"It's a pity to let him escape."

Looking at the direction in which Yin Yuhong fled for his life, Lu Feng sighed lightly.

But there is no way, a warrior at the peak of the Holy Reverence Nine Heavens, he is determined to run, and he can't keep it now.

Even the initial Xuanwen will not work.

Because he has discovered it now, those warriors in Zhongzhou, Wuzhou, and Jianzhou have an instinctive fear when they see the initial Xuanwen. When they see the initial Xuanwen, the first choice is to escape.

This also led Lu Feng to want to keep the enemy, unless he secretly arranged the initial Xuanwen, or as soon as the initial Xuanwen appeared, the enemy's vigilance instantly increased to the extreme.

But Yin Yuhong is also a warrior at the pinnacle of the Holy Reverence Nine Heavens. If he wants to secretly arrange the initial Xuanwen when fighting with him, he will definitely be discovered.

Even if he is not found, he will be injured by Yin Yuhong's attack.

At this stage, Lu Feng absolutely does not want to be injured, because once he is injured, there will be many chain reactions.

In particular, the people who are obsessed with love are looking at them. If he is injured and his combat effectiveness is compromised, it will not be a good thing for him and the Nanyan Dynasty.

Otherwise, when the talisman exploded just now, he would have left Yin Yuhong in exchange for injury.

But the energy of the explosion of the talisman is not small. If he resists strongly, he will not want to use his true energy for at least ten days.

It's not worth it in this case.

After all, Yin Yuhong is not the only one in Wangqing Daomen, there are more strong people. It is not worth it to hurt himself for a Yin Yuhong.


"Damn Lu Feng, wait for me, one day I will kill you!"

After running with all his strength for a few hours, Yin Yuhong dared to stop, his face gloomy.

But his heart was full of shock.

Just now, he basically shot with all his strength, but he was defeated by Lu Feng, and even looking at Lu Feng's appearance, he hadn't shot with all his strength.

Such an ending made Yin Yuhong a little terrified.

He is the core disciple of Wangqing Daomen, but he was defeated by a small emperor of Yuzhou Dynasty. It is a big joke to say it.

"I already said, don't underestimate Lu Feng, but you don't believe it, can you believe me now?"

A faint voice came from behind Yin Yuhong.

The figure of Qingchenzi appeared here.

try{mad1('gad2');} catch(ex){} "Humph!"

Yin Yuhong snorted coldly and said, "The news that Guxuzi lost the battle and came back to report just said that Lu Feng's realm has reached the early stage of the eighth heaven of the Holy Venerable, but it does not say that Lu Feng's soul realm has reached the Holy Venerable. Nine Heavens."

"I was unprepared, that's why I lost!"

"Ha ha."

Qing Chenzi just smiled lightly and said, "If that's the case, then you can make more preparations, and then go to trouble with Lu Feng. I believe you will definitely kill Lu Feng by then."


Yin Yuhong was almost mad at Qing Chenzi, couldn't this guy hear that he was looking for the stairs?

The gloomy Yin Yuhong glanced at Qingchenzi coldly and said, "When you were in the sect, you found me and asked me not to bring other masters, just come with me and say that you have absolute certainty to solve the problem. Drop Lu Feng."

"Now you should talk about your method."

Qing Chenzi laughed and said, "You only think of me now? When you first entered Yuzhou, you ignored me at all, and went straight to the Nanyan Dynasty. Now that you are defeated, you think of finding a way?"

"Qingchenzi, don't make fun of me, if I don't care about this now and go back to the sect,

I'd like to see how you deal with that Lu Feng. "

Yin Yuhong smiled coldly and said, "Don't think I don't know, you and your master have been planning for Xiaomeng's Dao body for nineteen years, but you didn't expect Lu Feng to appear, right?"

"I didn't expect that Xiaomeng would ignore you at all. All of his heart is on Lu Feng. If you don't solve Lu Feng, you can cry yourself!"

Qingchenzi's expression instantly turned gloomy, he took a deep breath, looked at Yin Yuhong, and said with a smile, "Senior brother, I was just joking before, now let's talk about what to do."

"It should have been this way!"

Yin Yuhong snorted coldly and said, "Tell me, what can you do?"

"Under the circumstance that the emperor and the semi-emperor do not come to Yuzhou, it is not realistic for us to kill Lu Feng by force." Qing Chenzi said lightly.

Yin Yuhong frowned slightly and said, "What do you mean by that?"

In Wangqing Daomen, the two concepts of joining the WTO and escaping the world are still debated. Now the shunning party has given in and chose to let its disciples join the WTO, but neither the Martial Dao Emperor nor the half-emperor realm are allowed to join the WTO.

That's why Wangqing Daomen will send warriors from the peak of the Holy Reverend Jiuzhongtian to Yuzhou.

try{mad1('gad2');} catch(ex){} also made Yin Yuhong a little annoyed. If he could get emperors and warriors from the half-emperor realm to come, he only needed to call his own master, and he could completely kill Lu Feng. Exterminate it completely!

"Since force is not enough, it is natural to use your brain."

Qingchenzi smiled and said, "Look at where we are now."

Yin Yuhong looked and looked, frowned, and said, "What exactly are you trying to say?"

"This is the place of the Ji family's dynasty." Qing Chenzi said with a smile.

"What about the Ji Dynasty?" Yin Yuhong was puzzled.

Contempt flashed in Qing Chenzi's eyes, but his expression did not change. He said, "We can use the power of Ji's dynasty to deal with Lu Feng."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Yin Yuhong laughed wildly, and his laughter was full of disdain for Qingchenzi, and said, "A dynasty from a small Yuzhou does not even have warriors from the seventh heaven of the Holy Venerable, they are qualified to let me borrow their power? "

"It's ridiculous!"

Qing Chenzi shook his head and said, "Could it be that you forgot the army formation?"

Yin Yuhong's expression changed slightly, he naturally knew the army formation.

There are also two great dynasties in Wuzhou, and they are absolutely inferior to superpowers like Wangqing Daomen in terms of the peak power of martial arts.

But they are military generals with a large number of troops and the realm of emperors.

When a warrior at the level of an ordinary military commander leads an army to attack, even a warrior in the holy realm has to retreat.

If a military general of the general level of God leads an attack, even a warrior of the martial arts emperor will give in.

In Wuzhou, a quasi-superpower with three martial arts emperors once offended the two dynasties. As a result, the two dynasties each sent two emperors.

In just three months, the quasi-superpower with three martial arts emperor levels completely disappeared from Wuzhou.

Since then, several superpowers who originally looked down on the dynasty have become more jealous of the dynasty. .

And those emperor generals, the strength is not the emperor realm, most of them are warriors of the holy level.

But because they entered the road with the army, they controlled the absolute army, even if they were not in the army, they could mobilize the strength of the army thousands of miles away. It is even stronger than the general emperor martial artist.

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