The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1907 The Eve of the Great Battle

"Just them?"

The Blast Warlord heard it, his expressions were all disdain, and he said, "Even a little Lieqi Dynasty has been fighting for almost half a year, and they haven't broken the defense of the Lieqi Dynasty. Can you count on such strength?"

Ji Yinfu and Shenghui Warlord shook their heads when they heard it.

Although the words of the hurricane warlord are not pleasant, what they say is the truth.

The Silver Wolf Dynasty is sitting on two supreme generals sent by the Qianzhou Dynasty, the brothers Nan Xuduan and Nan Xuling, who can lead the allied army of the Silver Wolf Dynasty and the Dafeng Dynasty, but they are unable to break the defense of the Lieqi Dynasty. It was shocking.

You must know that the Lie Qi Dynasty did not have a single top general, but only two old generals who were half a step top general.

Among the original ten dynasties in Yuzhou, the Lieqi Dynasty was ranked fifth, and its strength was really not that powerful.

But in the face of such a dynasty, it is a bit funny that the two top generals of the Qian Zhou Dynasty were not able to break through in a short period of time.

They even had some doubts. How did they break the Cangchu Dynasty in just three months?

Just those two top generals, do they really have such strength?

Or is it that the Cangchu Dynasty has been strong from the outside and the middle is strong from the beginning, and it is not useful?

Ji Yinfu and the three of them really couldn't understand how a force that could destroy the Cangchu Dynasty, the leader of the previous ten dynasties in three months, would fail in attacking the Lieqi Dynasty.

The difference between the front and back is really huge!


The Shenghui general pondered slightly and said, "Your Majesty, although the two supreme generals of the Qianzhou Dynasty are not strong enough, I think we can still give it a try."

"If they can agree, at least they can put pressure on the Nanyan Dynasty in the territory of Cangchu, so that they will not dare to transfer more troops to the Liyang battlefield, and it will also ease the pressure on our frontal battlefield."

"Oh, that's all it can do!"

Ji Yinfu sighed softly and said, "I'll send someone there."


Soon, Ji Yinfu sent envoys to the Silver Wolf Dynasty.

I met Gan Huan, the second prince of the Qian Zhou Dynasty.

"Oh? Dynasty wants to work with us?"

When Gan Huan heard the envoy's words, he laughed and said, "Forget it, I, Gan Huan, can't stand high in your Ji family's dynasty."

Gan Huan's refusal suddenly made the envoy sent by the dynasty anxious, and he quickly said: "His Royal Highness, my Majesty said that as long as His Royal Highness agrees to cooperate, we can give Yu after the great victory. One-third of the territory of the state is given to His Royal Highness, and it is guaranteed that His Highness will not be disappointed."

"Haha, what I want, I never need someone else to give it, but I get it myself."

Gan Huan laughed and said, "Send off!"

Soon there will be personal soldiers coming, and the envoy will be sent out.

When the envoy was sent out, Gan Huan's complexion instantly darkened.

In fact, Gan Huan is eager to cooperate with the dynasty. It is best to use the power of the dynasty to attack the Lieqi dynasty from the side, destroy the Lieqi dynasty, let him reorganize his army, and then wait for the dynasty and the Nanyan dynasty to fight, and send troops to snatch it by himself. site.

Now he doesn't want to get two-thirds of Yuzhou's territory, he just wants to get one-third of Yuzhou's territory.

At that time, when he returns to the dynasty by himself, he will surely be able to sit firmly on the throne.

But that can only be thought.

He and Lu Feng had agreed before that they would join forces to attack the dynasty.

Now, although he has also placed troops on the border with the dynasty, he has not attacked. In a strict sense, he has violated the agreement with Lu Feng.

But because the army is still there, it is not a complete violation.

But if he cooperates with the dynasty now, it is a real violation, and violating his faith may cause him to have inner demons in the later martial arts.

For a character like him, such an end is absolutely unacceptable.


Such a good opportunity can only be said to be a pity.

Gan Huan was also very helpless. The battle in the Cangchu Dynasty had caused him too great a loss.

The territory that was clearly captured was completely robbed by the Nanyan Dynasty, and two top generals were arrested, forcing him to agree to Duke Lu Feng's conditions.

It's good now, no matter how good the opportunity is in front of him, he can only watch it.

"His Royal Highness, there is news from the old general that the Griffon General is ready, and he only needs to announce his retreat in one month, and then he can secretly come to Yuzhou."

At this moment, a man in black appeared in front of Gan Huan and said.

"Haha, it's finally coming!"

Hearing the news, Ganhuan was overjoyed at first.

Nan Xuduan and Nan Xuling had already disappointed him too much, and now the Griffon General is coming, giving him full hope.

After all, the Griffin general is a top-ranking military general, and he is also an absolute top military general in the Qianzhou Dynasty. His arrival, in Gan Huan's view, will definitely lead the army to sweep the entire Yuzhou.

At that time, it will be more than one-third of Yuzhou's territory, even if the entire Yuzhou is won, it is not hopeless.

Staring in the direction of the dynasty and the Nanyan dynasty, Gan Huan smiled coldly and said, "The Ji dynasty, the Nanyan dynasty, you guys just wait. In the end, the only one who benefits from the fisherman can be me, Gan Huan."

"When the time comes, you will see, what is a real dynasty warrior!"

As for now, Gan Huan has already made up his mind, ignoring the struggle between the dynasty and the Nanyan dynasty, and he just needs to silently wait for their war to start, and then the fisherman will benefit.

"Idiot Ganhuan, I want to see, how long can you jump."

After getting the news that Gan Huan refused from the envoy, Ji Yinfu was instantly furious, but there was nothing he could do.

He didn't have the strength to force Gan Huan to do anything.


The angry Ji Yinfu sighed and murmured, "Let's watch Wangqing Daomen now, and hope to bring back enough top military generals!"


In the blink of an eye, two months passed by quietly.

In the past two months, except for the war between the Yinlang Dynasty and the Lieqi Dynasty in the east of Yuzhou, Yuzhou was generally very peaceful.

In the eastern part of Yuzhou, a powerful general of the Silver Wolf Dynasty suddenly appeared half a month ago, leading the combined army of the Silver Wolf Dynasty and the Dafeng Dynasty to break through the two layers of defense of the Lieqi Dynasty in just half a month.

The current Lieqi Dynasty has fully contracted and formed the last two layers of defense, but with the current offensive speed of the Silver Wolf Dynasty, the Lieqi Dynasty will announce the extermination of the country within a month at most.

In addition, in the past two months, the Nanyan Dynasty finally completely dispatched the army to the Liyang battlefield.

A full 35 million elite infantry, 7 million elite cavalry.

The generals Yue Fei, Meng Tian, ​​Gao Shun, Lu Bu, etc. were all gathered on the Liyang battlefield. As long as a steady stream of various equipment was sent from behind, they could immediately launch the final decisive battle against the Ji Dynasty.

This scene scared Ji Yinfu to sleep for several days, but today, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, because he got the news that Qing Chenzi and Yin Yuhong came back with a group of top generals.

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