The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1725: Changing Generals

The first thousand seven hundred and twenty-five chapters

"Send the order to Ling Yu, the leader of the Jinyi Guards, and tell him about today's battle. He knows what to do." Meng Tian ordered.


In Nanyi City, it can be described as a cloud of sorrow at this time.

In the General's Mansion, in the Quanxuan Council Hall, sat the commander-in-chief of the army, and everyone looked unsightly.

"Are you ready for the battle report for His Majesty the Emperor?" Quan Xuan asked.

"Ready." The lieutenant smiled bitterly and said, "The report said that we attacked the enemy's barracks and caused great losses to the enemy, but due to the timely return of the enemy's cavalry, we were defeated and suffered heavy losses. ."

Full spin nodded.

He didn't dare to report the war here truthfully, because he knew that after reporting it truthfully, his end would be very, very miserable.

"Also, how many troops do we have left now?" Quan Xuan asked.


The lieutenant looked hesitant, looked at Quan Xuan, and said with a wry smile: "General, now we have a million troops, but less than half a million troops can be fought, and the rest have lost their fighting spirit and will no longer be able to fight. Even defending the city is very reluctant."

"If Meng Tian launches a strong attack at this time, Nanyi City will be broken in less than three days."

Hearing that, Quan Xuan's expression was even more gloomy and ugly, and said, "Send an order to the rear and ask them to send reinforcements here immediately. Nanyi City cannot be lost!"

The lieutenant listened, scolding inwardly, you must really know that Nanyi City cannot be lost, and you should retreat when you find that there are still heavy crossbows and holy crossbows in the frontal battlefield of the enemy.

Instead of what will happen to him after retreating.

Caused the army to collapse across the board, and now there is such an end.

Now that I know that Nanyi City cannot be lost, it is already too late!

You don't have to think about it, Meng Tian will definitely attack the city in the future, and Nanyi City will never last long.

It's just these, he only dares to think about it, and dare not say it.

full spin,

After all, he is still a general.


"Your Majesty... Your Majesty, there are more rumors in the Ice and Snow City today."

In the imperial study room of the Palace of the Ice and Snow Dynasty, Emperor Nangong Ling's personal eunuch made a report.

"Rumours? What rumors?" Nangong Ling frowned slightly and said, "Could it be that the senior officer of the party is not listening to the propaganda again?"

"It's not." The eunuch said, "It's about Nanyi City."

"Nanyi City?" Nangong Ling's complexion changed greatly. Nanyi City is now the top priority, and nothing happened, so he asked anxiously, "What rumors?"

"It is rumored that the defender of Nanyi City, Quanxuan, is greedy and rash, causing the army to lose more than 4 million, and Nanyi City is in jeopardy." The eunuch said in a low voice.


Nangong Ling was shocked and said anxiously, "Is this true? Is it true?"

"Quick, let someone investigate, quick!"

If Nanyi City were lost, more than two-thirds of the territory in the western border would have no city that could be defended.

At that time, two-thirds of the territory of the Western Territory fell into the hands of the Nanyan Dynasty.

At the same time, after passing Nanyi City, the west border, the north border and the south border can be connected together. At that time, the enemy army will advance from three sides, and the Ice and Snow Dynasty will have no other way but to retreat.

However, there are too few places to retreat after Nanyi City.


"The battle report came from General Quanxuan."

At this time, the forbidden army came to report.

"Quick, bring it up quickly."

Soon, the battle report arrived in front of Nangong Ling.

When he saw the battle report, Nangong Ling's eyes instantly turned black, and he almost fainted.

"Spin the bastard, spin the bastard!"

Nangong Ling scolded: "I gave him five million troops to defend Nanyi City, but he led troops to attack the city, resulting in heavy losses for the five million troops, but less than half a million soldiers left."

"Now there is still the face to ask me for reinforcements."

"Send an order to have Quanxuan's whole family arrested, and at the same time give Quanxuan an order. If he can't break through Meng Tian's military camp within ten days, then wait for his whole family to collect the corpses!"

"No, no, absolutely no!"

At this time, Ding Song, Prime Minister of the Left, ran in from the outside, hurriedly knelt on the ground, and said loudly, "Your Majesty, you must not touch the entire general's family at this time!"

"Ding Song, are you going to stop me?" Nangong Ling roared angrily.

"Your Majesty, I'm not trying to stop you, but my family who can't move now." Ding Song said hurriedly.

"Why can't you move?" Nangong Ling roared, "I am the emperor of the Ice and Snow Dynasty. He led the army on the front line, and returned after a big defeat, losing more than four million troops. Now I still have to provide him?"

Ding Song listened and smiled bitterly in his heart.

He didn't know what was going on in the front line, but what he was sure of was that the emperor, his allegiance, had changed since the incident in the five counties, and he was no longer as wise as before.

But, even so, he is a courtier, and he has to say what he should say.

Ding Song took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Your Majesty, the entire army was defeated, and he led the army rashly, causing the loss of more than four million troops. Such a mistake should not only be killed, but even his entire clan should not be exaggerated. ."

"But Your Majesty, Quanxuan is now defending Nanyi City. If we move his family now, then he will lead the troops to surrender to the Nanyan Dynasty in a fit of anger, then more than two-thirds of our entire western border, and even more territory will become Nanyan Dynasty. The lambs under the Yan Dynasty's soldiers are powerless to resist."

"Your Majesty, Quanxuan should be damned, but not now!"

Ding Song fell to the ground and said loudly, "Your Majesty, Quanxuan deserves death, but now he must not touch his family!"

"Your Majesty, the bigger picture is the most important thing!"

Nangong Ling looked gloomy and ugly, he understood what Ding Song said.

But it was unacceptable for him to just let it go.

"Ding Song, tell me, who can spin for Quanxuan now?" Nangong Ling asked in a deep voice.


Ding Song hesitated for a while, and changing generals before the battle was a taboo on the battlefield.

But he also knew that if he didn't change to full spin, the emperor would definitely not be able to get through.

After pondering for a while, he said, "Although Quanxuan was defeated in Nanyi City, his ability is unquestionable. The reason for his defeat is firstly because of greed and rashness, and secondly because the enemy general Meng Tian is indeed not easy."

"For now, Dynasty wants to find someone to replace Quanxuan..."

Ding Song looked at Nangong Ling and said, "I'm afraid only the three generals can do it."

When Nangong Ling heard this, her face darkened a bit.

The three generals, one listened to the tune and did not listen to the announcement.

One returned home after being ill.

The remaining Zu Zhi also had a quarrel with the dynasty because of the last investigation into him. I heard that he was also packing his luggage for the past two days and preparing to go back to his hometown.

It's as hard as climbing the sky to let these three people go up.

"Your Majesty, as far as the current dynasty is concerned, apart from the three generals, there is no other choice." Ding Song smiled bitterly: "Your Majesty, you can issue an imperial decree and ask the minister to issue it to General Zu Zhi, and the minister will definitely think about it. The way to persuade General Zu Zhi."

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