The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1779 Seeking the Guda Dynasty

"That won't work."

Lu Feng refused without hesitation, and said, "I have already said that when the medicinal pill comes, the Nan brothers will give it to you. If the medicinal pill does not come, then the Nan brothers will raise it for you."

"Don't worry, I promise I won't starve them."

Seeing that Lu Feng's words had no room for negotiation, Gan Huan said no more, bowed slightly to the Nan brothers, and said, "Don't worry, the two generals, I will gather the medicinal pills immediately after I go back, so that the two generals can come back. ."

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness." The two brothers Nan Xuduan said respectfully.

Gan Huan didn't stay any longer, and soon left Cangchu City to collect the medicinal pills.

On Lu Feng's side, let Yue Fei lead the army to clear the territory of the Cangchu Dynasty, and he must stabilize everything in the territory of Cangchu in the shortest possible time.

Parts of the western and northern territories of the Cangchu Dynasty that had been conquered by the Chongao Dynasty were wiped out with the entire army of Cao Yuanwei's army. Under Lu Feng's instruction, Lü Bu led cavalry to attack these places.

In just one month, the Cangchu territory originally controlled by the Chongao Dynasty, except for the last Xiongguan Shiyang City, was taken by Lu Bu.

Cangchu Dongjing and most of the rest of the northern border, because of the cooperation between Lu Feng and Gan Huan, Gan Huan ordered the relevant personnel of the Silver Wolf Dynasty and the Dafeng Dynasty to retreat early, and Yue Fei's army also won it early.

Right now, only Shiyang City remained in the hands of the Nanyan Dynasty.

After Shiyang City was captured, the entire territory of the Cangchu Dynasty was completely mobilized by the Nanyan Dynasty, and the Cangchu Dynasty could also be declared annihilated!

"Your Majesty, according to the current rhythm, the territory of Cangchu will be completely controlled in a short time, but..."

In the imperial study room of the imperial palace in Cangchu City, Guo Jia pondered slightly, and said, "Now Cangchu territory is basically guarded by General Yue Fei's army, this is not a good solution. , to stabilize the internal affairs of Cangchu."

Lu Feng nodded, Guo Jia's words made sense.

If it wasn't because Guo Jia was not good at internal affairs, Lu Feng would have wanted to keep him here.

Lu Feng also had some headaches.

The current Nanyan Dynasty is not too short of military generals, but it is too short of internal affairs talents.

Xun Yu wanted to sit in Nanyan City,

In charge of the internal affairs of the entire Nanyan Dynasty, Liu Ji arrived in Liyang to stabilize the internal affairs of Liyang. The eldest grandson Wuji has always been in charge of the Dynasty Academy and cannot be separated.

Jia Xu can stabilize internal affairs, but is not suitable for internal affairs.

Don't talk about Guo Jia, let him handle the internal affairs, it can be done, but that can only limit his ability, his best role is still as a military adviser.

In the future, Lu Feng plans to continue sending him to Zhou Yu's side to guard against the navy of the dynasty together with Zhou Yu.

Xiao He now has to deal with the internal affairs of the ice and snow territory, and Tian Fengyuan is in the military field and is also in charge of the internal affairs there.

This has led to a huge shortage of internal affairs talents in the current Nanyan Dynasty.

In Dynasty Academy, a lot of talents have been reserved over the years, but I don’t know if it is because the generals of the Nanyan Dynasty are too famous, so in Dynasty Academy, the talents of generals occupy a full 70%, and the remaining 30%. , 20% are alchemy refining tools, and half are arrays.

The remaining half is the choice of internal affairs.

It also gave Lu Feng a headache.

It's good now. There is indeed a lot of territorial expansion, but the internal affairs talents can't keep up.

As a result, it is impossible to find a suitable internal affairs talent to deal with the large piece of land in Cangchu.

"Wait, Di Renjie!"

Lu Feng suddenly sounded the old Di Ge who he had summoned long ago.

