The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1642 Pure Yangzong is destroyed, the dynasty is damaged

"Martial Arts!"

The angry Gale Warriors violently unfolded their martial arts, and a huge phantom dressed in turquoise-green warriors condensed in the air.

The cold eyes locked on the body of Juggernaut Zhongzheng.


The hurricane warrior held a long sword in his hand, mobilized the power of martial arts, slammed down, and directly attacked the Zhongzheng Juggernaut.

Zhongzheng Sword Saint saw this attack, his eyes became very dignified.

He could see that the attack this time was much stronger than the attack of Zhongzheng Juggernaut before, mainly because of the blessings of martial arts.

He knew very well that Gale Wind Warlord was gambling, betting that his Star Shifting Sword Art would not be able to transform any attacks, betting that his attack would exceed the transformation range of his Star Shifting Sword Art, and he would be powerless.

Therefore, the Gale Wind Warrior wanted to kill himself with an absolute attack.

"Martial Arts!"

The Zhongzheng Juggernaut, who understands the purpose of the Galewind Warlord, is also opening the martial arts law.

Bless your Star Shifting Sword Art with the power of Dharma to ensure more attacks!

Soon, behind him, a phantom of a long sword condensed.

"Star Shifting Sword Art!"

With a deep drink, the sword technique worked.


The attack of the Galewind Warlord came and landed on the sword of the Zhongzheng Swordsman.


Just as that terrifying force hit, Zhongzheng Juggernaut felt his heart tremble, a fishy smell appeared in his throat, and blood was already rushing up.

It's just that he didn't dare to spit it out!

Now is a critical moment, this blood spit out, the qi in my heart is vented, and then facing the terrifying attack of the Gale Warlord, there is no doubt that I will die!

He could only grit his teeth and hold back the blood.

At the same time, it runs the sword art frantically, mobilizes the energy of the star-moving sword art, and quickly transforms the attack from the gust of wind.

But he soon discovered that this time was completely different from before. He controlled the Star Shifting Sword Art to fall on the attack energy of the Galewind Warlord, but it was very difficult to operate.

Extremely slow!

But luckily it doesn't work.

Although the speed is slow now, according to the particularity of the Star Shifting Sword Art, as long as it can run, it will definitely be transformed.

"Sure enough!"

Seeing that his attack had not been beaten back by the Zhongzheng Sword Saint, the Galewind Warlord over there sneered in his heart and said, "I want to see what else you can do now..."


Before he finished speaking, the attack from Zhongzheng Sword Saint suddenly struck.

The Gale Wind Warlord never thought that the attack that he couldn't hit just now would suddenly come at this time. He was not prepared at all, and was directly hit in the chest by this attack.


The general hurricane vomited blood, and his body flew out.

The armor on his body also shattered with a 'click'.

"How... how is it possible?"

In the process of flying upside down, the general of the blast is still full of disbelief, he never imagined that this would be the case.

But he quickly reacted and roared: "Jiangsheng Zhongzheng, you give me the deity and wait, the deity will kill you in the future!"

After he finished speaking, he moved his right hand, displayed his handprint, sucked the blood he just sprayed, turned it into a secret method, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Stormtroopers have run away!

Cast the secret technique and run away!

The people watching this scene below, whether they were the disciples of Chunyang Sect or Tong Yuanjianjiu, never thought that the Galewind Warlord would run away at this time.

This is something they didn't expect at all!

Actually, it ran away?


The Zhongzheng Sword Saint in the sky spurted out a mouthful of blood, shaking his body for a while.


Jian Jiu's figure flashed, and he hurriedly supported the Zhongzheng Juggernaut.

"How are you?" Jian Jiu asked.

"Cough, cough, cough."

The corners of his mouth coughed up blood, and the Sword Saint Zhongzheng looked at the direction in which the galloping warrior was fleeing, and Nan Nan said, "It's a pity!"

"It's a pity that I didn't kill the Blast General, but that's not the point now, how do you feel about your injury?" Jian Jiu hurriedly asked.

Juggernaut Zhongzheng shook his head, his eyes still staring at the direction in which the hurricane warlord fled.

In fact, it is not a pity that he failed to kill the Galewind Warlord this time.

Because he knew very well that with his current strength, even with the Star Shifting Sword Art, he would not be able to kill a Saint Venerable fifth-layer peak martial artist like Gale Wind Warlord.

After all, not everyone is Lu Feng who can leapfrog battles.

The limit of what he can do is to remain undefeated under the attack of the Galewind Warlord, and it is already unexpected to be able to push the Gale Wind Warlord back now.

So, unfortunately he is not this.

Instead, the Galewind Warlord ran away and did not continue to attack himself.

Under the terrifying attack of the sarcastic war general, Zhongzheng Juggernaut resisted with difficulty, and finally was able to instantly transform his power and attack the wind war general.

It was because when he resisted, he clearly realized the Sword Emperor Sword Intent that he had previously realized. At that moment, he felt that his realm had relaxed, so he could suddenly attack at that time.

If the galloping general does not run, he insists on continuing to fight, and maybe he can take this opportunity to directly break through to the fifth heaven of the saint.

At that time, when the realm is improved, the strength is improved, and the understanding of the Star Shifting Sword Art will also be improved, and it is not impossible to kill the Galewind Warrior again.

It's just a pity...


The cowardly general of Gale Wind found that every time he attacked, he would be transformed into his own attack to counterattack him. He was so frightened that he ran away, leaving him helpless.

Now his strength doesn't care about supporting him to hunt down the Galewind Warlord.

Although Dingkongyin is a good thing, it is not omnipotent, and it is impossible to control a martial artist who is at the peak of the fifth heaven of the Holy Venerable.

More importantly, as the general of the blaster said, the Dingkong Seal is a treasure unique to Wuzhou Buddhism, and Zhongzheng Juggernaut obtained it by accident.

It is already very good to be able to mobilize. If you want to fully display it, it is impossible without Buddhist supernatural powers.

Otherwise, Zhongzheng Juggernaut will not give up the subsequent use of the Dingkong Seal.

To put it bluntly, the Dingkongyin thing, in the hands of Zhongzheng Juggernaut, can only be used to scare people, and it is impossible to really use it to attack.

On Jian Jiu's side, he was relieved when he saw the Juggernaut Zhongzheng shaking his head to indicate that he was fine, but soon he sighed again and said, "Zhongzheng, I didn't expect you to be able to compete with the warriors at the peak of the fifth heaven of the Holy Venerable now. After the contest, it seems that you got a lot of things in the Great Emperor Ruins."


The Sword Saint Zhongzheng smiled bitterly and said, "In the ruins of the Great Emperor, if I hadn't met His Majesty, I might already be a corpse by now."

"Huh? What's going on?" Jian Jiu was puzzled.

Although they are close friends, they don't ask much about what happened in the ruins. After all, everyone has things they don't want others to know.

The two of them, if you don't ask, the other won't say anything.

Zhongzheng Jiansheng did not hide it, and told Jian Jiu what happened in the Great Emperor Ruins. Of course, he did not say anything about Wu Jianshi.

It's not that he can't trust Jian Jiu, but that the Sword Enlightenment Stone is not his own, but Lu Feng rewarded him with a chance to comprehend it.

After comprehending the Star Shifting Sword Art and that wisp of sword intent, he returned it to Lu Feng.

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