The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1915 The Emperor Wants to Surrender

"Why are you sighing?" Ji Yinfu looked at the Shenghui warlord strangely.

"I'm sighing, this is obviously an excellent opportunity, but we can't do anything." Shenghui Warlord looked very helpless.

"What great opportunity?" Ji Yinfu asked.

"Your Majesty, the defense of the Nanyan Dynasty in Tianxian Dao can be said to be very, very weak. If we can have all the elite soldiers at this time and directly raid Tianxian Dao, there is a 70% chance of directly taking Tianxian Dao."

"At that time, it will be equivalent to opening a gap in the whole battle situation. Unfortunately, Yang Ming and the others have no such idea at all. They only want to fight the Nanyan Dynasty on the frontal battlefield. They may want to take advantage of this opportunity. Hone your ability to be the best general!"


Speaking of Shenghui Warlord, he sighed again.

The reason why he analyzes so many Guo Ziyi is that he has long seen that this is an excellent opportunity.

But it was doomed that the dynasty could not capture this supreme general.

"It's not that simple."

The Blast General gave a wry smile and said, "The Jinyiwei intelligence capability of the Southern Yan Dynasty is also top-notch in the entire Yuzhou. As long as we transfer troops to Tianxian Dao, they will be able to get the news, and they will definitely be defensive."

"This opportunity will become very tasteless!"

"That is also an opportunity." Shenghui general said: "As long as our speed is fast enough, the Nanyan Dynasty has not had time to mobilize the defense, directly break the defense of Tianxiandao, and take advantage of the situation to destroy the Nanyan Dynasty, everything will be fine. !"

The Galewind Warlord still shook his head, he knew very well how difficult it was to seize this opportunity.

Just like the Nanyan Dynasty wants to raid the dynasty, it will also have this scruple, as long as the army is mobilized, it will be discovered, and it will be impossible to complete the real raid at that time.

But he didn't say much about it, because now that things are doomed, it's useless to say more.

"Okay, don't think about it, just follow the previous plan!"

Ji Yinfu looked at the generals of Gale Wind and said, "You should be responsible for guarding against the troops in the Cangchu territory of the Southern Yan Dynasty." r\u003e

"If you can seize the opportunity to attack, you must attack. As long as you can open a gap anywhere, it will have a huge impact on the situation on the frontal battlefield."


The Gale Warrior replied.

But there was a wry smile in his heart. In fact, everyone knew now that there would be no battle in Cangchu.

Because the Nanyan Dynasty had already set up an absolute defense in Cangchu territory.

After all, it is not only the dynasty that Cangchu has to face, but also the Silver Wolf dynasty with the Qianzhou dynasty standing behind them. Together, they cannot take the initiative to attack, they will only choose passive defense and wait for the frontal battlefield. result.

Ji Yinfu asked himself to look for opportunities, but it was just to put it nicely.

But he had no choice but to take orders.


In the Lie Qi Dynasty, the emperor came here in the palace of the great general of the capital.

"Old General, in the current situation, can we still have a chance?"

In the study, Zong Xiangqing, the emperor of the Lieqi Dynasty, looked at Ma Yuan, the general of the Dynasty, with a complicated face.

Ma Yuan's face was pale at this time. He had made two moves with the Griffin warrior who suddenly appeared in the Silver Wolf Dynasty before and was directly repelled. If it wasn't for his strength, he might have died.

It is precisely because of this that the emperor personally came to him to inquire about the battle situation.

Otherwise, he should be the general who went to meet the emperor.


Ma Yuan sighed and said, "Your Majesty, with all due respect, it is almost impossible for us to block the attack of the Silver Wolf Dynasty."

"Because the griffin general who suddenly appeared in the enemy army is at least a top middle-rank general. The defense I arranged is too difficult to deal with him."

Emperor Zong Xiang heard this, and his expression became even more sad.

You must know that the reason why the Lieqi Dynasty faced the attack of the Silver Wolf Dynasty, which had two top-ranking generals, was because Ma Yuan's defenses arranged throughout the Lieqi Dynasty could block the attack of the low-ranking top-ranking generals.

This is why the two supreme generals of the Silver Wolf Dynasty attacked, but they failed to break through for a few months.

But now the griffin generals who suddenly appeared, completely smashed the defense of the Lieqi Dynasty. ://

Now in the whole hunting, only the last line of defense is still standing, and it is also in jeopardy. In more than ten days at most, the last line of defense will be broken.

At that time, the Lieqi Dynasty will really only be left to perish.

"Old General, what do you think we should do now?" Zong Xiangqing looked at Ma Yuan and asked.

"Your Majesty, the last general is a military general, and the general's duty is to obey orders. Now my task is to defend this last line of defense."

Ma Yuan looked at Emperor Zong Xiangqing and said, "What the last commander can tell His Majesty is that as long as the last commander is on the day, the last line of defense will not be lost."

"If the last line of defense is lost, then my horse aid will surely accompany the city's death!"

Zong Xiang didn't understand when he heard these words, Ma Yuan was determined to coexist with the last line of defense.

For the emperor, it is definitely a dream to have such a general.

But for Zong Xiangqing now, his face is even more bitter.

Ma Yuan's attitude was to tell him that Ma Yuan was from the Silver Wolf Dynasty, which was absolutely impossible to surrender.

And Zong Xiangqing came to ask Ma Yuan today, and he actually had the idea of ​​surrendering in his heart.

After all, the Lie Qi Dynasty was in jeopardy now, and he, the emperor, did not want to wait until the day when the country was destroyed.

Surrender now, maybe there is still some chance.

It was just Ma Yuan's attitude that prevented him from saying that he wanted to surrender to the Silver Wolf Dynasty.

Because Ma Yuan was the general of the Lie Qi Dynasty, he did not agree to surrender, even if Zong Xiangqing wanted to surrender, it was not that simple.

Before the war, he had already handed over the talisman to Ma Yuan.

"Old General, you can have a good life and recover from your injuries. The frontline matters can be postponed." Zong Xiang thought for a while and said this.

If Ma Yuan agrees, he will be able to take back the military talisman and act according to his own ideas.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will go to the front line immediately, and I will make sure that there will be no flaws in the defense line!" Ma Yuan said immediately.

Zong Xiang listened, and he smiled bitterly in his heart, and Ma Yuan really did not leak.

But he couldn't do anything about it, he couldn't forcibly take back the military talisman before, that would not only chill Ma Yuan's heart, but also chill the hearts of the generals of the Lie Qi Dynasty.

In desperation, he could only say: "Since this is the case, then I will leave everything to the old general."

After speaking, Zong Xiangqing left. He wanted to go back to the palace to think of other ways to see if he could get the military talisman back from Ma Yuan.

"Do you want to solve the current crisis of the Lieqi Dynasty?" r\u003e

Zong Xiangqing had just returned to his emperor's sedan chair when a voice suddenly rang in his ear.


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