn't expect it, just a few of you here. "

"Forget it, just use your blood for the Liyang Dynasty as the beginning of the counter-offensive!"


When the captain of the dark guard heard this, he sneered and said, "Zhang Xiao, Zhang Xiao, you are really very confident in yourself!"

"Do you really think that you will be invincible after breaking through to the realm of the Holy Venerable? Can you attack the Nanyan Kingdom with your strength?"

"It's ridiculous!"

"Naturally it is impossible under normal circumstances." Zhang Xiao smiled and said, "As far as the strength of your Nanyan Kingdom is concerned, you are also ranked in the top five in the entire Yuzhou. After all, the saintly masters in your kingdom are really not good. few."

"Just now, does your Nanyan Kingdom still have the energy to send Saint Venerable experts to deal with my Liyang Dynasty?"

Zhang Xiao had been to the Great Emperor Ruins, so naturally he knew Lu Feng's strength. Outside the Great Emperor Ruins that day, Lu Feng's divine might shocked him enough.

In addition, Lu Feng had the two sword saints from Jianzhou beside him, and there were still quite a few saintly masters serving as generals in the ruins of the Nanyan Kingdom.

With such strength, the Liyang Dynasty is not qualified to challenge.

But things are different now.

Lu Feng beheaded the masters of the dynasty in the imperial palace, and also beheaded Chu Mingjian in the city of the emperor, and even injured Yi Shaojun, the ancestor of Yicheng Business.

It is equivalent to Lu Feng completely offending the three major forces in Yuzhou.

Such existence is enough to trouble them.

At this time, the Nanyan Kingdom would definitely put all of its attention on the He Dynasty, the Cangchu Dynasty and the Yicheng Commercial Bank.

Therefore, it is not only the dynasty that has no time to pay attention to them, but Lu Feng and the others also have no time to pay attention to them.

For the Liyang Dynasty, this is naturally an opportunity.

An opportunity to counterattack!

Zhang Xiao believed that as long as he appeared in Liyang City, whether it was Beiguan Camp, Dongguan Camp or Nanguan Camp, he would definitely obey orders.

Because the deterrent power of a saint is enough to make those fearful.

At that time, if the Sanguan army has been assembled, with more than 9 million troops, it will definitely be able to launch a counterattack against the army led by Gao Shun, and the odds of winning are extremely high.

Therefore, Zhang Xiao is not worried at all about the masters of the Nanyan Kingdom.

The captain of the dark guard looked at Zhang Xiao with a bewildered expression. Where did the confidence come from to say such a thing?

Could it be that he didn't know that during the period from the closure of the Great Emperor Ruins to the present, whether it was the Imperial Dynasty, the Cangchu Dynasty, or the Yicheng Commercial Bank, they were all very peaceful and had no plans to do anything to the Nanyan Kingdom at all.

Don't even dare to do it.

The current strength of the Nanyan Kingdom is not comparable to these forces.

Zhang Xiao didn't even know this?

However, after thinking about it for a while, the captain of the dark guard instantly understood.

Zhang Xiao got a treasure in the Great Emperor Ruins, and he didn't return to the Liyang Dynasty for the first time after he came out. He must have found a safe place to break through his strength.

Therefore, it is natural to not know what happened to the high-level forces in Yuzhou.

"Okay, there's no need to talk nonsense with you, it's time to send you on your way."

Zhang Xiao looked at the dark guards, shook his head, and said, "It's a pity, there are only a few of you, too few."

When the voice fell, he raised his hand.

The moment he raised his hand, the surrounding space instantly froze.

Zhang Xiao slowly pressed the palm of his hand against the dark guards and his party, and the surrounding space also attacked the dark guards with a terrifying sense of oppression.

It's just this sense of oppression that makes Zhang Liyuan, a warrior in the realm of the emperor, change his complexion.

He could feel that under this terrifying sense of oppression, he actually felt the threat of death.

You must know that you are a warrior at the peak of the Emperor Sixth Layer.

This sense of oppression can give him a threat of death. You don't need to think about it to know that it is also a threat of death to those dark guards.

Zhang Liyuan's face was instantly filled with excitement.

If these dark guards were killed today, it would be a good start.

When they counterattack the Nanyan Kingdom, they will definitely be able to kill more masters of the Nanyan Kingdom. At that time, the Liyang Dynasty will be at its peak!

He believed that day would surely come soon.


He looked at the dark guards with a strange expression, because these people were so calm, as if they were not facing a death threat, but an attack from a small ant.

Very calm, no panic.

This is really strange!

"When did a small Holy Venerable 1st Layer Heavenly Martial Artist dare to attack my Nanyan Kingdom's secret guards so wildly?"

Just when Zhang Liyuan felt a little strange, an old voice suddenly came from the void.

When Zhang Xiao heard this voice, his complexion changed drastically, he raised his head suddenly, and looked at the void, where a figure appeared.

"Tong Yuan!"

Zhang Xiao immediately recognized this person, the spear prodigy Tongyuan who defeated him at Yuanhong Pass in the past!

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