The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1728 Nanyi City is broken

"I hope you'll be able to laugh so much later."

Meng Tian shook his head slightly, and quickly made fingerprints with both hands.

The fingerprints condensed in the void and turned into a formation.

"Thick soil formation, congeal!"


With the roar, Meng Tian arranged a formation in the blink of an eye and landed under Nanyi City.


Then I heard the sound of water, followed by, the power of water on the large defense formation of Nanyi City was blocked by the power of the earth condensed by the large earth formation, and could no longer provide water for the large defense formation of Nanyi City. Strength increases defense.


Seeing the change in his face, Quan Xuan said in shock, "Isn't the Great Earth Array used to defend the city? How could it be used to attack the city?"

Except for the cities close to the water, basically all the great defense formations are equipped with earth defense formations, and the thick earth formation is the best among them.

The power of the earth condensed by the Great Earth Array can greatly increase the defense of the Great Defense Array, and even the attack of a saint-level warrior can resist one or two.

If there are semi-holy level warriors in the formation, it is impossible for even a saint-level powerhouse to break through the thick soil formation.

The thick soil formation is definitely the representative of the defensive formation.

But how did this defensive formation turn into an offensive formation in Meng Tian's hands?

How can this be done?


Meng Tian shook his head and said, "The Great Defense Array is the same as the Military Array. What does it do? It depends on how you use it. You don't even know that?"

Quan Xuan's face was gloomy. He naturally knew what Meng Tian meant, but the key point was that knowing is one thing, and doing it is another.

Even among the three generals of the Ice and Snow Dynasty, he had never heard of the ability to turn a defensive formation into an offensive formation.

This damn Meng Tian is too powerful!

Where did the emperor's son of the Nanyan Dynasty find these commanding generals with stronger abilities than each other?

The whole face is very gloomy. starter

Yue Fei, Gao Shun, Lü Bu, Huo Qubing, and now Meng Tian, ​​who can turn a defensive formation into an offensive formation.

These five generals were all gathered in the Nanyan Dynasty, which was inappropriate.

But unfortunately, it appeared.

The full-circle complexion is really hard to see the extreme.

"Meng Tian, ​​I admit that your ability is indeed very strong, but I want to tell you that I am not a vegetarian!"

Quan Xuan stared at Meng Tian and shouted in a deep voice, "Today I will show you my army formation!"

"God Town Banner, congeal!"

Quan Xuan directly sacrificed his own town god flag and condensed it above the city wall.

The Zhenshen Banner quickly boosted the morale of the army, and these morale, under the influence of the Zhenshen Banner, condensed the army formation and quickly merged with the defense formation of Nanyi City.

It increased the power of the Great Defense Array by a few layers out of thin air.


Meng Tian's eyes were a little surprised when he saw it, this Quan Xuan is indeed a bit of a skill.

But that's it. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer:

"Order to destroy the holy crossbow and immediately attack the enemy's defense formation!" Meng Tian ordered.

Under his order, the Saint Extinguishing Crossbow quickly launched an attack, frantically shooting arrows to attack the great defense formation.

The huge impact force brought by the Sacred Sacred Crossbow Arrows slammed into the defense formation. One of them had little impact, but thousands of Sacred Sacred Sacred Crossbow Arrows landed on the city protecting array, and the effect was instantly different. .

The defensive battle formation that hit was crumbling.

Without the blessing of the power of water, the great defense formation would not be able to resolve the huge attack brought by the Saint Extinguishing Crossbow.

Quan Xuan's complexion became very, very ugly.

If things continue like this, it won't be long before his defense formation will be breached by the Saint Extinguishing Crossbow.

However, even if he knew this, there was no way to change it.

When the Zhenshen flag came out, he did everything he could.

Now, he can be regarded as doing his best, and the rest is to obey the destiny.

But unfortunately, the destiny is obviously not on the side of Quanxuan.

The defense formation with the blessing of the Zhenshen Banner is indeed not simple, and it has forcibly resisted more than a dozen waves of attacks from the Saint Extinguishing Crossbow.

But that's it.

After the fifteenth wave of Saint Extinguishing Crossbow's attack, with a 'boom', the Great Defense Array completely exploded!


Quan Xuan looked at the shattered moat formation and sighed, he had already done what he could.

It's a pity that the difference in hard power between me and Meng Tian is too much.

The two are not rivals of an order of magnitude at all and cannot be stopped.

Really can't stop it!

It's just that Quanxuan didn't understand that the Nanyan Dynasty came from so many holy crossbows and arrows. Aren't these unique to the Cangchu Dynasty?

"The whole army obeys the order."

"The Sacred Crossbow attacked the enemy city wall with heavy crossbow, the strong crossbow suppressed the enemy, and the shield soldiers covered the infantry's attack."


Meng Tian immediately ordered the entire army to attack after the defense formation of Nanyi City was broken.

Soon, the elite infantrymen of the Nanyan Dynasty, which had already been prepared, immediately launched an attack.

Under the triple attack of Sacred Crossbow, Heavy Crossbow, and Strong Crossbow, Nanyi City's city wall collapsed in places not long after it persisted, and the infantry immediately identified the opportunity to attack.

However, under the suppression of various crossbow arrows, the defenders of the Ice and Snow Dynasty on Nanyi City could not hinder Meng Tian's army at all, and could only allow Meng Tian's army to attack the city.

In just half an hour, the west gate of Nanyi City was completely in Meng Tian's hands.

The defenders on the wall were either killed or captured.

Meng Tian did not stop, and immediately took the army to attack the other three gates of Nanyi City.

Nanyi City, whose west gate was broken, is like a wooden barrel with a big crack, and the water inside will eventually flow out.

Two hours later, the entire Nanyi City fell into Meng Tian's hands.

And in the Nanyi City City Lord's Mansion, Meng Tian saw the enemy defender Quan Xuan.

After the west gate city wall was broken, Quan Xuan retreated to the city lord's mansion, but instead of continuing to organize a large army to resist, he sat silently in the council hall.

"General Meng."

Seeing Meng Tian come in, he arched his hands.

"General Quan." Meng Tian also returned a salute, giving Quan Xuan enough respect.

"General Meng's army formation ability, formation ability, and commander-in-chief ability are convincing, I am not wronged." Looking at Meng Tian, ​​Quan Xuan sighed.

Meng Tian just smiled slightly and said, "It's just taking advantage of the bow and crossbow."

"General Meng, don't make fun of my previous ignorance." Quan Xuan smiled bitterly and said: "The general's ability, in the entire Yuzhou, can also be ranked in the top ten, such a commander's ability, I used to be a frog at the bottom of the well. ."

"General Quan let the 500,000 sailors of the Ice and Snow Dynasty leave Nanyi City on a battleship before Ximen City was destroyed. The general had a chance to leave, why not leave?" Meng Tian asked.

"You can go, but you can't go." Quan Xuan shook his head and said, "Nanyi City was defeated, and the five million army was completely lost, which means that there is no large-scale army to stop General Meng before the western border of the Ice and Snow Dynasty reaches Jingzhao Pass. elite."

"I have to carry this over. If I leave today, my entire clan's life will be lost in the Ice and Snow City tomorrow."

"So, I can't go, I have to stay."

Meng Tian nodded, and Quan Xuan said that he understood that what Nangong Ling of the Ice and Snow Dynasty did to Wang Yanquan's family has long been known.

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