The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1664 From now on, there will be no Dan city in Yuzhou


The two warriors behind Shan Xiaochuan took a step forward and let go of the breath in their bodies.


The terrifying breath slammed into the void, causing the entire space to tremble slightly.

Those who felt the breath of these two people, the Holy Venerable of Pill City, changed their expressions greatly, and said in shock: "Holy... Holy Venerable Fifth Heaven?"

The Holy Venerable present was not a stupid person, and his complexion instantly became ugly.

These two are both warriors of the fifth heaven of the Holy Venerable, so what kind of warrior is Shan Xiaochuan?

You know, these two are listening to Shan Xiaochuan's orders!

Dan Longyan's face became even more gloomy and ugly, and there was some fear in the depths of his eyes.

He didn't expect that the Bloody Clothes Building came out this time, it turned out to be two warriors from the fifth heaven of the Holy Venerable.

You must know that there are not many warriors in this realm in the entire Yuzhou.

Not to mention, what realm should he be in Shan Xiaochuan, who ordered these two holy venerable fifth-level heavenly warriors?

But no matter what the realm is, what is certain is that it is definitely beyond the realm of the fifth heaven of the saint.

"Do you still think you are not ants now?"

The two Saint Venerable fifth-level Heavenly Martial Artists who stood up looked at the thirty Saint Venerable standing out from Dan City and smiled coldly.

When those warriors heard it, their faces were all ashamed.

They think they are not ants, but people use their own strength to prove that they are indeed ants.

The strength of the Saint Venerable Fifth Layer Heaven is not comparable to them.

"Give you a chance to live, leave here obediently now, this deity will not kill you."

Shan Xiaochuan looked at these people with a smile.

Hearing this, the face of the Holy Venerable present changed slightly, and his expression was complicated.

Soon, a holy venerable looked at Dan Longyan and said, "What, City Lord Dan, I have something to do at home, I'll go first, and we'll have the opportunity to contact you in the future."

After that, this saint ran faster than a rabbit.

If someone takes the lead, more saints will leave here.

There are various reasons for leaving, such as the mother having children, the father getting married, etc. There are all kinds of strange reasons.

Anyway, for them, the reason is not the point, the point is to find an excuse to run away.

The twenty-odd saints who came overnight to help out, in less than three minutes, only the two saints and fourth-level warriors were left, and the rest ran away.

Dan Longyan looked at this scene, his face was blue and white.

But fortunately, it is fortunate that there are these two warriors from the fourth level of the Holy Venerable here, with them there, plus some secret methods of Dan City, maybe there is still a chance.

"Haha, Brother Shan, this is embarrassing today. We are here just to find Dancheng for something. I didn't expect that the Xueyi Building would also find them for something."

"In this case, we won't bother, let's go first."

When Dan Longyan secretly celebrated in his heart, the two warriors of the fourth level of the Holy Venerable threw their hands at Shan Xiaochuan and ran away in a blink of an eye.


Seeing this scene, the seven saints in Dan City were completely stunned.

Twenty-three saints who came to help out, ran away in the blink of an eye? this going well?

"City Lord, I... what should we do now?" The elder looked at Dan Longyan with a panicked expression.

"How to do?"

Dan Longyan's face is full of bitterness, what can I do now?

They thought they could survive this calamity with the twenty-three saints who helped them out, but they didn't expect that after seeing the two saints in the Blood Clothes Building, the five-layered heavenly warriors, the twenty-three saints ran away. faster than anyone else.

In fact, Dan Longyan can also understand their choice.

After all, their strongest are only the fourth-level warriors of the Holy Venerable, but there are two warriors of the fifth-level holy heaven standing up from the Xueyilou, which is not something they can deal with.

It's just that it makes him uncomfortable. Without them, what else can they do with the seven saints in the blood-clothed building?

"I really didn't expect that the twenty-three Holy Venerables ran so fast."

Jia Xu in the crowd looked surprised.

"In the world of martial arts, strength speaks after all.

Lu Feng smiled lightly and said: "That group of people are not the warriors of Dan City, but the warriors who came to help out. They can deal with people of similar strength. Let them deal with the warriors of the fifth heaven of the Holy Venerable, that is think too much. "

"It is also expected to escape now. Next, let's see how long it will take for the Blood Clothes Building to take control of Dan City."

"City Master Dan, do you still have any cards?" Shan Xiaochuan, who was standing in the air, looked at Dan Longyan with a smile and said, "If you don't take it out now, I'm afraid you won't have the chance to take it out again. ."

Dan Longyan stared at Shan Xiaochuan, and said solemnly, "Is this true of the thousands of years of my Dan City?"



Dan Longyan crushed a token in his hand, and the terrifying formation fluctuations instantly spread throughout the entire Dan City.

But it didn't take long for the formation's fluctuations to quickly converge, completely wrapping the Pill Pavilion in it, forming a huge protective cover with the formation streamer flashing on it, making people know at a glance that this is a very powerful defensive formation.

"You actually reduced the defense formation to the protection formation of Pill Pavilion, Dan City Lord, you are about to give up the entire Pill City except Pill Pavilion!" Shan Xiaochuan laughed.

Dan Longyan did not speak.

That's what he did!

Because he knew very well that when faced with two warriors in the realm of the 5th Heavenly Venerate, and a Shan Xiaochuan who was stronger than the 5th Heavenly Warrior of the Saint Venerable, the hard resistance could only be courting death.

Now I can only rely on the formation to make my Pill Pavilion persist.


But at this moment, Shan Xiaochuan suddenly shot, and the terrifying aura spread in the void.

"What? Holy Venerable Seventh Layer?"

Feeling this breath, Dan Longyan instantly turned pale as paper.

Unexpectedly, Shan Xiaochuan turned out to be a warrior of the Seventh Heavenly Venerate!

In the blood-clothed building, there are even warriors from the seventh heaven of the Holy Venerable!


Shan Xiaochuan mobilized his true qi and punched the Pill Pavilion protection formation with a punch.

The formation trembled for a moment, shaky.

"City Lord, what should I do?" The elder looked at Dan Longyan in panic.

Dan Longyan smiled bitterly, what should I do? How does he know what to do now?

The protective formation of the Pill Pavilion can stop the attack of the Martial Artist of the Sixth Heavenly Peak, but no one knows how long it will be able to block the warriors of the Seventh Heavenly Venerate.

"It seems that your formation is still a bit powerful, and it can block the first wave of attacks from the deity, but unfortunately, it is only the first wave of attacks."

When the voice fell, Shan Xiaochuan shot again and punched the protection formation.


The protection array quickly shattered.

The final 'bang' sound completely dissipated between heaven and earth.

"Is this your trump card? City Lord Dan."

Shan Xiaochuan stared at Dan Longyan and said with a smile: "If this is your trump card, from now on, there will be no Dan city in Yuzhou, and there will be a blood-clothed building's Dan department!"

"If you still have any cards, take them out quickly, the deity will be broken one by one!"

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