The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1632 Inheritance of the Crane and Snake

Looking at the Crane Snake Spirit Ring in his hand, Lu Feng murmured in a low voice, "If the Crane Snake was first sealed, I might have really had no choice but to do so now."

Although I don't know what happened to those powerful emperors who besieged He Snake at that time, it is a fact that He Snake was sealed in the end.

You don't have to think about it to know that the crane snake must have suffered a more powerful enemy, otherwise it would not have been sealed on such a small ring.

At that time, even if someone got the Crane Snake Spirit Ring, they would definitely not be able to unblock it because they didn't have that strength.

But it is different now. After such a long time, the seal on the Crane Snake Spirit Ring has weakened a lot. Otherwise, the power of the soul will not only disappear in an instant, but also affect the entire soul.

The same is true of Lu Feng's soul power, but the final result is not the same.

After Lu Feng's soul power entered, he could feel the changes inside, so he could withdraw smoothly.

This means that the seal in the Crane Snake Spirit Ring must have weakened a lot over time as he thought, and this is his chance to unseal the Crane Snake Spirit Ring.

Ordinary soul power enters the Crane Snake Spirit Ring. Nine times out of ten, it will still be corroded by the strange energy inside, so Lu Feng does not plan to put his soul power directly into it.


Lu Feng quickly made a handprint with both hands, condensing in front of him, and after a while, the word 'soul' initially appeared on him.

Immediately after, Lu Feng released the power of his own soul, which was also condensed in the void.


Lu Feng controlled the initial Xuanwen of the word 'soul' and quickly merged with his own soul power.


Soon, the two merged together and made a faint humming sound.

The energy of the initial Xuanwen of the word 'soul' formed a protective layer around the power of Lu Feng's soul.

This is Lu Feng's method.

The initial Xuanwen with the word 'soul' is the existence that can rank the top three among the eighty-one initial Xuanwen, especially it has a unique effect on the power of the soul.

The way to unblock the Crane Snake Spirit Ring is the power of the soul,

Lu Feng believed that with the power of his own soul and the blessing of the initial Xuanwen with the word 'soul', he would definitely be able to unblock it.

Soon, Lu Feng controlled his soul power into the Crane Snake Spirit Ring.


As soon as the power of the soul entered it, that strange energy struck.

Lu Feng felt it, but he did not control his soul power to evacuate, but let this energy fall on his soul power.

Soon, this energy had already landed on Lu Feng's soul power, and then there was a harsh 'zizi' sound.

However, it did not affect Lu Feng's soul power in the slightest, and was completely blocked by the protective layer formed by the initial Xuanwen of the word 'soul'.

Seeing this, Lu Feng breathed a sigh of relief. Without the threat of these strange energies, he controlled the power of his soul to continue to deepen.

He soon discovered that the Crane Snake Spirit Ring turned out to be like a small world.

Inside, although there is no breath of life, there are mountains, rocks, rivers, and civil engineering.

"It's like a secret realm. It's just..."

Lu Feng frowned slightly.

There are many secret realms on the Kyushu continent, but those secret realms are also all warriors who have understood the space rules to a certain extent, and use the space rules to connect them with the place they choose. After the connection is successful, they can enter the secret realm from the place of their choice. .

This is the secret realm controlled by various forces!

But in front of this crane and snake spirit ring, it turned out to be a secret realm!

In other words, someone placed a secret realm in this crane and snake spirit ring with super high strength.

With such strength, I am afraid that even the emperor cannot do it.

What kind of enemy did the crane snake encounter?

"Hehe, it's been a long time since no one came here."

At this moment, a voice full of loneliness suddenly came from the front.

"Crane snake?"

Lu Feng looked at the direction from which the voice came, and mobilized the power of his soul.

Soon, he arrived at the place and saw the speaker, or a demon!

Snake head, crane body!

Crane snake!

The crane and snake are very huge, covering tens of thousands of meters from the sky.

Standing in front of the crane and snake, Lu Feng might not be as big as a little ant.

It's just that now the crane snake is completely in the state of the soul, and the body is full of purple-black chains, and energy is constantly pouring out of it, imprisoning the soul of the crane snake.

"Human? Only twenty years old? The peak of the seventh heaven of the Holy Venerable?"

When Lu Feng appeared in front of Crane Snake, Crane Snake opened his mouth, and in one sentence he spoke clearly about Lu Feng's strength and age.

Lu Feng was not surprised by this. Before being sealed, Crane Snake was able to swallow the existence of Martial Dao Emperor, and it was not uncommon to see through his own realm.

He was also looking at the crane snake and found that the crane snake was miserable.

The purple-black chains inserted on the body not only imprison the soul of the crane snake, but also continuously absorb the power of the crane snake's soul, and then turn the absorbed part of the soul power into the energy of the purple-black chain, and continue to imprison the crane snake. .

In other words, the crane snake is equivalent to providing energy to the purple-black chain to imprison its own soul.

It is also fortunate that the Crane Snake is powerful, otherwise after so many years, the power of the soul may have been broken long ago.

The soul of the crane snake is still intact. I have to say that the strength is really strong. It is indeed the existence of the emperor who can swallow the martial arts in the ancient times, strong!

"Unexpectedly, the first person I see after many years will be a human genius."

Crane Snake looked at Lu Feng slowly and said with a smile: "The seventh-level peak warrior of the Holy Venerable who is less than 20 years old, such a talent, even in that era, is an absolute genius. The sect knows that they will desperately beg you to join their sect."

"But I don't think you have the traces of those ancient sects' exercises. Little brother, who is your master? Could it be the immortal old man from the ancient times? Maybe I still know it."

"I don't have a master." Lu Feng shook his head slowly and said, "My cultivation has always been my own."

"No master?" He Snake was surprised, stared at Lu Feng, and suddenly laughed, saying, "Okay, okay!"

"What a peerless genius!"

"Without the guidance of Master, being able to cultivate to the peak strength of the Seventh Heavenly Venerate in the weak crown year, such a talent can be called the first person in history."

"Little brother, you appeared here today and saw me. It is considered that you and I are destined. It just so happens that you don't have a master, so I will pass on this skill to you!"

"Oh? Are you going to pass on your skills to me?" Lu Feng looked at the crane snake in surprise.


The crane snake nodded and sighed softly: "I have been sealed here for too long, and I have no future. It is a waste to keep this strength, it is better to give it to you, it can be regarded as a successor."

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