The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1750 Shang Zhenshu's suffocation

Not bad!

Lu Feng is very happy in his heart, Qin Jianghai, like Zu Zhi, has a very good potential. If you cultivate it, it is not that there is no hope of entering the realm of the ultimate military general.

Right now, both of them are very loyal to themselves.

Although Qin Jianghai is not a die-hard loyalist, his ninety-eight-point loyalty is close to that of a die-hard loyalist.

With such loyalty, it is basically guaranteed that Qin Jianghai will not betray him.

This is a great result!


By the time I finished watching it in the military camp, it was already night.

"Your Majesty, this is Hezhangcheng's military talisman, please accept it."

In the city lord's mansion, Qin Jianghai handed over the military talisman to Lu Feng.

"it is good."

Lu Feng did not delay and said, "I will hand over the military talisman to Meng Tian. In the future, you will be Meng Tian's lieutenant. He will select suitable soldiers to join the Nanyan Dynasty's army according to the standards selected by the Nanyan Dynasty's army. arrange."

"The last general will take orders, and everything will be obeyed by the general." Qin Jianghai said.

Lu Feng nodded and said nothing more.

In the Guda Dynasty, in the palace, the emperor Gu Xu looked very gloomy.

Just now he got the news that Qin Jianghai, the defender of Hezhang City, led 8 million elite soldiers to surrender to the Nanyan Dynasty, and Lu Feng, the emperor of the Nanyan Dynasty, is now in Hezhangcheng.

"Aren't you going to explain to me what's going on?"

Gu Xu looked at the few people standing below him coldly.

Zuo Prime Minister Gu Ningran gave a wry smile and said, "Your Majesty, this incident happened too suddenly, and before our intelligence system got any signs, they had already surrendered."

"It's more than a sign. If it wasn't for Qin Jianghai leading all the generals in Hezhang City to meet Lu Feng outside the west gate, I'm afraid you wouldn't know that Qin Jianghai had surrendered to the Nanyan Dynasty first!" A man in battle armor The old man sneered.

The old man was the general of the Guda Dynasty, Shang Zhenshu.

He was also the only top military general in Yuzhou other than the five imperial generals.

Now the ranking of military commanders in Yuzhou is also ranked fourth.

"Old General, what do you mean by that?" Gu Ningran frowned and said, "Could it be that you want to say that the intelligence system of my Guda Dynasty is incompetent?"

"I don't mean to say it, but I'm going to say it!" Shang Zhenshu snorted coldly and said, "The intelligence system of the Guda Dynasty grew up eating shit!"

"Old General, you are going too far!" Gu Ningran's face was cold.

"Excessive? You're too much for me now?" Shang Zhenshu also said with a cold face: "Qin Jianghai surrendered to the Nanyan Dynasty, and the entire Ice and Snow Dynasty fell into the hands of the Nanyan Dynasty. Now Meng Tian's army is in the hands of Nanyan. There are millions of elite soldiers in the dynasty, plus the surrendered soldiers received by the Ice and Snow Dynasty, the number has exceeded 25 million."

"In addition to Zu Zhi and Qin Jianghai, the two generals who were originally from the Ice and Snow Dynasty, these soldiers will definitely be able to exert their combat effectiveness."

"With the wolf ambitions of the Nanyan Dynasty, do you think they will not be tempted by the Guda Dynasty?"

"Before this, we had a very, very good opportunity to get Qin Jianghai into the Guda Dynasty, but it was because your crap intelligence system was too slow to transmit information, so we couldn't get the Nanyan Dynasty and the Qin Dynasty. When was Jiang Hai's first contact, he missed the opportunity."

"Could it be that you have to defend your own intelligence system, Prime Minister?"

"Okay, old general, the prime minister is also a member of the royal family, so he has to be spared and spared." Emperor Gu Xu sighed softly.

Hearing this, Shang Zhen's expression became very complicated.

In the end, he could only sigh and say no more.

In fact, his heart has long been desperate for the Guda Dynasty.

You know, it has been 370 years since Shang Zhenshu became the top military general!

For three hundred and seventy years, in any of the ten dynasties in Yuzhou, there are so many generals who think that they are the best in battle.

At least it can also achieve the throne of the first dynasty of Yuzhou.

However, the current Guda Dynasty is only in the top five in Yuzhou.

This is also because Shang Zhenshu is a top general, otherwise, the top five will not be able to enter.

This is not because of Shang Zhenshu's incompetence, but because of the incompetence of the royal family.

Shang Zhenshu clearly remembered that when he first became a top military general, he directly asked for orders and led five million troops to attack Hezhang City. At that time, he had absolute confidence that he could break through Hezhang City.

Because the defense of Hezhang City at that time was far from being as strong as it is now.

But he led the troops and went to the foot of Hezhang City. After three days of attacking, the effect was very remarkable.

But no one thought that at this time, the emperor of the Guda Dynasty at that time actually sent the three ancestors of the royal family to personally give orders to Shang Zhenshu, saying that the emperor was going to change his generals. You should have a good rest, and you don't have to trouble the old general for the finale.

The result was good, the prince was replaced at that time, but in the end, the prince led five million troops, and was annihilated by the general Zu Zhi's father who was stationed at that time, and even the prince of the Guda Dynasty died.

Since then, the Kudat dynasty has been immersed for decades.

When the time was right, Shang Zhenshu led the troops to attack Hezhang City again, and the progress was also very smooth, but the fallacy that Shang Zhenshu wanted to join the Cangchu Dynasty came from the rear.

Even a normal emperor would not believe such a fallacy, because there was a Chongao Dynasty between the Guda Dynasty and the Cangchu Dynasty, which was simply impossible.

It is completely the conspiracy of the Ice and Snow Dynasty.

But the emperor of the Guda Dynasty believed it and changed his generals again. He was replaced by his own younger brother, and then he was beaten by Qin Jianghai's grandfather and fled.

Not only did they fail to break the city of Hezhang, but the Guda Dynasty was conquered by Qin Jianghai's grandfather.

Lost more than eight million troops.

If it weren't for the fact that the emperor personally apologized to Shang Zhenshu and asked him to lead the army again, the Guda Dynasty might have been beaten by Qin Jianghai's grandfather to the capital.

There are still several battles in the back, with the Chongao Dynasty, and the Ice and Snow Dynasty.

But the common point is that when the victory is about to be won, the royal family behind them can always come up with something to make all attacks fall short.

At that time, Shang Zhenshu just thought that the emperor was too incompetent, so there was such a result, thinking that changing the emperor would be much better.

He waited and waited.

Three hundred and seventy years, the emperor changed five.

During the tenure of the five emperors, he had led troops to attack, but in the end they were all defeated, and the reasons were similar.

In the end, Shang Zhenshu finally understood.

It's not that the royal family is incompetent, or that the emperor is too stupid.

But because he is not a member of the royal family, the royal family is afraid that he will lead his troops to victory step by step, build merits step by step, and in the end his merits will shake the master.

The royal family is afraid of this.

Therefore, Shang Zhenshu cannot win!

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