The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1781 Summoned 3 Emperors

The five normal summoning opportunities ended, and Lu Feng was a little disappointed by what he got.

Except for a state-raising card that designated Lu Bu, the other four summoning opportunities were too ordinary, and the best one was only a local-level martial skill, not worth mentioning.

On the other hand, Lu Bu's realm promotion card is good, and it can directly raise Lu Bu's realm to the peak of the sixth level of sainthood. In this way, Lu Bu's real combat power is at least in the seventh layer of sainthood.

With two generals like him and Yue Fei guarding Cangchu, and Di Renjie handling internal affairs, there will be basically no problems in Cangchu.

"By the way, whether it's Fang Xuanling, Kou Zhun and Guo Ziyi, their realms are higher than the sixth level of the Holy Venerable. Who are their accompanying characters?" Lu Feng asked the system.

Soon, the system gave the accompanying character information of the three people.

Same as before.

Only last name, no first name.

The first is a side character of Fang Xuanling.

Name: Li?

Race: Human

Realm: The peak of the seventh heaven of the emperor.

Status: Emperor

Incidental Character: Tall? ?

Race: Human

Realm: Holy Reverend Five Heavens

Occupation: Eunuch, General

Lu Feng looked at the first incidental character, frowning slightly, but he did not expect that this person's realm exceeded the sixth level of the Holy Venerable, and there was also an incidental person.

Moreover, looking at this identity is the emperor, the emperor surnamed Li in history, and can have the realm of the Seventh Heaven of the Holy Reverence, in addition to Li Yuan and Li Shimin and his son, it should be the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Tang Xuanzong Li Longji.

But this is also Lu Feng's guess.

But for the eunuch that came out, Lu Feng must be 100% the first eunuch Gao Lishi, because in the history of China, he was both an eunuch and a general, and the surname was Gao, and this Gao Lishi was the only one.

This person is also a person who has followed Tang Xuanzong all his life.

Lu Feng continued to look at the second side character, Kou Zhun's side character.

Name: Zhao?

Race: Human

Realm: Emperor Jiuzhongtian

Status: Emperor

"Another emperor!"

Lu Feng shook his head slightly.

However, this Zhao surnamed emperor, and the realm is so low, I think it must be the waste emperors of the Northern Song Dynasty, or the waste emperors of the Southern Song Dynasty.

But no matter who it is, it's a waste, and Lu Feng doesn't take it to heart.

He continued to look at the third, Guo Ziyi's side character.

Name: Ying?

Race: Human

Realm: Emperor Jiuzhongtian peak

Status: Emperor

Side character: Lee?

Race: Human

Realm: Holy Reverence First Layer.

Status: Warrior

Looking at this information, Lu Feng's expression became solemn.

Ying surname, and the realm is as high as the peak of the emperor Jiuzhongtian, and the identity is still the emperor, who this person is basically Lu Feng can be sure.

"Eternal Emperor, Qin Shi Huang!"

Lu Feng's eyes are very solemn, Qin Shihuang is undoubtedly the real emperor in the history of China, the first emperor who unified China, and he knows people and makes good use of them. It also harmed Da Qin.

"I don't know where the First Emperor will be in Kyushu, but no matter where he is, he will definitely be a tough opponent in the future."

Lu Feng was still a little dignified in his heart, after all, this is Qin Shi Huang, and no one can take it lightly.

But it is certain that he is definitely not in Yuzhou, and none of the royal family names of these dynasties in Yuzhou is Ying.

He was looking forward to it, and wanted to see if Qin Shihuang could establish the Great Qin in the Kyushu Continent.

Looking forward to playing against him.

Surely it won't disappoint then.

As for the incidental character, Lu Feng didn't take it to heart. There are quite a few military generals in the Holy Venerable First Layer.

"Your Majesty, there is a secret report from Jinyiwei!"

At this moment, a really strong voice came from outside the door.


Lu Feng was a little surprised. In general, Jin Yiwei would not pass it on directly to him, but to Jia Xu to handle it. Now that Jin Yiwei has passed the news directly to him, there is no doubt that this matter is very important.

"Bring it in."

Soon, Zhen just sent the news from Jin Yiwei.

When Lu Feng saw the news, his brows were furrowed, and his expression became more solemn.

In this news, Jin Yiwei found out that there are some more powerful warriors in the Lieyue Sect, the first martial arts sect in Cangchu, whose realm is at least above the third level of the Holy Venerable.

And the clothes on the body are not from Yuzhou, but from other states.

At this critical moment, the strength of other states has entered Yuzhou, and it is still the territory of Cangchu controlled by the Nanyan Dynasty. This is not good news.

After pondering slightly, Lu Feng said, "Send the order to Sword Saint Zhongzheng, and ask him to send someone to explore the bottom of Lieyue Sect."


A few days later, Zhongzheng Swordsman appeared in the imperial study with a solemn expression, and said to Lu Feng: "Your Majesty, we are in trouble."

"What's the trouble?"

Lu Feng frowned when he saw Zhongzheng Juggernaut's face.

"We have already found out the power of Lieyue Sect. It is from Wanjiangu, a first-rate force in Jianzhou." Zhongzheng Swordsman said solemnly.

"Valley of Ten Thousand Swords?" Lu Feng said, "Tell me about this power."


Zhongzheng Sword Saint pondered for a while, and said: "Wanjian Valley is a first-class force in Jianzhou. There are three major swordsmen in the valley, and their strength is the realm of the eighth heaven of the Holy Venerable. It is rumored that there is also an ancestor who is at the peak of the Holy Venerable Ninefold Heaven. Very powerful."

"At the same time, the people of Wanjiangu act in a way that people can't figure out. They say that they are the right way, but they are killing people's clans at every turn. It is also common to kill people in some secret realms."

"It can be said that they are evil, and they often have disciples beheading people in the evil, and they have destroyed a lot of evil sects, and they have a good reputation."

"In Jianzhou, many people have rumored that the people in Wanjiangu are acting both righteous and evil. They only believe what they want to believe, and if they offend one of them, they will often attract revenge from other masters in their power."

"But there is a rule in Wanjiangu. The disciples must walk alone in the world. If there are more than five people together, there is only one possibility..."

Zhongzheng Sword Saint paused for a while, and said solemnly: "That must be something the top management of Wanjiangu is planning."

"What are the people of Wanjiangu planning in Lieyue Sect?" Lu Feng was very puzzled.

Although the Lieyue Sect was the number one martial arts sect in the territory of Cangchu, because the royal family of the Cangchu Dynasty was powerful, it was not easy for those martial arts forces in the territory to survive.

The Lieyue Sect only has two or three warriors from the first and second levels of the Holy Venerable.

In the past, he lived under the roof of the royal family of the Cangchu Dynasty.

Moreover, the Lieyue Sect has existed for less than a thousand years, and there is no background, and the martial arts techniques within the sect are not considered to be the best.

In general, the Lieyue Sect is not necessarily ranked in the top ten among the martial arts sects in Yuzhou except the dynasty and the ten dynasties.

What are the first-class forces in Jianzhou like Wanjiangu planning in Lieyue Sect?

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