The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1702 Cangchu Emperor Dies

"Yang Chenling, I really didn't expect that your Oufeng firm would dare to send you to see me, aren't you afraid that you won't be able to get out of this palace today?"

In the imperial study room of the dynasty, Chu Yanzhe, the emperor of Cangchu, looked at Yang Chenling coldly.

Yang Chenling looked puzzled, looked at Chu Yanzhe, and asked, "What do you mean by this, Your Majesty?"

"How dare you ask me what I mean?" Chu Yanzhe said with a sneer, "Is it true that I don't even know what your Oufeng firm did in the Palace of Assumption of the Nanyan Dynasty?"


Yang Chenling laughed when he heard it.

"What are you laughing at?" Chu Yanzhe's face became even gloomier, and he said, "Do you really think that you can ignore the royal family of the Cangchu Dynasty if you are a warrior of the fourth level of the Holy Reverence? Do you think that everyone in the royal family of the Cangchu Dynasty can't be successful?"

"I thought Your Majesty was talking about something important, but it turned out to be just a matter of the Palace." Yang Chenling shook his head and said with a smile, "Could it be that Your Majesty is really going to surrender to the Nanyan Dynasty because of Oufeng Commercial Bank?"

"The facts are in front of you, do you still want to argue?" Chu Yanzhe said coldly.

"Your Majesty, I have been cooperating with the Cangchu Dynasty for more than five hundred years, and after five hundred years of close cooperation, do you think my Oufeng Business will give up the cooperation with the Cangchu Dynasty and choose a Nanyan Dynasty to carry out the cooperation. Cooperation?" Yang Chenling asked rhetorically.


Chu Yanzhe paused.

Indeed, the Oufeng Firm and the Cangchu Dynasty have been cooperating for more than five hundred years, and the two sides are often married and have a very close relationship. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer:

Under such circumstances, it is indeed unlikely that Oufeng Firm would give up its cooperation with the Cangchu Dynasty and then choose to cooperate with the Nanyan Dynasty.

But soon he snorted coldly: "Then what do you mean by handing over the Sacred Crossbow and the city defense blueprint from Oufeng Trading Company? Could it be possible that these can be fake?"

"Naturally, it is impossible for these two to be fake." Yang Chenling shook his head slightly and said, "In the circumstances at the time, if Yang Chenming didn't hand over anything, he would definitely be damaged in the Palace of Assumption. There are many masters, and a warrior of the fourth level of the Holy Venerable has already made us cherish very, very much."

"For the sake of Yang Chenming's life, these can be handed over."

"The Sacred Crossbow is the big killer of the Cangchu Dynasty, and the city defense blueprint is also the defense treasure of the Cangchu Dynasty. If you hand over these two things, it is equivalent to handing over the Cangchu Dynasty's greatest means of attack and defense. Are you still embarrassed to come to me and tell me this?" Chu Yanzhe said angrily.

"The Sacred Crossbow is good, but it's not bad after all." Yang Chenling smiled slightly and said, "It has been hundreds of years since Oufeng Firm researched the Sacred Crossbow. During these hundreds of years, we have not made any progress at all. No."

"Right now, in Oufeng Business, we have once again developed a powerful bow and crossbow, which is far more powerful than the Holy Crossbow. I am here to invite Your Majesty to follow me to watch the power of this bow and crossbow. ."

With a move of his hand, an invitation card appeared in his hand, Yang Chenling handed it to Chu Yanzhe, and said with a smile: "After this new type of bow and crossbow is born, the days of destroying the holy crossbow will be gone forever. The new bow and crossbow will surely dominate Yuzhou!"

"New bow and crossbow?"

Chu Yanzhe was stunned for a moment, and said, "When did it happen, why has there never been any news?"

"These are top secrets in Oufeng Commercial Bank. Except for a limited number of high-level people who know about it, the rest don't know it." Yang Chenling smiled slightly and said, "Your Majesty will know the power of this new type of crossbow when you see it. Horrible.



Chu Yanzhe looked at the invitation card in his hand and said, "The place you write on the invitation card is Oufeng City where your Oufeng business is located. Why can't you bring the new bow and crossbow to Cangchu City to experiment?"

"The new type of bow and crossbow is an absolute secret. It's not impossible to get it from the Cangchu Dynasty, but if it is detected in the middle, it will be exposed. At that time, it will not be a good thing for the Cangchu Dynasty or the Oufeng Trading Company. So we decided to put the test site in Oufeng Commercial Bank." Yang Chenling said. starter

Chu Yanzhe pondered slightly and said, "Then ask Senior Yang to wait for a while, and then give Senior Yang an answer after I have asked the ancestors."

"it is good!"

Yang Chenling nodded.

Chu Yanzhe pressed the armrest of the dragon chair he was sitting on, the formation above flashed, and the whole person disappeared.

Yang Chenling watched and sighed in his heart. Whether he could kill Chu Yanzhe and fulfill Lu Feng's request would depend on whether Chu Yanzhe believed him or not.

"Old Ancestor, what do you think about this?"

Chu Yanzhe teleported to the room behind the imperial study through the formation.

The ancestor of the Cangchu Dynasty, Chu Yekong, was waiting here.

Chu Yekong looked at Chu Yanzhe with a rather complicated expression.

He knew about the Oufeng Firm and the Nanyan Dynasty, because Lu Feng asked him to help Oufeng Firm in secret.

His identity is the patriarch of the Cangchu Dynasty, and his status is high, and no one will doubt that he has anything to do with the Nanyan Dynasty.

"Old Ancestor, do you think Oufeng Business has another purpose?" Chu Yanzhe asked when he saw that Chu Yekong did not speak.

"Impossible." Chu Yekong shook his head and said, "The Cangchu Dynasty and Oufeng Commercial Bank have cooperated for hundreds of years, and the two clans have more marriages. It is impossible for Oufeng Commercial Bank to have anything else to the Cangchu Dynasty. Purpose."

When he said this, Chu Yekong really smiled bitterly in his heart.

It's also funny.

The Oufeng Firm and the Cangchu Dynasty have been married for hundreds of years, and the clansmen of both sides can be said to be you in me and me in you.

The two parties were supposed to be firm allies, but now, for the sake of more interests and long-term development, Oufeng Firm has abandoned the Cangchu Dynasty without hesitation.

This action really made those who married on both sides very sad.

It is even possible for both sides to cleanse their own clan, but anyone who has something to do with each other may die.

The three immortals from Oufeng Firm must know about the consequences of this, but they still do it, which can only prove that they are really ruthless.

"I think so too." Chu Yanzhe didn't know what Chu Yekong was thinking, he said, "If that's the case, then I'll go."

"Yeah!" Chu Yekong nodded.

Chu Yanzhe didn't say more, bowed slightly, and turned to leave.

Chu Yekong looked at the back of Chu Yanzhe's departure, and sighed in his heart, Yanzhe, don't blame the ancestor for hurting you, the ancestor is also forced to!

"Senior Yang, the war situation in the dynasty is urgent. Since there is a new type of bow and crossbow, it is best to quickly pass the experiment, mass-produce it, and join the battle. I will go with you now."

Chu Yanzhe, who returned to the imperial study, looked at Yang Chenling and smiled.

Yang Chenling was overjoyed when he heard this.

Immediately smiled and said, "That's very good. After His Majesty has seen it, we will start production right away!"

Yang Chenling didn't expect it to go so smoothly, so Chu Yanzhe believed it.

Next, Chu Yanzhe only needs to go to Oufeng City, and then kill him, there will be no problem.

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