The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1679 The role of Bai Qi

"Your Majesty, do you have other plans?" Bai Qi looked at Lu Feng and asked.

"Allies are unreliable, but my own people are very reliable."

Lu Feng smiled slightly and said, "In Yuzhou, secretly controlling another force, all the unknown forces, what do you think at the critical moment?"


Bai Qi was stunned for a while, but quickly said: "If this force can have sufficient troops, then when all forces in Yuzhou attack the Kingdom of Nanyan, this force will directly change the entire pattern of Yuzhou. !"

"Extremely true."

Lu Feng nodded, looked at Bai Qi, and asked, "What do you think of Dancheng and Xueyilou?"

"Dan City and Bloody Clothes Building?"

This time, Bai Qi was even more stunned.

But he quickly reacted, looked at Lu Feng, and asked cautiously, "Your Majesty, is it possible that you have already controlled Dan City and the Bloody Clothes Building?"

"Exactly." Lu Feng nodded.

For a moment, Bai Qi didn't know what to say.

Your Majesty... actually took control of Pill City and the Blood Clothes Building?

Isn't that the news that the blood-clothed building has just come back, saying that there is the return of the ancestor of the seventh-level peak of the saint, has Dan City already been controlled by the blood-clothed building? Why has it suddenly become His Majesty's control now?

Could it be that His Majesty is the ancestor of the Blood Clothes Building?

Of course, this is what Bai Qi thought about it. He naturally understood that Lu Feng was definitely not the ancestor of the Blood Clothes Building.

But now that His Majesty said that he has control over Dan City and the Bloody Clothes Building, there is only one possibility...

Bai Qi looked at Lu Feng and asked, "Your Majesty, you... did you control the ancestor of the Blood Clothes Building?"

"Smart." Lu Feng looked at Bai and smiled.

This time, Bai Qi really looked at Lu Feng with admiration.

As a general, and a very powerful general.

Of course he understood,

What does it mean that Lu Feng controls Dan City and the Blood Clothes Building.

Joining the Dynasty really formed an alliance in Yuzhou and wanted to deal with the Nanyan Kingdom, then Dancheng and Xueyilou would deal a fatal blow to the Dynasty in the rear.

If the dynasty did not form an alliance, Dancheng and Xueyilou could completely attack the Lieqi dynasty and the Dongxia dynasty.

When these two dynasties are in control, this side will become very powerful. At that time, it will be able to attack the dynasties on both sides with the Nanyan Kingdom, one in the east and the other in the west.

By then, the dynasty will die!

There is no other way to go!

This move is very important for the Nanyan Kingdom!


Bai Qi kneeled on the ground and said loudly, "Your Majesty Shengming, students are not as good!"

"It's not good to be arrogant."

Lu Feng smiled, looked at Bai Qi, and said, "If I ask you to go to Dan City, do you have the confidence to train a team of elite soldiers for me to win a piece of Nanyan border in the eastern part of Yuzhou?"

"Students have full confidence!" Bai Qi said loudly.

"it is good!"

Lu Feng was very satisfied with Bai Qi's reply. Such Bai Qi was the Great Qin Wu'an he wanted.

In the same way, it is also the most suitable person for the person he wants to entrust!

On the Dan City side, since Lu Feng took control of the Blood Clothes Building, he already had the idea of ​​forming an army in Dan City.

But there is a very big problem in forming an army in Dan City. Who will lead the army?

In the Nanyan Kingdom, there are many generals who can be dispatched to Dan City to lead troops, such as Wei Qing, Zhang Liao, Zhao Yun and so on.

But the key point is that these people and the forces in Yuzhou have their information, and asking them to lead the troops is completely telling those people in Yuzhou that Dancheng is the force of the Nanyan Kingdom, and the bloody building is also the force of the Nanyan Kingdom, you hurry up to fight.

The sooner the better.

It is guaranteed that in less than a month, Dancheng and Xueyilou will be destroyed by the three forces of the Dynasty, the Lieqi Dynasty and the Dongxia Dynasty.

Even if there is Shan Xiaochuan, a warrior at the peak of the seventh heaven of the Holy Venerable, it is still impossible to keep it.

Because of the dynasty!

Don't look at the decline of the dynasty now, but don't underestimate the heritage of the dynasty.

If the dynasty wants to go all out, killing a warrior at the peak of the Seventh Heavenly Venerate is not a problem.

Because their army, their generals, and their army formations can pose a deadly threat to this level of generals.

And once the dynasty knew that Dancheng and Xueyilou in the eastern part of Yuzhou were forces that Lu Feng secretly controlled, they would definitely work hard.

Because this has touched the bottom line of the Nanyan Kingdom.

They knew very well that once the Nanyan Kingdom was encircled from east to west, it would be a disaster for the dynasty.

Therefore, in order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to arrange a general who is unknown to all forces in Yuzhou to command the army formed by Dancheng.

This person not only requires 100% loyalty to the kingdom, but also has enough ability to deal with the Lieqi Dynasty and the Eastern Xia Dynasty.

White up!

This is the most suitable candidate Lu Feng can find.

The absolute top three commanders in Chinese history, after being summoned to this Kyushu continent by himself, the military commander's ability is still there, and the martial arts strength is also exceptionally powerful.

Also loyal to himself.

Let him lead the army formed in Dan City, and you don't have to think about it. With his ability, it is definitely not difficult to break the Liqi Dynasty and the Eastern Xia Dynasty.

Once Bai Qi succeeds in laying down a party in the eastern part of Yuzhou, then when the Kingdom of Nanyan wants to swallow the entire Yuzhou in one bite, the army led by Bai Qi will be able to encircle the Kingdom of Nanyan from east to west, and it can be guaranteed to be destroyed in the shortest time. Dynasty or other forces in Yuzhou.

"When you arrive at Dan City, I will order Dan City and Xueyi Building to provide you with everything you need. You only have one mission, to form an army that can defeat the Lieqi Dynasty and the Dongxia Dynasty in the shortest possible time. !" Lu Feng said, staring at Bai Qi.

"The last general takes orders!" Bai Qi said solemnly.

He no longer calls himself a student, because he knows that from the moment Lu Feng said this, he has been a general.

"Okay!" Lu Feng nodded and said, "Go down and prepare yourself, and set off for Pill City in a month."

According to the system settings, after Lu Feng recruits Bai Qi as a general, his strength will be increased to the peak of the Seventh Heavenly Venerate within a month.

Although Shan Xiaochuan, the ancestor of the Bloody Clothes Building, was under his control, Lu Feng knew very well that it was impossible for others to know this news.

Therefore, Bai Qi went to the past and wanted to form an army, and it would be in the name of Shan Xiaochuan on the bright side, but after all, it was Dan City, and it would always be a little troublesome.

If Bai Qi's own strength is not enough, he will not be able to suppress those who make trouble.

After a month, Bai Qi's strength will increase to the peak of the seventh-layered heaven of the Holy Venerable. At that time, Bai Qi will be able to suppress those people and form a perfect army in Dan City just as Lu Feng thought. Come to prepare for the Yuzhou War in the future of the Nanyan Kingdom.

Although Bai Qi didn't know why Lu Feng asked him to do it after a month, he believed that Lu Feng didn't ask any further questions, and he quickly took the lead.

"Your Majesty, there is someone outside the palace who claims to be a person from Wangqing Daomen asking to see you!"

Just as Bai Qi went down, Shuan Shui appeared in the Hall of Merit.

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