"Ding, Zhuge Liang is the only person summoned by the host whose realm is at the peak of the Emperor's Nine Heavens. Because of his own literati characteristics, his loyalty cannot be judged at present. Only after Zhuge Liang meets the host, will the specific loyalty appear. ."

The system's answer made Lu Feng frown and said, "System, don't tell me that Zhuge Liang might not be loyal to me in the end!"

"Zhuge Liang will serve the host at the right time," the system said.

Hearing this, Lu Feng breathed a sigh of relief. Although he was still not as loyal as Bai Qi and Xiao He, the system's reply was certain that Zhuge Liang would eventually serve him.

As for loyalty, it's up to you.

Lu Feng is still very confident in himself now. After all, in the entire Yuzhou, the current Nanyan Dynasty is also the only superpower.

Zhuge Liang was still a disciple of the Nanyan Dynasty, and he still had a bit of an advantage.

Just wait for yourself now!

"System, let me see the side characters who summoned Zhuge Liang!" Lu Feng said.

Soon, the information with the characters appeared in Lu Feng's mind.

Name: Horse?

Occupation: Warrior

Realm: The pinnacle of the Four Heavens of the Holy Reverence

Loyalty: unknown

Identity setting: unknown

"The horse surnamed military commander at the peak of the fourth heaven of the Holy Venerable?"

Lu Feng looked at the information given by the system and thought about it carefully. There were a few famous generals with the surname Ma.

There are not many generals surnamed Ma in history. General Fubo is counted as one, Ma Chao is counted as one of the Five Tigers of the Three Kingdoms and Shu Kingdom, and another well-known general is Ma Dai.

This person is most famous for beheading Wei Yan.

It was also this cut that killed the last famous general of the Shu Kingdom, so that the last Shu Kingdom could only be supported by Jiang Wei alone.


But in terms of strength,

Ma Dai would definitely not be able to reach the peak of the Fourth Heavenly Heavenly Venerate.

Jin Ma Chao's strength can't be just the peak of the Holy Reverend Four Heavenly Layer.

The only possibility is that this Fubo general Ma Yuan.

Unfamiliar people must know little about this general Fubo, but this person is indeed a famous general, one of the sixty-four generals of the Wucheng Temple.

He is very famous for a saying: If a man should die in the border fields, and his body will be buried in his ears, how can he lie in bed in the hands of his sons and daughters?

This remark has also become the supreme will of many generals!

"I really hope that this general Fubo can come to my command, but..."


Lu Feng shook his head slightly, adding characters. In the end, it was hard to say whether it was in his own camp or the enemy general's camp.

Lu Feng could only say that he hoped that Ma Yuan would end up under his command.

The three summoning opportunities ended here.

Overall, Lu Feng was very satisfied with these three summoning opportunities.

The defensive artifact Qinglian Ding, Qianxueling, who controls the unparalleled snow, has been known as Zhuge Liang through the ages.

Three summoning opportunities, each of which has benefited him a lot.

The only regret is that this Qianxueling must have Xueling root. For him, it is a bit difficult, and he cannot use it.

But owning the Qinglian Ding was enough to satisfy him.

"Now it seems that my summoning luck is very good. If I can strike while the iron is hot, it will be perfect for a few more summoning opportunities."

Lu Feng smiled, now he is watching Xue Rengui lead the army to destroy the Ming and Song Dynasty, and then he will definitely get some summoning opportunities.

There is also Li Zhi, Emperor Gaozong of Tang, if he is killed, he will also get a chance to summon him.

But what is not good is that Li Zhi, Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty, is also his own son in terms of historical rank. If he was killed, there would be something really wrong.

Of course, this is what Lu Feng thought.

Deep down in his heart, he still supported Li Zhi's killing.

After all, the two of them have nothing to do with each other in this life, killing him to get a summoning opportunity is a good deal.

Now let's see how Xue Rengui works.


"Ancestor, what should we do now?"

In the imperial study room of the imperial palace of the Ming and Song Dynasty, Emperor Li Zongfan looked at his royal ancestor Li Zhi with a bitter face.

Li Zhi's face was also very ugly.

They originally expected the Eastern Xia Dynasty to attack Xue Rengui's army from the rear, and then create a chance for them to turn defeat into victory.

It's good now, the hoped Eastern Xia Dynasty is destroyed faster than them.

Moreover, Xue Rengui's army was approaching step by step, and there were only three or five days left before the capital.

If this goes on, the Ming and Song Dynasties are truly over.

"What should I do? What can I do?"

Li Zhi let out a long sigh and said, "The army can't beat it, and it's too late even for the army in the north to return to help."

"Then we..."

Li Zongfan's face was even more bitter.


With a long sigh, Li Zhi said: "Tonight, I will visit Xue Rengui's military camp. If I can find an opportunity, it is naturally best to kill Xue Rengui. Fighting for a day is a day.”

Li Zhi looked very helpless.

He personally founded the Ming and Song Dynasties. He led many generals in those years, fought in the north and south, and forcibly conquered a piece of territory, which made the current Ming and Song Dynasty.

Even after the subsequent defeat of the Ming and Song Dynasties, it never had the trend of destroying the country. Now it is on the verge of destroying the country. His ancestors of this dynasty are distressed.

But he also understood that this was the rule of the Kyushu Continent.

The weak eat the strong, and the strength is not enough, so no one can blame others.

This is impossible.

The best way now is to do it yourself. If you can kill Xue Rengui, then everything may change. If you can't, you can basically declare the country to be wiped out.

As for destroying food and grass, it's just a delay.

Li Zongfan was silent, and now it is only possible for Li Zhi to make a move.

But he knew better that Li Zhi's shot success rate was also very, very low.

That Xue Rengui was a superb general.

Even if Li Zhi is a martial artist of the fifth heaven of the Holy Reverence, it is quite difficult to kill a top military general.

But, now this is the only way, even if it is difficult, try it.

Waiting for the country to be destroyed, Li Zhi couldn't accept it.

He, the emperor of the Ming and Song Dynasty, could not accept it.

That night, the starry night.

Li Zhi, the ancestor of the Ming and Song Dynasty, established the city alone and went to the army of Xue Rengui.

Holy Venerable Martial Artist, half an hour before he flew to Xue Rengui's barracks.

Seeing the orderly arrangement of the military camp in the distance and taking care of each other, Li Zhi was very envious.

As the founder of the Ming and Song Dynasties, he led troops to fight in the north and south, and he was also well versed in marching and fighting.

At a glance, you can see the beauty of Xue Rengui's barracks layout.

In this case, if a surprise attack occurs, all military camps can respond to the battle as soon as possible, which can reduce the damage of the surprise attack to a minimum.

If the army is on the disadvantaged side, this arrangement of Li Zhi is considered normal.

But now Xue Rengui is in the absolute dominant position, and it is arranged like this, which can only prove that Xue Rengui is very, very vigilant.

Such a general is hard to find!

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