The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1670 Sword Demon, Dugu seeks defeat!

The most important thing is that all of this is done in secret. The forces like the Dynasty and the Cangchu Dynasty just thought it was the action of the Bloody Clothes Building, and they never thought of Lu Feng, the emperor of the Nanyan Kingdom.

At the critical moment, his side suddenly reveals his identity, which will surely surprise those forces.

Shan Xiaochuan, who understood this, had no choice but to sigh inwardly. No wonder Lu Feng made Yuzhou and these forces so fearful. It turned out that this person was really dangerous.

Lu Feng didn't say anything more, and he and Shan Xiaochuan returned to the treasure house of Dan City again.

Without being polite, Lu Feng took away all the holy-level medicinal pills in the treasury, and gave a few medicinal pills consumed by the army to Shan Xiaochuan, and asked him to give it to the alchemist in Dancheng to refine.

After doing this, Lu Feng returned to the Dancheng Inn.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty."

When Lu Feng returned to the inn, Jia Xu greeted him. He knew that if Lu Feng was back now, the plan must have been successful.

Shan Xiaochuan has been controlled.

"Haha, Wen He's plan is very good, now Dan City and Xueyi Building are in our hands, but..."

Looking at Jia Xu, Lu Feng pondered slightly and told him about the Tianxu Sect.

"This... Zhongzhou forces have ideas about Yuzhou?" Jia Xu was stunned.

Lu Feng nodded and said, "What advice do you have?"

Jia Xu reacted and fell silent.

After a short while, he opened his mouth and said: "Your Majesty, since Shan Xiaochuan, the outer deacon of Tianxu Sect, doesn't know what the plan of Tianxu Zong is, then I think that we don't need to focus on this aspect now, let alone this. More should be placed on forces like Yuzhou."

Lu Feng nodded and said: "I also think the same way, things in Zhongzhou are too far away from us now, there is no need to focus too much on it, but there is one thing, since Zhongzhou has such an idea, we also Had to guard."

"You go down and arrange for some powerful spies to enter Zhongzhou, and don't ask them to find out any key information, but the power branch must get information. After all, we can't wait for Zhongzhou to really attack Yuzhou in the future. What else should we do to them? don't understand."

"Yes!" Jia Xu replied.

"Go down and make arrangements."

Jia Xu bowed slightly, turned and left without saying a word.

After Jia Xu left, Lu Feng looked at his thoughts.

Although it is said that there is no need to put more attention on Zhongzhou, but now there are masters in Zhongzhou, and the purpose of Nanyan Kingdom is Yuzhou, so it has to make some defenses.

But fortunately, the meaning of Shan Xiaochuan's words is that Zhongzhou's super strength checks and balances each other.

And Tianxu Sect also gave him more than two hundred years.

Two hundred years have been enough time for a lot of things to happen, maybe his strength has improved to the point where he no longer has to worry about Zhongzhou.

Shaking his head slightly, he temporarily put the matter aside. Lu Feng sat cross-legged on the ground and said, "System, open the mission treasure box obtained after taking control of the Blood Clothes Building."

"Ding, opening the hidden quest treasure chest requires a summoning opportunity, is the host sure to open it?"

"Summoning Opportunity?"

Lu Feng was stunned, does he still have a chance to summon him now?

Wait, it seems like there really is!

Lu Feng recalled that he completed the task of not letting the people of the dynasty leave alive in the Great Emperor Ruins, and got several summoning opportunities.

But because there was no time to summon at that time, and the main quest was completed later, I got a lot of summoning opportunities, and those few summoning opportunities were still unused.

"System, how many times do I still have the chance to summon?" Lu Feng asked.

"Ding, the host currently has three ordinary summoning opportunities, one arcane summoning opportunity, and one advanced martial skill summoning opportunity."

"it is good!"

There was a smile on Lu Feng's face. Fortunately, he forgot to use these summoning opportunities to open the summons, otherwise he would not be able to open the treasure chest that he obtained from the hidden quest.

"System, immediately use an ordinary summoning opportunity to open the hidden mission treasure chest of the Blood Clothes Building.


"Ding, the treasure chest is opening."

"Ding, the treasure chest was successfully opened, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Jin Yong Martial Arts World Opening Card and a chance to summon the Jin Yong Martial Arts World Powerhouse."

"Hey, this is not bad!"

Hearing the system prompt, Lu Feng's eyes suddenly lit up.

In the martial arts novels of the previous life, Jin Yong and Gu Long are definitely side by side.

The world described by these two people is truly a feast for the ages.

Before I opened the world of Gulong martial arts, today I opened the world of Jin Yong martial arts.

In this way, he also has the opportunity to summon those familiar heroes from the previous life and become his subordinates.

Not bad!

In this regard, Lu Feng is still very satisfied.

Not to mention, this time the treasure chest opened not only the world opening card, but also a chance to summon the strong.

"I just don't know who this powerful summoning opportunity can summon."

"System, open the opportunity to summon the strong."

Lu Feng started the call without hesitation.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully summoning, obtaining the sword demon, and defeating Dugu!"

"Sword Demon, Dugu seeks defeat?"

When Lu Feng heard this, he was stunned.

He never thought that this time, he would be summoned directly.

In the world of Jin Yong's martial arts, Sword Demon Dugu Qiuqiu can definitely rank in the top three among all masters.

Although, in Mr. Jin Lao's novel, the sword demon never really appeared.

But through many side descriptions, it is enough to prove the strength of the sword demon.

In the world of The Legend of Condor Heroes, Yang Guo received a little inheritance from the Sword Demon, comprehended the unique skills, and became a peerless powerhouse that was as famous as the Eastern Evils and the Western Poisons, the Southern Emperor and the Northern Beggar.

In Xiaoao Jianghu, the protagonist Linghu Chong, through a little inheritance of Sword Demon, also became a peerless powerhouse at that time.

These two people, one thing is certain, is definitely not as powerful as the sword demon itself.

They just got some inheritance from Dugu Qiufeng.

And just a few inheritances are enough to make them the peerless powerhouses in the world. How powerful should the sword demon itself be?

Lu Feng really did not expect that he would be able to summon the Sword Demon this time.

"System, show me the Sword Demon information."

Soon, the message of Dugu seeking defeat appeared in Lu Feng's eyes.

Dugu seeks defeat: Jin Yong's writing is a super master, and his deeds have appeared in the novels of His Majesty Jin Yong many times, and his reputation is far away.

Race: Human

Realm: The peak of the eighth heaven of the emperor (now the peak of the sixth heaven of the saint)

Martial Arts: Dugu Nine Swords

Loyalty: 90

Identity setting: Sword Demon Dugu Qiuqiu was defeated as a Sword Saint of Jianzhou.

"The teacher's order?"

Lu Feng frowned when he saw these four words.

Because he remembered that when he summoned Ximen Chuixue before, there was also this in the identity setting.

But who is this teacher?

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