The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1629 Chaos in the Cangchu Dynasty!

"The kingdom is just a kingdom after all, and it still doesn't have the dynamism of a dynasty."

Chu Shengping laughed and said, "After all, it's just a nouveau riche!"

The other saints of the Cangchu Dynasty nodded their heads.

However, when nodding, many people also lamented that the Nanyan Kingdom had made the right choice.

The news that the Nanyan Kingdom wanted to establish a dynasty had already spread, and the Cangchu Dynasty had also received the news.

Now that the Nanyan Kingdom has destroyed the Liyang Dynasty, it is clear that it is to tell everyone that from now on, the Nanyan Kingdom will have a place in the top ten dynasties in Yuzhou.

This attack is for the establishment of a dynasty in the Kingdom of Nanyan!

Not Liwei.

Therefore, the Nanyan Kingdom did not choose the Cangchu Dynasty as its target.

Only Chu Yekong knew very well that the reason why the Nanyan Kingdom did not choose the Cangchu Dynasty as its target was because there was no chaos within the Cangchu Dynasty.

And these are exactly what he secretly conveyed to the Kingdom of Nanyan.

The saints of the Cangchu Dynasty did not know this yet.

Chu Yekong also sighed secretly in his heart. As the ancestor of the Cangchu Dynasty, he was the one who betrayed the Cangchu Dynasty in the end.

If you say this, you will definitely shock others.

However, he didn't have a choice either, his life was in Lu Feng's hands, he couldn't do it if he didn't listen.

And, thinking about the holy-level middle-grade medicine pill in his storage ring, he felt a little excited in his heart.

After he told Lu Feng the news of raising Chu Shengming's realm to the fifth level of the Holy Venerable, Lu Feng gave him a middle-grade holy medicine pill as a reward.

And that Saint-level middle-grade medicine is exactly the medicine he needs now.

As long as he absorbs that holy-level middle-grade medicine pill, his realm will be able to break through to the Holy Venerable Third Heaven without any accident.

For Chu Yekong, a person who has been stuck at the peak of the second layer of the Holy Reverence for more than a thousand years, this is a big happy event.

It also made him work more attentively for Lu Feng.

Thinking of the order that Lu Feng gave him this time, he looked up at Chu Shengming and said, "Brother Ming, I don't think the Nanyan Kingdom will attack our Cangchu Dynasty at this time. On the one hand, it is because of our strength. Strong and prosperous, so that the Nanyan Kingdom does not dare to attack rashly, but it is more important for another reason."

"Oh? What's the reason?"

Chu Shengming looked at Chu Yekong and said, "You talk about it."



Chu Shengming frowned slightly and said, "What do you mean?"

"Brother Ming, according to normal circumstances, the ancestor of the Cangchu Dynasty, Chu Mingjian, died, and the entire dynasty lost its backbone. At this time, shouldn't the interior of the Cangchu Dynasty appear a little chaotic?"

"But we don't have any confusion now. This is not good news for the Nanyan Kingdom or other forces that want to attack the Cangchu Dynasty."

"They coveted the Cangchu Dynasty because Chu Mingjian, the ancestor of the Cangchu Dynasty, was killed, and his strength was greatly reduced. Internal chaos would be caused by the killing of the ancestor, and then there would be factional disputes between the various armies."

"This kind of situation is what they want to see, and only in this situation can the Nanyan Kingdom or those forces coveting the Cangchu Dynasty dare to take action against the Cangchu Dynasty."

"But now there is no chaos in our Cangchu Dynasty. On the contrary, it is twisted into a rope. For those forces, it is naturally impossible to touch this bad head."

"Nanyan Kingdom is also because of this reason, so it has been delayed for a long time!"

"That makes sense." Chu Shengming frowned.

He is also a smart person and understands the meaning of Chu Yekong's words.

"But we can't really mess up!" Chu Shengping frowned and said; "That would give a signal to some people with ulterior motives below."

"What we want is this signal!" Chu Yekong smiled coldly and said, "Once those people jumped out, we just happened to kill them all and clean up the dynasty. Only in this way can the dynasty become stronger."

"As for whether it will affect the foundation of the dynasty, there is no need to worry about it."

After a short pause, Chu Yekong continued, "As long as Brother Ming is here, our Cangchu Dynasty will have a powerhouse at the level of the fifth heavenly sage. This is the most basic foundation, no matter how the people below make trouble, they will not What a big impact."

"It's just that some forces outside the Cangchu Dynasty will create a spearhead for us to have internal strife, let them come to us for trouble, and then we will take advantage of the situation to exterminate them and expand our sphere of influence!"

"well said!"

When Chu Shengming heard it, he was very satisfied with what Chu Yekong said, especially the phrase that he had the most fundamental foundation in the Cangchu Dynasty.

This made Chu Shengming very comfortable listening to this.

He looked at the saints present and said, "You have heard Ye Kong's words, so let's do it like this, I will give those guys some illusion, let them attack the Cangchu Dynasty, and finally destroy them and give the entire Yu Look at the state, even if the ancestor is gone, I, Chu Shengming, can still lead the Cangchu Dynasty to stand on the top of Yuzhou!"


Chu Shengming said so, and the other saints did not dare to say more, and quickly took orders.

Under Chu Shengming's order, the people below quickly began to act.

First, the emperor Chu Yanzhe.

Under the instruction of Chu Shengming, Chu Yanzhe pretended to be sick, and followed the news of the imperial doctor leaking the news. Because of the death of the ancestor Chu Mingjian, the emperor Chu Yanzhe's mind was hit, and there was not much time left.

At this moment, the forces of the entire Cangchu Dynasty became active.

First, the forces of the Cangchu Dynasty began to collude with the princes of the Cangchu Dynasty, wanting to support a prince after the death of Emperor Chu Yanzhe.

After all, if the prince they support can really become an emperor, it will be of great benefit to their power.

At first, these forces were restrained. After all, except for Chu Mingjian, the saints of the Cangchu Dynasty were still there.

At this time, there was actually a saint who appeared in a prince's mansion, followed by a few more saints who entered another prince's mansion.

Then, these princes spread the news that they had different saints behind them.

This time, the entire Cangchu Dynasty could not sit still.

Even the saints have begun to stand in line. There is no doubt that the death of Chu Mingjian has affected the distribution of the interests of these saints. It has been quiet for so long, and now it is finally about to explode.

For a time, all the forces in the entire Cangchu Dynasty rushed into the capital of the Cangchu Dynasty like crazy, all wanting to take advantage of this opportunity to choose a good team to stand in, so that they can get the greatest benefits in the future.

When these things happened within the Cangchu Dynasty, Tong Yuan returned to Nanyan City, and the first thing he did was to see Emperor Lu Feng and present the imperial jade seal of the Liyang Dynasty and the ring.

"It was this ring that made Zhang Liyuan think it could save his life?"

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