The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1708 This is not a conspiracy!


Zu Zhi heard it, was shocked, and said anxiously: "What did you say? Lansuiguan was broken?"

"Exactly!" Ling Yu nodded.

"This is impossible!"

Zu Zhi said angrily: "Lan Suiguan is one of the three major gates of the Ice and Snow Dynasty, and the defense is even more terrifying, and it is impossible for the Ice and Snow Dynasty to break through!"

"Haha, I see. You want to say this to disturb my mind and make me your obedient puppet, but unfortunately, it's a dream!"

"My Zuzhi absolutely can't believe the nonsense of your Jinyiwei guards!"

"Don't believe it?" Ling Yu smiled slightly, took out a square seal to Zu Zhi, and said, "General, look at what this is?"

"Blue... Lan Suiguan official seal?"

When Zu Zhi saw it, he was instantly stunned.

As the general of the Ice and Snow Dynasty, he naturally knew the official seal of Lansuiguan.

This official seal is connected with the great defense formation of Lansuiguan, and it can even be said that this official seal is the center of the great defense formation.

Unless the Lansuiguan Pass was broken, or the official seal would never be in the hands of the Jinyiwei guards.

Lansuiguan, is it really broken?

"Don't you believe the general?" Ling Yu smiled slightly and said, "This official seal cannot be faked."

Zu Zhi was silent.

"General, you know very well that the official seal can't be fake. Lan Suiguan has really been broken. You don't have to believe what I say, general, you have to believe this official seal!"

"Besides, the news that Lansuiguan was broken will soon be introduced into the Ice and Snow City, and the general will be able to know if it is true or not. There is absolutely no need for me to hide the general." Ling Yu said.


Zu Zhi snorted coldly and said, "Even if Lansuiguan is broken, my Ice and Snow Dynasty still has hundreds of millions of territories. Your Nanyan Dynasty wants to destroy my Ice and Snow Dynasty, which is fantastic!"

"That's not something I should worry about." Ling Yu shook her head and said, "My purpose today is not this."


I would like to advise you again, the person who knows the current affairs is a hero, how to choose, the general should also have a choice. "

"I've already said it, it's absolutely impossible for me to surrender my Zuzhi to your Nanyan Dynasty!" Zu Zhi said coldly, "Please!"

When Ling Yu heard it, he sighed and said, "The general thought that the Lansuiguan Pass was broken, and the soldiers of the Nanyan Dynasty were like rainbows, and they were about to come to the Ice and Snow City. The royal family would reuse the generals when the other two generals could not be mobilized. ?"

Zu Zhi did not answer.

That's what he had in mind.

The breach of Lansuiguan was indeed not a good thing for the Ice and Snow Dynasty.

But for his ancestors, it was a good thing.

Lansuiguan was broken, and the Ice and Snow Dynasty must have a general to stabilize the situation and lead troops to fight against the Nanyan Dynasty.

The other two generals, because what the royal family did was too chilling, one returned home after being ill, and the other did not listen to the tune, and the royal family ordered them not to move at this stage.

The only general who can use it is himself.

Unless the royal family is stupid, or will definitely reuse themselves!

"Since the general thinks so, then I won't say more, I wish the general a bright future." Ling Yu bowed slightly, turned and left.

Zu Zhi looked at Ling Yu's back, frowning slightly, this was not like the acting style of Jinyiwei's dark guard.

I don't know what conspiracy this Jin Yiwei is secretly planning now.

But Zu Zhi didn't think about this now. He was sure that the royal family would definitely reuse him in the future. He had to come up with a way to solve the threat of the Nanyan Dynasty.


"Sir, how is the situation?"

Ling Yu walked out of the General's Mansion, and there was another man in black beside her.

"Zu Zhi refuses to act according to the plan." Ling Yu ordered.


The man in black led the way and disappeared.

Ling Yu turned to look at the General's Mansion, and murmured in a low voice, "General Zu Zhi, your choice is not good."

When the voice fell, he left the general's mansion.

But he did not hide his identity. On the contrary, he swaggered away from the General's Mansion and saw many others.

"What a brocade guard!"

When Lingyu left here, Zu Zhi got the news. When he heard that Lingyu left the General's Mansion swaggeringly, he already knew Lingyu's plan.

He must have wanted to make the royal family suspect that he was colluding with the Nanyan Dynasty, so that he could not lead troops to deal with the Nanyan Dynasty.

It's just that this kind of behavior seems smart, but it's actually stupid.

If he really colluded with the Nanyan Dynasty, how could the dignified leader of the Jinyiwei guards leave the General's Mansion so struttingly?

Isn't this telling everyone that he has colluded with Jin Yiwei?

If it is really collusion, it must be hidden and extremely hidden!

Such behavior is equivalent to telling others that there is collusion between the two. People in the royal family are not fools, and it is impossible not to see this.

"Jin Yiwei, ah Jin Yiwei, this time, you are going to miss." Zu Zhi sneered and stopped thinking about it.

Continue to look at the map of the Ice and Snow Dynasty, thinking about where to stop the army of the Nanyan Dynasty.


"Report, Your Majesty, there is news from Lansuiguan."

In the royal study of the Ice and Snow Dynasty, Emperor Nangongrong had a sad face.

During this time, too many things happened in the Ice and Snow Dynasty.

The five counties of Venerable Blood Sword made the royal family lose hearts and minds. His emperor is not a big head.

Then came the dynastic ceremony of the Nanyan Dynasty, the Blood Sword Venerable was killed, and the ancestor of the Ice and Snow Dynasty, Nangong Ling, was arrested.

The two generals within the dynasty were disobedient, and the civil servants and military generals also had a lot of opinions.

For the first time, he felt that the emperor's position was a hot potato.

Now there is another news from Lansuiguan.

At this time, the news from Lansuiguan was about the arrival of the army of the Nanyan Dynasty, requesting support and so on.


With a long sigh in his heart, Nangong Rong stretched out his hand and rubbed his temple, and said, "Did the army of the Nanyan Dynasty arrive in front of Lansui Pass?"

"Yes Yes……"

The eunuch who complained was afraid of words.

"What is it?" Nangongrong frowned and said, "Could it be that Lansuiguan was breached?"


The eunuch hurriedly knelt on the ground and said in a trembling voice, "Tan... the scouts came to report, Lansuiguan... Lansuiguan was breached."


Nangong Rong stood up abruptly and said anxiously, "What did you say?"

"Lan... Lan Suiguan was breached by Meng Tian, ​​the northern general of the Nanyan Dynasty." The eunuch said.

"This is impossible!"

Nangong Rong said angrily: "Lan Sui Pass is one of the three major gates of the Ice and Snow Dynasty. There are hundreds of thousands of defenders, and there are countless defense equipment, and reinforcements are also on their way."

"Although his Nanyan Dynasty has an army of millions, how long does it take to break through Lansuiguan? Could it be that all the troops of his Nanyan Dynasty are descended from the gods?"


"Your Majesty, there is news from the Lansuiguan guard that Lansuiguan has fallen, and he has already led his troops to retreat to Xiping City." At this time, the forbidden army also came to report the news.


Hearing this, Lan Suiguan felt that his whole head exploded.

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