The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1765 I will never lie to you!

Not surrendering to the Silver Wolf Dynasty was naturally what Lu Feng meant.

But Chu Yekong would definitely not say it. He changed the reason and said: "The Silver Wolf Dynasty is very powerful among the three forces. According to the information we got, the Qianzhou Dynasty is standing behind it."

"This time, there are two outstanding generals in the coalition. The army is more than 15 million, and the force is huge."

"If you pretend to surrender to them, the Chongao Dynasty may be afraid and dare not take action against the Silver Wolf Dynasty because of the powerful strength of the Silver Wolf Dynasty. At that time, we can really only surrender."

"Then why isn't it the Nanyan Dynasty?" Chu Yongxi wondered.

Chu Yekong heard the secret scolding of Chu Yongxi for being troubled, not because of the Nanyan Dynasty, but because this strategy was proposed by the Nanyan Dynasty.

But he can't say.

He had no choice but to say: "The Nanyan Dynasty also has the top military general Yue Fei, and Lu Feng, the first powerhouse in Yuzhou, is very powerful, and the other two forces may not attack because of his strength."

Chu Yongxi sounded even more strange. It was true that the Nanyan Dynasty was very strong, but compared with the Qianzhou Dynasty, it was definitely far behind.

How could the two forces be afraid of the Nanyan Dynasty? starter

"Report, Your Majesty, Lu Feng, Emperor of the Southern Yan Dynasty, has sent a messenger to ask to see you."

When Chu Yongxi was in doubt, the voice of the eunuch came from outside the door.

"The messenger of the Nanyan Dynasty?"

Chu Yongxi had a strange expression on his face, and said, "What does Lu Feng mean by sending someone at this time?"

Chu Yekong knew in his heart that he must start planning, but without any indication on his face, he said, "What do you mean, we will know when he arrives."

Soon, the envoy sent by the Nanyan Dynasty arrived in the imperial study.

"You are very brave. Lu Feng has led troops to attack my imperial city. You still dare to take his mission and come to see me, aren't you afraid that I will kill you?" Chu Yongxi sat on the dragon chair, coldly He looked at the messenger sent by Lu Feng.

The messenger smiled slightly and said, "I must be afraid that His Majesty will kill me, but thinking that His Majesty will come to accompany my little character after I die, I am not afraid." Terminal: https:/

Before coming, Lu Feng and Guo Jia both told the messenger that the stronger the performance, the less Chu Yongxi dared to touch him. He kept this in mind.


Chu Yongxi shouted loudly and said, "I think you are courting death, come here, drag this unknown guy to me and behead...

"Your Majesty Cangchu, you should listen to the request made by our majesty and say this." The messenger smiled and said, "my majesty asked me to tell you that if you want the Nanyan Dynasty to withdraw its troops, take out the Cangchu Dynasty. The five-year treasury revenue will be regarded as our country's military expenditure."

"As long as you agree to His Majesty's request, the Nanyan Dynasty will withdraw its troops immediately, and there will be no stop!"

When Chu Yongxi heard this, his eyes narrowed suddenly.

The Nanyan Dynasty actually wanted to retreat?

how can that be?

In order to attack, they exposed the big traitor of Oufeng Commercial Bank, and now they are thinking of retreating?

He quickly said coldly: "Do you think I would believe such a thing?"

"Believe it or not, Your Majesty Cang Chu, I have brought the words of Your Majesty to my country, farewell!"

The messenger left.

Chu Yongxi, who was left behind, looked puzzled.

Chu Yekong's figure also appeared in the imperial study.

"Ancestor, do you think this is credible?" Chu Yongxi looked at Chu Yekong and asked suspiciously.

"Whether it's credible or not, this is an opportunity for us."

Chu Yekong's eyes flickered and he said, "If it is true, the Nanyan Dynasty has withdrawn its troops, and our remaining enemies are the Silver Wolf Dynasty and the Chongao Dynasty."

"We pretended to surrender to the Chongao Dynasty, which caused a war between the Silver Wolf Dynasty and the Chongao Dynasty. At the same time, there were two million forbidden troops in Cangchu City, as well as 100,000 Red Flame Army and some Heihuang Army."

"When the two sides are in a war, when both sides are injured, we will send troops to attack, maybe we can turn defeat into victory!"

"If it's fake, it doesn't make much difference to us either."

"After all, after the city of Cangchu was destroyed, those things in the treasury have nothing to do with the royal family of the Cangchu Dynasty. It is better to take it out now and fight it!"

When Chu Yongxi heard it, there was a flash of light in front of him. If he could really turn a defeat into a victory, then he, the emperor of the Cangchu Dynasty, had made a great contribution.

It is even more able to defend the throne and continue to be the emperor of the dynasty.

He immediately said: "Okay, let's do it like this, we will act immediately!"


"Your Majesty, there is news from the Cangchu Dynasty that they agreed to our request and are willing to give us the income from the five-year treasury."

Inside the Nanyan Dynasty military camp, Guo Jia said with a smile.

"it is good!"

Lu Feng also had a smile on his face. The actions of the Cangchu Dynasty followed their plan. Of course, this was also thanks to Chu Yekong's cooperation inside and out.

"Send someone to the Silver Wolf Dynasty and act according to the plan." Lu Feng said.


Guo Jia immediately went down to send someone.

At the same time, Lu Feng also gave Chu Yekong an order, so that he could have someone talk to the Chongao Dynasty about the surrender.

The people who were sent to the Chongao Dynasty on their own side had to arrive after the people from the Cangchu Dynasty had gone, so that the Chongao Dynasty could agree.

The main general of the Silver Wolf Dynasty was General Bi Yirui, who was the nominal leader of the coalition army.

In fact, the two top generals of the Qianzhou Dynasty, Nan Xuduan and Nan Xuling, were actually brothers who really led the entire army.

He is also the uncle of Qian Huan, the second prince of the Qian Zhou Dynasty.

In the main general's camp, Bi Yirui was sitting in the main seat. On his left was the Nan brothers, and on his right was Gan Huan, the second prince of the Qian Zhou Dynasty.

The person standing below is the messenger sent by the Nanyan Dynasty.

At this moment, Bi Yirui frowned and said, "With such a good opportunity, would you Nanyan Dynasty be willing to give up the fat of Cangchu City?"

The messenger had already said that the Nanyan Dynasty was willing to retreat, but the Yinlang Dynasty and the Dafeng Dynasty needed to provide five-year treasury revenue.

As long as something arrived, the Nanyan Dynasty immediately retreated.

Bi Yirui naturally didn't believe it.

The messenger smiled and said, "This battle is also driven by interests."

"The current situation has become clear. The Silver Wolf Dynasty is clearly the most powerful. If the Nanyan Dynasty wants to get a share of Cangchu City, it will definitely pay a heavy price."

"In the southeast of the Nanyan Dynasty, the imperial army has already resisted the Beiguan camp and is ready to attack the Liyang territory controlled by the Nanyan Dynasty. Your Majesty does not want to be caught in the mud of war in the Cangchu Dynasty, so he plans to withdraw his troops with a profit. "

"As long as the Silver Wolf Dynasty and the Dafeng Dynasty meet His Majesty's request, the Nanyan Dynasty will withdraw its troops immediately."

Bi Yirui's frown became even tighter. As a general of the Silver Wolf Dynasty, he was not a fool, and he understood that what the messenger said was the truth.

Now in the territory of Liyang controlled by the Nanyan Dynasty, the imperial army is indeed approaching, and there is news about these Silver Wolf Dynasties.

It's just that, Lu Feng is really willing to give up Cangchu City like this?

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