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At this time, Jia Xu's face was a little bitter.

When the Silver Wolf Dynasty attacked the Cangchu Dynasty and defeated the army of the Cangchu Dynasty time and time again, they had investigated the two generals, but they did not find anything special.

It was not found out that the two of them were superb generals.

They just thought that those two were powerful figures that the Silver Wolf Dynasty had painstakingly hidden, so they were able to lead the army to fight against the Cangchu Dynasty step by step.

But now, he knew that it turned out to be the top military general sent by the Qianzhou Dynasty in Xizhou.

If the Nanyan Dynasty wanted to intervene at this time and wanted to get a piece of the pie, then there was no doubt that it was robbing the Qianzhou Dynasty for meat, which was not good news for the Nanyan Dynasty.

"Report, Your Majesty, there is someone outside the door asking to see him. He claims to be an envoy sent by the Silver Wolf Dynasty."

At this moment, Zhen Gang's voice came from outside the imperial study.

"Silver Wolf Dynasty?"

Lu Feng and Jia Xu looked at each other with a bit of surprise in their eyes. The two were talking about the Silver Wolf Dynasty, and as a result, someone came.

It really means that Cao Cao and Cao Cao are here!

"Bring him in."

Soon, Zhen just walked in with a little old man with a goatee.

"The envoy of the Silver Wolf Dynasty, Xiang Hanliang, has met His Majesty the King of the Nanyan Dynasty." The little old man bowed after entering.

"Haha, the dignified General of the Blood Guard of the Silver Wolf Dynasty turned out to be this messenger. The Silver Wolf Dynasty is very generous." Jia Xu chuckled lightly.

The Blood Guard Division, the intelligence system of the Silver Wolf Dynasty, or the assassination system is more accurate.

The people inside are both spies and killers. There are not many people and they are very powerful.

The Jinyi Guards have secretly fought against the Blood Guard Division many times, and they have both won and lost.

Jia Xu was surprised when he saw that the person who came was Xiang Hanliang.

After all, it is the General of the Blood Guard.

"To deal with Yuzhou superpowers like the Nanyan Dynasty,

I must be qualified to be this messenger. Xiang Hanliang was not surprised that Jia Xu knew his identity.

Anyway, the two men have also played against each other many times, and they still understand each other.

"The Silver Wolf Dynasty is not afraid of what you have come, can't you come back?" Jia Xu smiled, a gloomy smile.

"Presumably the Nanyan Dynasty is dignified, and it won't kill it!" Xiang Hanliang said with a smile: "Of course, if I really die, then there is nothing I can do. His Majesty wants to kill someone, so there is no need to tell anyone."

"But what I'm here today must be made clear first."

Staring at Lu Feng, he said to Hanliang, "I'm here today to tell Your Majesty that the Cangchu Dynasty is the meat soup in the bowl of the Silver Wolf Dynasty. After the Silver Wolf Dynasty has been eaten, no one can share it!"

"It's a coincidence."

Lu Feng smiled slightly, looked at Xiang Hanliang, and said, "This bowl of meat soup, I have to score a cup."

"Your Majesty, this is not so easy to say."

Xiang Hanliang narrowed his eyes and said, "The Nanyan Dynasty is not qualified to eat this bowl of soup."

"In this world, there is no soup that I can't eat." Lu Feng laughed, stared at Xiang Hanliang, and said, "I've decided to eat this bowl of meat soup from the Cangchu Dynasty, and even God can't stop it!"

Xiang Hanliang's face became gloomy, and he said coldly, "Your Majesty knows that you are causing trouble for the Nanyan Dynasty!"

"Disaster?" Lu Feng said with disdain on his face, "With your Silver Wolf Dynasty? Or with the Zhou Dynasty behind you?"

Xiang Hanliang's eyes shrank suddenly, but returned to normal in less than a second. He smiled and said, "What does Your Majesty mean? Qian Zhou Dynasty? What kind of power is this? Why have I never heard of it in Yuzhou?"

