The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1730 Forbidden Martial Arts Formation

The middle-aged man was silent when he heard Zhuge Daichang's words.

He is also a military general of the Ice and Snow Dynasty, so he naturally knows how much the incident of the five counties has hit all the generals of the Ice and Snow Dynasty.

After all, that's the population of the five counties, and many of the generals' families are in those five counties.

The family members they desperately guarded were beheaded by their loyal emperor at will, and this blow was fatal.

Otherwise, it will not cause two of the three generals to be alienated from the royal family.

"But General, the Zhuge family was the Ice and Snow Dynasty Mage in the era, and you, General, became one of the Generals of the Ice and Snow Dynasty as a Mage. Can you really give up the Ice and Snow Dynasty like this?" the middle-aged man asked.

"Wang Quanyu, you are a good general, but as a military general, you should know that betrayal is absolutely unforgivable." Zhuge Daichang stared at the middle-aged man in front of him.

Said: "In the matter of the five counties, the royal family of the Ice and Snow Dynasty has betrayed the military generals of the Ice and Snow Dynasty. Now, the military commanders of the Ice and Snow Dynasty are loyal to the royal family.

Wang Quanning was silent.

As a military commander and a smart person, he naturally knows why the Ice and Snow Dynasty is in this situation.

It is more clear that at this time, the generals of the Ice and Snow Dynasty are just like Zhuge Daichang said, allegiance is affection, and disloyalty is duty.

The royal family of the Ice and Snow Dynasty had already betrayed their military generals who were loyal to them.

"But General, is it possible to sit back and watch the Ice and Snow Dynasty be eroded by the Nanyan Dynasty step by step?" Wang Quanning was a little unwilling.

"Who has another way?" Zhuge Daichang sighed softly and said, "Zu Zhi can't stop Meng Tian, ​​and neither can I."

"But General, you are an array master, and you are also an army formation master of the Ice and Snow Dynasty. Under your hands, the formations are often miraculous. There are even rumors that you have used the forbidden martial arts formation that has been researched for 30 years."

"With all these, can't we stop the attack of Meng Tian's army?"

"Especially General, your forbidden martial arts formation. It is rumored that as long as a warrior is in the great formation, even a semi-sacred warrior will lose their combat effectiveness. With such a great formation, is it possible that we really can't do anything? "Wang Quanning was very unwilling.

"Go back, I won't work for the Ice and Snow Dynasty again." Zhuge Daichang shook his head and said, "The moment the royal family made a decision, they should have thought of this ending."

"The Ice and Snow Dynasty is different from other dynasties. The Ice and Snow Dynasty is not a dynasty owned by the royal family, but a dynasty shared by military generals all over the world. His royal family made a wrong decision, and there will be no military generals to wipe their ass."


Wang Quanning sighed, bowed his hands, and turned to leave.

"Forbidden martial arts formation?"

After Wang Quanning left, Zhuge Daichang sighed and said, "The formation is a good thing, but unfortunately, if it really comes out, I'm afraid my Zhuge family will come to an end."


Nanyan Dynasty, in the imperial study room of the imperial palace.

Lu Feng looked at Jia Xu in front of him and said, "Are you sure about the existence of the Great Military Ban?"


Jia Xu said respectfully, "This is absolutely true news from our spies, and there won't be any problems."

Lu Feng was silent.

Looking at the information in his hand, his eyes are thinking.

According to the intelligence, Zhuge Daichang, the General of the Ice and Snow Dynasty, spent 30 years to finally research the Great Array of Forbidden Arms.

The Great Array of Forbidden Martial Arts can prohibit the circulation of true qi in the martial artist's body. The martial artist in the formation, even the semi-holy level martial artist, can't use the slightest true qi.

Even the warriors of the Holy Venerable level will be affected when they enter the forbidden martial arts formation, and their combat effectiveness will be severely reduced.

The most important thing is that the Forbidden Martial Arts Formation does not make formation flags like other formations, but is completely integrated with the military formation.

In other words, the moment the military formation was opened, the martial arts formation was also opened at the same time.

On the continent of Kyushu, the military formations gathered by the generals can suppress many warriors, but it is not enough to face the warriors of the semi-holy level.

But if this forbidden martial arts formation is added, then even a semi-sacred warrior in the military formation is no different from an ordinary soldier.

If this is true, then this forbidden martial arts formation is a bit remarkable.

It is even possible to change the pattern of the respected warriors of the Kyushu mainland.

"It seems that we need to meet this Zhuge Daichang." Lu Feng said.

"Your Majesty has a high opinion, and this minister also thinks so."

Jia Xu bowed slightly and said, "We should send someone to meet Zhuge Daichang. If it is determined that the Great Array of Forbidden Martial Arts can really block the infuriating energy of a warrior in the semi-holy state, then this kind of thing must be controlled by the Nanyan Dynasty. It must not fall into the hands of other forces."

"I beg your order, I am willing to visit Zhuge Daichang's family."

"No, I want to go in person." Lu Feng chuckled lightly and said, "If there really is such a formation, I should go and see it, and let me see what kind of person this Zhuge Daichang is, who can study it. Come up with a formation like this."

"But Your Majesty, after all, there is the territory of the Ice and Snow Dynasty, you..."

"Wenhe, I know what you want to say, but don't worry, I still have confidence in my strength, and no one in Yuzhou can stop me." Lu Feng smiled.

He is not arrogant, but he does have this strength.

Jia Xu didn't say more after hearing it. Indeed, Lu Feng's strength should be the number one in Yuzhou now. With such strength, the Ice and Snow Dynasty could not stop him.


Three days later, outside Zhuge's house, Lu Feng and Jia Xu arrived here.

"Who are you, what are you doing outside my Zhuge's house?"

As soon as they arrived, someone from the Zhuge family came out.

"Please tell your General Zhuge that the distinguished guests from the Nanyan Dynasty are here." Jia Xu said.

"Nanyan Dynasty?"

The expressions of the Zhuge family changed slightly, and they hurried in to report.

Soon someone came to invite them in.

Not long after, Lu Feng met Zhuge Daichang.

Although he has white hair, his face is red and he is very energetic.

When Lu Feng saw Zhuge Daichang, Zhuge Daichang also saw him, waved his hand, and said, "You all go down."

Soon, the servants in the hall all left.

Zhuge Daichang made a handprint and landed in the hall, forming a formation, isolating the outside.

Then, he stood up, bowed slightly towards Lu Feng, and said, "General Zhuge Daichang of the Ice and Snow Dynasty, I have met His Majesty the King of the Nanyan Dynasty."

"General Zhuge has long since returned home from the court of the Ice and Snow Dynasty, so why does he still call himself the General of the Ice and Snow Dynasty?" Lu Feng asked with a smile.

"Although Zhuge Daichang has returned home after being ill, it is the royal family of the Ice and Snow Dynasty who is sick, not the Ice and Snow Dynasty, so I am still the general of the Ice and Snow Dynasty." Zhuge Daichang replied.

"Well said." Lu Feng nodded and said, "General Zhuge, I really admire you for this."

"His Majesty the monarch is wrong."

Zhuge Daichang shook his head and said, "I dare to ask Your Majesty, what is going on at your house today?"

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