When Lu Feng gave the list to Zhangsun Wuji, Zhangsun Wuji was slightly taken aback and said, "Your Majesty, the list you gave, except for Xiao He and Zhou Yafu, the rest..."

After a short pause, the eldest grandson Wuji said, "Deng Yu is okay, he was also selected from the outer court, his grades are good, and his strength is not bad now, but Bai Qi..."

Looking at Lu Feng, the eldest grandson Wuji continued, "Bai Qi was recommended by General Gao Shun to enter the inner courtyard. He has been studying in the inner courtyard for less than a year. Your Majesty, are you sure you want him too?"

According to Lu Feng's regulations, in the various armies of the Nanyan Kingdom, each chief general has a quota, which can be used to recommend his own talents to enter the inner courtyard.

There are no restrictions on this.

This is how Bai Qi entered the inner courtyard. His strength is good, but he has only been in for less than a year, which makes Changsun Wuji have some scruples.

After all, in one year, it is not realistic to want to learn too much.

Lu Feng smiled slightly and said, "Trust my vision."

Others don't know Bai Qi, can he not know?

This is the most powerful general he has summoned so far. There is no doubt about his ability!

Not to doubt!

Zhangsun Wuji wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, he didn't say it, because he really believed in Lu Feng's vision.

The reason why the Nanyan Kingdom is so powerful today is because of Lu Feng's vision.

There is not a single person he values ​​that disappoints.

Under such circumstances, even if the eldest grandson Wuji was very rational, he still unconditionally believed in Lu Feng's vision.

This also made him even more curious about what kind of abilities the student named Bai Qi had.


Xianneng Hall, a very special hall in Kingdom College.

There is nothing to teach students here, but only students who pass this can graduate from Kingdom College.

In the past, students who wanted to graduate would usually see Xun Yu Jia Xu or Gao Shun Yue Fei when they entered here, but today, Lu Feng was already waiting here.

Soon, Changsun Wuji walked in with four people.

Two twenty-three or four-year-olds, one twenty-seven-eight-year-old, and one more specially dressed young man looked twenty-year-old.

Said he was special because he had some battlefield breath on him, obviously he had been on the battlefield and killed people.

This is not found in the other three.

White up!

When Lu Feng saw this man, he instantly guessed his identity.

After all, among the four, except for Bai Qi, the other three had never been on the battlefield.

"The student has seen His Majesty."

"Long live my emperor, long live."

When the four of them saw Lu Feng, they all knelt down and bowed to the ground.

The eyes they looked at Lu Feng were more or less hot and adoring.

The name of Lu Feng has long been like a myth in the Kingdom Academy of Nanyan Kingdom.

The new emperor ascended the throne. In just a few months, he cleaned up the country, wiped out the enemy country, excavated a large number of good officials and generals, and turned what was originally a small kingdom in the southwest of Yuzhou into a terrifying existence that dared to challenge the dynasty.

Such an emperor is naturally the most worthy of their worship and follow.

In fact, when they knew that it was His Majesty Lu Feng, the Emperor of Nanyan Kingdom, who had asked them to come to the Hall of Xianneng, they had some guesses in their hearts.

After all, these people are all smart people and probably understand what it means.

"Flat body."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The four stood up and respectfully stood there.

Lu Feng didn't speak, just looked at the four with a smile on his face, but he was quite sighed in his heart. In his previous life, he never dreamed that he would have the opportunity to stand with these civil servants and military generals in Chinese history. .

He would never have imagined that these people would one day become his subordinates, work for him, and conquer the world for him.

Life is the most inaccurate thing.

And the most elusive.

Likewise, he did not expect,

I actually came to such a world, and I never thought that I would get a system that I never thought about in my previous life.

This is life.

Lu Feng didn't want to find out about this fate, what he wanted to do was to cherish everything he had now.


Taking a deep breath, Lu Feng looked at the four of them, smiled slightly, and said, "The four of you, I know; your abilities, I know even more. You are also smart people, and I understand the purpose of me looking for you to come to Xianneng Hall today. what is."

"But you also understand that no matter who it is, as long as it goes out from this Hall of Virtues, it must be an important minister of the kingdom, so let me see you and see if you can get out of the Hall of Virtues."

Bai Qi, Xiao He, Zhou Yafu, Deng Yu.

In fact, Lu Feng understood that the four of them didn't need to think about it.

But Lu Feng knew that he knew that the procedures had to be followed.

He is the emperor of the Nanyan Kingdom, and he should lead by example in some things.

"Students will not disappoint His Majesty." Xiao He said respectfully.

After Xiao He finished speaking, Zhou Yafu, Bai Qi and Deng Yu also said, "Students will not disappoint Your Majesty."

It can also be seen that in terms of political wisdom, there is no doubt that Xiao He is the top of the four.

This is also normal. In the normal history of China, Xiao He is also the only one of the three heroes of the early Han Dynasty to have a good death.

The fate of Bai Qi and Zhou Yafu was really worse than the other.

This is political wisdom.

Thinking about it, Xiao He is a great talent in internal affairs. If he doesn't have some political wisdom, he can't survive under Liu Bang's Empress Lu.

"I only have one question, the four of you will answer."

Lu Feng looked at the four and said, "What should Nan Yan do now?"

This question of Lu Feng is very, very broad, and there is no fixed answer.

All they want is for the four of them to express their opinions.

This can also be regarded as giving Lu Feng more ideas, so that he can decide on the follow-up plan.

After successfully summoning Bai Qi, Lu Feng had no intention of continuing to devour Yuzhou step by step.

With such a general at hand, it would be a waste of Yuzhou to nibble away step by step.

He has to make good use of Bai Qi and Yue Fei, give full play to their talents, and let them conquer the entire Yuzhou for him!

So now he wants to see what each of them has to say.

It also let Lu Feng decide what kind of position to give them.

Especially Xiao He and Bai Qi.

One of these two people is the top five internal affairs talents in history, and the other is qualified to compete for the first, or the first Chinese military general.

Lu Feng valued the views of the two of them.

Especially Bai Qi, he especially wanted to know what this historical figure, the god of war, the invincible Wu Anjun, would think of the current situation in Yuzhou.

However, he did not intend to let Bai Qi be the first to speak.

He looked at Xiao He and said, "Xiao He, you are the first to answer."


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