The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1661 The most arrogant blood-clothed building

"Your Majesty, the attic in the secret territory of the Liyang Dynasty is filled with various substances. This minister has roughly estimated that it will allow the Nanyan Kingdom to continue fighting for at least 30 years!"

After getting rid of the younger generation of the Liyang Dynasty, Jia Xu counted the various substances hidden by Zhang Xiao.

The harvest is plentiful.

Lu Feng nodded and said, "Give important strategic materials to Xun Yu, he knows how to arrange them, and give some less valuable items to Gu Ziyi, and let her sell them through Yushang Commercial Bank in exchange for some food and grass. "


Jia Xu immediately went down and ordered.

For the next few days, Lu Feng stayed in Tonglu City, waiting for the news of the ancestor of the blood-clothed building from the Tian secret guard in the Xueyi Building.

Finally, on the fourth day, news came from Tianmiwei.

The patriarch of the Seventh Layer of Heavenly Venerate in the Bloody Clothes Building, after getting the news that Jin Zuoen was killed, accelerated his speed and finally returned to the Bloody Clothes Building.

Moreover, this time, he was not only a warrior at the peak of the Seventh Heavenly Venerate, but also brought back two warriors at the peak of the Fifth Heavenly Venerate from Zhongzhou.

The strength is very, very strong.

When Lu Feng got the news, he smacked his tongue for a while. The ancestor of the blood-clothed building is really not a good person. Besides himself, he even brought back two warriors from the peak of the fifth heaven of the Holy Venerable.

With such strength, at the level of martial arts masters, even the dynasty is no match for them.

I have to say that the power brought back by the ancestor of the Blood Clothes Building this time is very, very powerful.


Two days later, Lu Feng brought Jian Jiu and Jia Xu to the inn in Dan City.

They are here waiting for the arrival of the ancestor of the blood-clothed building.

"Your Majesty Tiansan, see your Majesty."

That night, in the inn where Lu Feng and Jia Xu were staying, a warrior from the peak of the Half-Saint came.

He appeared silently in Lu Feng's room.

Of course, this was also because Lu Feng didn't deliberately stop him, or he would really become a corpse as soon as he arrived.

Lu Feng looked at Tian San and said indifferently, "The Bloody Clothes Building has started?"

"Your Majesty's lesson!"

Tian San said respectfully, "Shen Xiaochuan, the ancestor of the seventh-level peak of the Holy Venerable Blood Clothes Building, will lead many experts from the Blood Clothes Building to Dan City in three days to discuss the Tao with everyone in Dan City."

"He sent me to inquire about the news first and prepare for their action."

"Okay." Lu Feng nodded and said, "Go and do what he entrusted to you. If you have any news, report it as soon as possible."


Tiansan's figure disappeared.

For the next two days, Lu Feng thought that the Blood Clothes Building was going to launch a surprise attack, and he was caught off guard by the attack on Dan City.

But it never occurred to me that on the second day, news suddenly came out from the blood-clothed building that the army would come to Pill City one day later to discuss the Tao with many alchemy masters in Pill City.

When this news came out, the entire Yuzhou was completely boiling.

The news that the three saints in the blood-clothed building were beheaded by Lu Feng in the ruins of the emperor had already spread in the martial arts world of Yuzhou. All the forces in Yuzhou thought that the next blood-clothed building would be hidden in the dark and would never interfere in Yuzhou. anything.

Then wait for the moment to come and plan for their future.

But it never occurred to me that the Bloody Clothes Building not only did not have any low-key, but also declared war on Dan City.

You must know that Dancheng is the only super alchemy force in Yuzhou. Maybe the strength of martial arts is not that strong, but in terms of influence, in a word, it may be greater than the influence of the dynasty on the martial arts world of Yuzhou.

Because all the famous and surnamed alchemists in Yuzhou came from Dancheng, everyone remembered the grace of Dancheng.

This time, Xueyilou's attack on Dancheng was like stabbing a hornet's nest.

However, quite a few people chose to watch a good show and came to Dan City, wanting to see how the Bloody Clothes Building had the courage to attack Dan City after it damaged the Three Saints.

"I didn't expect that the ancestor of Xueyilou, Shan Xiaochuan, was really arrogant, and he would choose to be blatant. This is to use Dancheng to gain power over Yuzhou!"

In the inn where Lu Feng was, Jia Xu stood behind Lu Feng and chuckled lightly.

"It seems that our ancestor of the blood-clothed building,

Ambition is big and big. "Lu Feng smiled lightly, and said, "Dancheng is just the beginning of his plan!" "

"No matter how big his ambitions are, in the end, he can only be a grasshopper in His Majesty's hands." Jia Xu laughed, "Now let him attract the attention of all the forces in Yuzhou, and let us Nanyan Kingdom do well. Rest and recuperate, waiting for a blockbuster opportunity.”

Lu Feng nodded, this was the purpose of the Nanyan Kingdom.

In the power structure of Yuzhou, the first force to stand up must be the most powerful force, but it must not be the last laughing force.

The Kingdom of Nanyan will not be the first force to stand up and disrupt the situation.

What Lu Feng wanted to do was the force that had the last laugh.

"Have you found the secret realm of the Shining tribe?" Lu Feng asked.

"According to the information Tiansan gave us, we have found the secret realm of the Shining clan, and Tiansan also provided a way to enter the secret realm." Jia Xu replied.

"it is good!"

Lu Feng nodded and said, "Give Tong Yuan an order to prepare the Dragon Servant Imperial Army."


"Next, we are waiting for tomorrow's good show." After arranging everything, Lu Feng murmured in a low voice.


Dan City has a tall attic, very, very high, that penetrates into the clouds.

The highest part of the attic is the council hall where the Dan City Lord and the elders are located.

Today, all the saints in Dan City are gathered in the council hall.

There are a total of seven saints, but the most powerful is only the city lord of Dan City, the first stage of the fourth heaven of the saints.

The rest of the people, most of them are Saint Venerable First Layer Heaven, Second Layer Heaven, there are only two warriors of Saint Venerable Third Layer Heaven.

It is said that such strength is not bad, but because alchemists are not very proficient in combat, their combat effectiveness may be lower than that of warriors of the same realm.

"City Lord, what's the plan of this blood-clothed building?" Pill City's Great Elder, who is also one of Pill City's only two Saint Venerable third-level Heavenly Warriors, looked extremely ugly, and said, "Our Pill City has never participated in the battle of Yuzhou forces, we They have always focused on alchemy, why do they want to find us?"

"Even in order not to cause other forces in Yuzhou to misunderstand our Dan City, we have given up our right to participate in the Great Emperor Ruins this time. Why does the Blood Clothes Building still take action against our Dan City?" accurate.


Dan Longyan, the city lord of Dan City, sighed and said, "I had expected this for a long time. At first, I thought that it would be the elixir that the dynasty coveted for our Dan City, and they would take action against us."

"But I didn't expect that now it's the bloody building!"

"City lord, what should we do now?" The elder looked at Dan Longyan and said, "The Blood Clothes Building is coming, I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with."

"What can I do?"

A decisive look flashed in Dan Longyan's eyes, and he said, "He made a move against Dan City, and it is naturally impossible for my Dan City to avoid and not fight."

"The three saints in the blood-clothed building were killed, and I don't believe how many masters he has!"


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