Di Renjie came from the Prime Minister during the Wuzhou and Zhou Dynasties in China, and his reputation has been passed down for thousands of years.

When the territory of the Nanyan Dynasty was not too large, in order not to waste Di Renjie's ability, Lu Feng ordered him to inspect all the counties and counties of the Nanyan Dynasty, so as to avoid officials looting the people's fat and the family's deception.

Di Renjie has indeed achieved this. In the past two or three years, he has found a lot of problems in the places he inspected. Solving these problems has also made these places more clean.

There is absolutely no problem in letting Di Renjie handle the internal affairs of Cangchu.

"Guo Jia, you immediately give Di Renjie an order to take charge of the internal affairs of Cangchu." Lu Feng said immediately.

"Di Renjie?"

Guo Jia was a little hesitant and said, "Your Majesty, Di Renjie is very capable in handling cases and can handle internal affairs, especially the Cangchu Dynasty, which occupies the entire northern border of Yuzhou, can he bear such a heavy burden? ?"

"Don't worry, there is absolutely no problem!" Lu Feng said with great certainty.

In fact, in Lu Feng's mind, Xiao He is the most suitable person to handle Cangchu's internal affairs.

Needless to say about Xiao He's ability, there is absolutely no problem for him to come, but now Xiao He is dealing with the internal affairs of ice and snow, so he can't come.

But Lu Feng believes that Di Renjie, who can be famous in China for thousands of years, definitely has this ability.

Guo Jia didn't say much when he saw that Lu Feng believed in Di Renjie so much. He believed in Lu Feng's ability to know people and make good use of them.

A few days later, under the order of Lu Feng, Di Renjie came to Cangchu City and immediately began to deal with Cangchu's internal affairs.

In a few days, Guo Jia was full of praise for Di Renjie's internal affairs, and praised Di Renjie many times in front of Lu Feng.

Lu Feng also laughed, Di Renjie didn't let him down, then the whole turmoil was basically stable.

After all, in Wu, there are Yue Fei and Lu Bu.

In the text, there is Di Renjie, a famous person of thousands of years, and these two complement each other, which can ensure that there will be no problems in Cangchu.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully leading the Nanyan Dynasty to occupy the entire territory of the Cangchu Dynasty."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for destroying the country, and completing the hidden mission: destroy the cangchu."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the quest reward. One chance to summon the top ten Chinese ministers, one chance to summon the top five ministers of the Great Song Dynasty, one chance to summon the famous generals of the Great Tang Dynasty, five chances to summon the ordinary, and five billion experience points."

On this day, Lu Feng had just dealt with the memorial sent by Di Renjie, when the system prompt suddenly appeared in Lu Feng's mind.

"Haha, it seems that Shiyang City was taken by Lu Bu." Lu Feng responded immediately.

From Lu Feng's point of view, the Cangchu Dynasty, with the surrender of the emperor Chu Yongxi, had long been regarded as destroying the country, but the reward of the system has not appeared for a long time.

Lu Feng guessed that it was probably because the Nanyan Dynasty had not yet controlled all the territory of the Cangchu Dynasty, so Yue Fei and Lu Bu were sent to Su Qing's Cangchu territory.

It turned out to be so.

"But this summoning opportunity is a bit interesting."

Lu Feng looked at his summoning opportunity with a smile on his face. He was worried that there were too few internal affairs talents in the Nanyan Dynasty, and the system's summoning opportunity came.

The top ten ministers of China and the top five ministers of the Song Dynasty, tsk tsk, these two summoning opportunities must be able to summon two great talents.

These two great talents don't need to think about it to know that they will definitely improve the talents in the internal affairs of the Nanyan Dynasty.

"System, system, I find that I love you more and more." Lu Feng laughed.

The system ignored him.

Lu Feng didn't care either, looking at his summoning opportunity, without hesitation, he immediately said, "System, open the summoning opportunity of Huaxia's past life."

"I want to see if I can summon that name."

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