"never heard of that?"

Lu Feng laughed and said, "Just before, I and Wen He were still thinking that the Nanyan Dynasty didn't know much about the Qianzhou Dynasty, and it would be difficult to take action in the future."

"But it's very interesting. I was just thinking about the trouble, and you came to solve the trouble."

Looking at Xiang Hanliang, Lu Feng said, "Tell me about the Zhou Dynasty!"

"Your Majesty, I really don't know what you mean by that." Xiang Hanliang's face was full of suspicion, which made it look like he was pretending.

If Lu Feng hadn't heard from Chu Yekong, he probably wouldn't have thought too much.

But Lu Feng, who knew everything, Xiang Hanliang's pretense seemed a little out of his mind.

"It doesn't matter if you don't say it, I have a way to get you to speak."

Lu Feng smiled, but a mysterious text appeared in his hand, suspended above Xiang Hanliang's head, and said: "This mysterious text can find out everything I want to know from your soul, and then your soul will be Take the time, and you will turn into an empty shell without a trace of soul."

"Do you want to try it?"

"I really don't know what Your Majesty will say." Xiang Hanliang looked away.

"If you are courting death, I can only satisfy you." Lu Feng shook his head slightly, controlling Xuanwen to fall.

"Wait...wait a minute!"

Just when Xuanwen was about to land on Xiang Hanliang's head, Xiang Hanliang hurriedly spoke.


Lu Feng controlled Xuanwen to stop and said, "Have you figured it out?"

"I... I said."

Xiang Hanliang smiled wryly.

As the general of the Blood Guard Division of the Silver Wolf Dynasty, he was quite familiar with some information about Lu Feng. Among them, it was mentioned that Lu Feng was not only an ancient formation master, but also a profound formation master.

To be proficient in the long-lost Xuanwen and the original Xuanwen, there are many methods to make people terrified.

Knowing this, he was terrified.

No one is afraid of death.

At the same time, he was also a person who secretly scolded the Silver Wolf Dynasty, and had to let him be the messenger. Now it's good, Lu Feng doesn't play cards according to the routine.

In the past, this kind of 'diplomatic diplomacy' followed the principle that the two countries will not be killed when they go to war.

But looking at Lu Feng's appearance, he didn't take these words into his eyes at all.

To threaten such a person not to have any thoughts about the Cangchu Dynasty is simply a fool's dream.

But he still came.

Now, trouble!

"Tell me, what is your relationship with the Qianzhou Dynasty?" Lu Feng asked with a smile.

Xiang Hanliang didn't dare to hide it and said, "Strictly speaking, the Silver Wolf Dynasty and the Qianzhou Dynasty had nothing to do with it before, and they didn't even know the existence of such a force as the Qianzhou Dynasty."

"But a year ago, the second prince of the Qianzhou Dynasty brought a group of masters to the Silver Wolf Dynasty, took control of the Silver Wolf Dynasty royal family with absolute thunder, and strictly blocked the news."

"Then two top generals were sent to help the Silver Wolf Dynasty train its troops."

"When the time is right, attack the Cangchu Dynasty a few months ago."

"You all know what happened next. The Silver Wolf Dynasty united with the Dafeng Dynasty to defeat the Cangchu Dynasty's army, and now it is about to hit the capital of the Cangchu Dynasty."

"Because the people around the second prince of the Qianzhou Dynasty were worried that someone wanted to fish in troubled waters, and the Nanyan Dynasty was the biggest threat, so let me warn the Nanyan Dynasty in the name of the Silver Wolf Dynasty, but I didn't expect..."

Having said this, Xiang Hanliang's face was full of bitterness.

He came, but the warning failed. Instead, under the coercion of Lu Feng, he had to tell everything he knew.

If the second prince knew that Lu Feng didn't play cards according to the routine, he would never have sent him to 'send people's heads'.

"Why did the Qian Zhou Dynasty look for the Silver Wolf Dynasty?" Lu Feng asked.

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