The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1637 The determination of the dynasty!

No matter what He She said or some information obtained by Lu Feng before, the most direct use of the poisonous forest in Dazhou was to completely separate Kyushu.

As a result, the communication between Kyushu has become less and less, and it is only possible to communicate through the teleportation array.

It has also led to the fact that in Kyushu, the strong are getting stronger and the weak are getting weaker.

Just like Zhongzhou, which ranks first, and Xizhou, Yuzhou, Nanzhou, etc. at the end of the ranking.

After being separated, these states were far behind Zhongzhou, Wuzhou and Jianzhou in strength.

It is recorded in some classics that the real use of the Dazhou poison forest is to make the strength gap of Kyushu huge.

As for why, there is no record in the classics. Lu Feng does not know now, but he thinks that he may have the opportunity to know in the future.

But now, there is no need to delve into this.

He looked at Crane Snake and asked, "It is rumored that the Crane Snake Clan has a way to avoid the damage of the poisonous forest to ordinary troops, is it true?"

"That's true!"

"I want this method." Lu Feng stared at the crane and said.


Crane Snake said hesitantly, "Master, although this method exists, it must be done only if the Crane Snake itself appears in the poisonous forest."

"Because this method is to block the poisonous forest with the soul power of the crane and snake, forming a vacuum area, so that the warrior can pass."

"In this way, the warrior will not be harmed by the poisonous forest."

"So, I must appear in the poisonous forest, so that the power of the soul can block the damage of the poisonous forest, but in my current state, as long as I leave this secret realm, my soul will collapse and die immediately, and there is no way to appear. In the poisonous forest."

Lu Feng frowned, he did not expect such a restriction.

But soon his brows stretched out, looking at the crane and snake, and asked, "Are you sure it's enough to just use the power of your soul?"

"Yes." He Snake nodded, looked at Lu Feng strangely, and said, "Master, do you have a solution?"

Lu Feng just smiled slightly and did not answer.

There was an idea in his mind,

But whether it can be successful or not, we have to try it in the poison forest.

Soon, he came out of the crane and snake spirit ring, and after arranging the affairs in his hand, he immediately went to the military field where Zhang Liao's army was located.

The military field was the former land of the kingdoms. After Zhang Liao took over the entire territory of the kingdoms, it was surrounded by the Dazhou poisonous forest on three sides. The only side that was not the Dazhou poisonous forest was Fanghua County in the Nanyan Kingdom.

The geographical location is very, very perfect, so it was renamed the military field, where the soldiers of the Nanyan Kingdom are trained.

Lu Feng wanted to test whether the ideas in his mind could work, and the military field was undoubtedly the best choice.


"The Sect Master of Chunyang Sect, the commander of the Dragon Servant Imperial Army of Nanyan Kingdom, Zhongzheng, come to visit!"

In the territory of the Liyang Dynasty, after receiving the order of Lu Feng, Zhongzheng Sword Saint, Jian Jiu and Tong Yuan led a hundred dragon guards to the Chunyang Sect.

"Nanyan Kingdom is a rare visitor."

Soon, an old laughter came from within the Chunyang Sect.

A white-haired old man walked out with a large number of Pure Yang Sect disciples.

When the white-haired old man saw the Zhongzheng Sword Saint, he slightly cupped his hands and said, "The Supreme Elder of Chunyang Sect, I have seen the Zhongzheng Senior. It's just..."

Looking at the hundred murderous dragon guards behind Zhongzheng, he simply smiled and said, "I don't know why the Zhongzheng Swordsman brought people to my little Chunyang Sect?"

"Today, to kill."

Zhongzheng Sword Saint smiled slightly and said to Jian Yan, "I'll give you a stick of incense, and you say a few last words. Of course, it's useless. After all, the entire Pure Yang Sect will become nothingness today."

"But at the ceremony, after all, there must be some, so that others will not say that my kingdom of Nanyan is domineering."

"Hehe, murder came?"

In the face of Zhongzheng Juggernaut, Jian Yan was not afraid at all, on the contrary, he smiled slightly and said: "I am just a small semi-sacred mid-level peak warrior, compared to the Zhongzheng Juggernaut senior, your Holy Venerable Four Heavenly Peak Cultivator. For, far from being an opponent."

"Senior wants to kill me, I have no strength to fight back. Similarly, my entire Pure Yang Sect can't stop the sword of the predecessors, let alone behind the predecessors, there are Senior Jian Jiu, Senior Tong Yuan, and this first The Dragon Servant of the Southern Yan Kingdom who appeared in the eyes of everyone once."


After a short pause, Jian Yan stared at Zhongzheng Swordsman and said, "Now there may be people who will not allow you to destroy the Pure Yang Sect!"

"Oh? Who is it?" Zhongzheng Sword Saint laughed.

"Dynasty Shuangjue seniors, it's your turn to appear." Jian Yan chuckled lightly.

Soon, the momentum of the two peaks of the two saints emerged from the back mountain of Pure Yangzong.

In the next moment, two people dressed in dynasty warrior costumes appeared in front of Jian Yan, looked at Zhongzheng Juggernaut, and said lightly: "Lu Feng's lackey, go back and tell Lu Feng that the Pure Yang Sect is protected by our dynasty, and there is no my dynasty. Open your mouth, no one can kill them!"

The strength of the two people of Dynasty Shuangjue has improved a lot during this period of time. For a small realm, such an improvement is very gratifying for the warriors in the realm of ordinary saints.

Coupled with the dynasty behind them, they can be considered proud now.

"Senior Zhongzheng Sword Saint, now do you know why you can't kill my Chunyang Sect?" Jian Yan also looked at Zhongzheng Sword Saint with a smile.

There was some sarcasm and smugness in his eyes.

For Jian Yan, it is indeed something to be proud of for a warrior at the peak of the fourth level of the Holy Venerable to dare not kill himself, a small mid-level peak warrior.

"Dynasty wants to stop Nanyan?" Zhongzheng Sword Saint looked at Dynasty Shuangjue and asked aloud.

"That's right!" Ji Yangting smiled coldly and said: "Pure Yangzong has already joined my dynasty, and whoever dares to do something to the Pure Yangzong will not be able to get along with my dynasty!"

In fact, a small pure Yangzong, whether it is the dynasty or the Nanyan Kingdom, has not paid attention to it.

But for the dynasty, the Pure Yang Sect cannot be destroyed, because if the Pure Yang Sect is destroyed, it will give a fatal blow to the Liyang Dynasty Beiguan Camp, Dongguan Camp and Nanguan Camp.

Let them know that in the Liyang Dynasty, it is the Nanyan Kingdom, and if they want to survive, they can only rely on the Nanyan Kingdom.

It would not be good news for the dynasty if Lu Feng was able to take the entire territory of the Liyang Dynasty unharmed.

What they want is that the three-pass camp of the Liyang Dynasty realize that the Nanyan Kingdom is not invincible, and they must dare to confront the Nanyan Kingdom. Coupled with some secret help from them, they will consume a large amount of the Nanyan Kingdom's army strength.

In this way, it will be of great help to the dynasty in the future.

Therefore, the Pure Yang Sect cannot be destroyed, because this is the benchmark established by the dynasty in the territory of the Liyang dynasty.

Extinction, within the territory of the Liyang Dynasty, everything will cease!

"I have to say, your dynasty is really determined, you can say it like this, it's just..."

After a brief pause, Zhongzheng Sword Saint stared at Dynasty Shuangjue and said, "Since you have such determination, you can only send the two of you here, is that enough?"

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