The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1756 Divide the world of Nanyan

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Chapter 1759 The Most Bullish Emperor System in History

"it's not true."

Lu Feng shook his head and said, "I think that the territory of the Nanyan Dynasty is getting bigger and bigger, and the total number of dynasties that have been destroyed is close to ten."

"Their previous territories, when they come to us, will also be called the twelve counties of Aoxiang, the thirteen counties of Ziyang, and so on. It's not good to call them that."

"indeed so."

Liu Ji nodded and said, "When I dealt with government affairs in the twelve counties of Aoxiang, every time I made a report, I would mention the twelve counties of Aoxiang, which always felt a little weird. Good choice."

"But how to change it?" Zhangsun Wuji wondered.

"I have an idea."

Lu Feng looked at a few people and said, "Those kingdoms that were destroyed by the Nanyan Dynasty are no longer called the twelve counties of Aoxiang and the thirteen counties of Ziyang, but are called the Aoxiang Domain, Ziyang Domain, Bailan Domain, Rainbow Leopard Domain, etc."

"Now the military field guarded by Zhang Liao has been renamed the Soldier Domain. The Liyang Dynasty is divided into five domains, and the Ice and Snow Dynasty is divided into seven domains. Specifically, you can discuss what kind of name it should be called."

"And the territory of the Nanyan Kingdom that belonged to the Nanyan Kingdom before was called the King's Domain."


"This is a great plan," Xun Yu was the first to stand up and said, "Although the dynasty has taken these places as its own, it is also friendly to their original people, and the taxes are reasonable, but because of the war, there are many of these places. He still calls himself the name of the kingdom that was destroyed before, becoming a Ziyang person, a Bailan person, etc."

"Your Majesty's plan can weaken the thought in their hearts, but I think that the domain can no longer be named after the kingdom that was destroyed. It should be changed to a brand new name, which is the best."

Xun Yu was in charge of the government affairs of the Nanyan Dynasty and was very aware of these places. When Lu Feng said this idea, he immediately realized the benefits of this method.

"The minister agrees." The eldest grandson Wuji said, "The minister also believes that if it is changed to a domain, it can no longer be named after the destroyed kingdom."

"Furthermore, I believe that it is possible to promote the Kingdom College, set up branches in each domain, and allow talented students in the domain to take exams in the branch.

Then, based on the test results, he was selected into the Royal Capital Academy. "

"This will also allow the Dynasty talent to have a very reasonable selection system, and it will also further limit the status quo of the family's monopoly on talent."

Lu Feng listened, but looked at Changsun Wuji in surprise.

What he said was not the imperial examination system in Chinese history.

When he established the Kingdom College, he thought of the imperial examination system, but the situation at the time did not allow the soldiers to immediately implement the imperial examination system, so Lu Feng could only temporarily put it down and use the Kingdom College to select talents.

The emergence of the Kingdom College has indeed eased the current situation that some noble families control talents. In particular, the establishment of a system in which outstanding talents in the military can be selected to enter the Kingdom College for further education has greatly affected the situation that the noble families are in control of talents.

But for the children of the poor family, the Kingdom College is only in Nanyan City, and if they want to travel from remote places to Nanyan City to study, even some unqualified ones cannot enter.

For those underprivileged children, even if there is such a way, it still seems to be stretched.

If you act according to what the eldest grandson Wuji said, the world is divided into domains, and the establishment of academies within the domain will naturally be a great good thing for the underprivileged children in the domain.

It is also very, very beneficial to combating the situation in which the family controls the talents.

Lu Feng really did not expect that he just wanted to make Nanyan world more planned, but the eldest grandson Wuji thought of the imperial examination system.

It really deserves to be the name of the Tang Dynasty in history.

"The minister also thinks this plan is feasible." Liu Ji also stood up at this time, saying, "If the world of Nanyan is divided into many domains, and the establishment of a branch of the Kingdom College within the domain, it will definitely greatly combat the situation of the family's control of talents and divide the family. Influence."

"In this case, the minister thinks that each domain needs a reasonable division." Jia Xu said, "The minister suggested that nine counties be one domain, and each domain should have the position of domain master, and the position of domain master should be rotated every five years. , can prevent the domain owner from using the public for personal gain and strengthening his family."

"At the same time, the domain owner is also inspected every five years. Those who are unqualified or who use the public to seek personal gain will be demoted or given other punishments. This can also ensure that the domain owner will not be the kind of person who thinks that he will only stay for five years, and then he will die after five years. Leave the mind to do things."

"It can also prevent Qin Jianghai from listening to the tune and not listening to the propaganda, like Qin Jianghai in the Ice and Snow Dynasty before."

"In addition, the king's domain is independent, commanding 18 counties, and does not establish the position of domain master."

"Very good." Guo Jiadao, "In this way, the original chaotic names in the suburbs can be unified, and those who are still calling themselves Ziyang people, Aoxiang people, etc. can be weakened."

"It can also make the dynasty run more smoothly, which is excellent."

"More than that." Xun Yu said with excitement on his face, "After the division, the establishment of the Kingdom College will give ordinary people the opportunity to enter the dynasty and win the hearts of many people."

"This plan is perfect"

After finishing speaking, Xun Yu looked at Lu Feng with admiration on his face, but none of the five advisors of them thought of coming here.

Lu Feng listened to the words of you and me of the five advisors under his command, and couldn't help sighing in his heart, these people, one by one, are indeed talented talents who can leave a splendid reputation in the history of China.

They just come up with an idea, they can perfect it right away, and infer it.

According to what Jia Xu said, the Nanyan Dynasty would be completely transformed into a huge machine, and the machine could run all the time.

In this way, the dynasty's strength must be able to become stronger step by step.


"However, in this way, it is difficult to complete in a short period of time, and it will take a lot of time to implement." Xun Yu said.

"No hurry." Lu Feng said, "You guys go down to discuss, you must think about how to divide it, and then show it to me, and implement it when there is no problem."

"I will obey orders"

In the next few days, Xun Yu and the other five were discussing this matter.

Seven days later, they came up with a plan to divide the Nanyan Dynasty into forty-nine common domains, plus independent royal domains, for a total of four hundred and fifty-nine counties.

"Well done."

Lu Feng was very satisfied with this division. Looking at the five people standing in the imperial study, he smiled and said, "You have worked hard."

"This is what we should do." Xun Yu and the others were relieved when they saw that Lu Feng was satisfied with the plan they gave.

"Next, you will follow this plan and try to implement it within a year. Is there any problem?" Lu Feng asked.

Lu Feng pondered for a while, and said, "A year is a bit tight, but there shouldn't be any major problems."

"it is good."

Lu Feng nodded, looked at Zhangsun Wuji, and said, "Zhangsun Wuji, you are in charge of the Kingdom Academy. Although the division of the domain has not officially started, you have to find the place where the Dynasty Branch is set up in these places."

"I hope that in a year's time, after the success of the division of the world, the branch of Dynasty College can also take the opportunity to establish, is there any problem?"

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