The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1921 Breakthrough: the ultimate general

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For a general in the realm of a top-ranking military general, he can do a lot of things in three days.

However, the Griffin generals are also confident enough to hold on for three more days.

After all, he is also a top-ranking general, but he doesn't believe that Bai Qi can defeat him in a short period of time.

This battle, in the eyes of the Griffin Warlord, is destined to end in a short time.

If Nan Xuling succeeds, the battle will be over within fifteen days.

But if Nan Xuling failed, it would be difficult to tell the winner within a month or two.


The griffin general sighed softly.

"General, why are you sighing?" Nan Xuling looked at the Griffin general in doubt, and said, "Could it be that the general thinks there is something wrong with the tactical arrangement?"

"It's not that there is a problem with the tactical arrangement, it's just a little helpless." The Griffin general shook his head and said, "If Bai Qi is not a top-ranking top-ranking general, even if he is a middle-ranking top-ranking general, I can still use the power of the military formation. , forcibly suppress his army."

"It will be a day or two to end the battle, and there needs to be so much trouble now."

The Griffin general is really helpless.

On the Kyushu Continent, low-level military generals face the attack of high-level military generals, just like a martial artist in the refining realm encountering a martial artist in the master realm, and there is no resistance.

Fighting against generals of the same level is like fighting against warriors of the same level, and it is difficult to determine the winner in a short period of time.

Even in a fight between military generals of the same level, as long as the difference in combat effectiveness of the troops under his command is not too much, it must be a stalemate.

It may even become a protracted war!

This is why on the Kyushu Continent, when ordinary generals encounter a general of the level of an elite general, they have no intention of resisting.

The main reason for this is that at the level of the top generals, the use of the army formation has reached a higher level, and the army formation can be directly used to suppress the enemy army formation, resulting in damage to the enemy's morale and even breaking the enemy army formation. The enemy's morale is instantly depressed.

In such a situation, it only takes one or two charges to turn the enemy's elite soldiers into rout soldiers, and in the end form a big rout.

This is why, the status of the top military generals is in the Kyushu continent, and even those great dynasties that belong to the superpower category will be very respected and valued.

On the Kyushu Continent, for these great dynasties, what really determines the outcome is not the number of strong emperors, but whether the generals under their command are strong enough.

Because the suppression of the martial artist by the military formation is also visible to the naked eye.

Just like a general at the level of a top general, the condensed army can definitely suppress ordinary masters of the Holy Venerable.

At the level of the emperor, even the warriors of the emperor level would not dare to test the formation.

You must know that they are both masters of the martial arts emperor level, and the two are fighting, and it is difficult to kill each other.

But for the emperor, facing a martial artist at the level of the emperor of martial arts, as long as the enemy is suppressed by his own army, beheading is a matter of a few moments.

This is also the reason why military generals at the level of emperors are more respected and feared than those at the level of emperors in the Nine Provinces Continent.

Griffin general is not an emperor general, he is a top-ranking military general.

Bai Qi is also a top-ranking military commander.

It is impossible for the two to fight against each other in a short period of time.

This is why the Griffin War will let Nan Xuling lead the troops to attack Xinghui City from the side.

As long as Xinghui City is broken, the morale of Bai Qi's army can be hit, and he can find a chance to defeat Bai Qi's army!

Shaking his head slightly, the Griffin general understands very well that these are not things that he can change by thinking about it now. After all, Bai Qi, a top-ranking general, is stronger than him.

The most important thing is to act according to the plan now.

"Go down and lead the troops. The sooner you break through Xinghui City, the sooner the battle can be ended." The Griffin Battle Commander Nan Xuling said.


Nan Xuling said no more, and immediately went to the rear to lead the army around and attack Xinghui City.

"General Bai, both the enemy's middle army and the left army started to attack, but only the right army did not attack."

Ma Yuan pointed to the right side of the Griffin general's army and said, "According to the information I got before, there are 300,000 elite iron cavalry on the right side of the enemy army. If the enemy army takes advantage of our frontal battle, let the cavalry launch A sneak attack is definitely not good news for us."

"The last general thought that now we must pay more attention to the army on the right side of the enemy army!"

Bai Qi did not answer immediately, but looked at the enemy army, pondered slightly, and said: "There are three top-ranking generals in the enemy's formation, the top-ranking top-ranking general, Griffin General, sits in the middle army, controls the army formation, and commands the army to fight. . "

"Nan Xu, the top-ranking general of the low-ranking army, has taken it, and led the army on the left to look at it, trying to detour and attack the side of our army."

"But why did Nan Xuling, another top-ranking military general, not show up for a long time?"

"It must be in the army on the right, trying to launch a sneak attack when we are in a head-on battle!" Ma Yuan said immediately.

"Sneak attack is inevitable, but I don't think the enemy is going to attack on the frontal battlefield." Bai Qi said.

"This..." Ma Yuan was stunned, looked at Bai Qi suspiciously, and said, "General Bai, what do you mean by that?"

"If I were a Griffin general, I would definitely think of another way when I knew that the enemy was a top-notch general and couldn't end the battle in a short time."

Bai Qi said lightly: "When the enemy forces are all pulled out of the city to fight head-on with our own army, the enemy city must be extremely empty. If a good general is dispatched at this time, he will lead an army to attack the enemy without knowing it. The city will definitely be able to break through the enemy city."

"As long as the enemy's rear city is destroyed, the enemy's morale will be severely hit. For our own side, the morale will be soaring, and the other will grow, and victory is in sight!"


When Ma Yuan heard this, he only felt a loud noise in his mind, as if something had exploded. At the same time, he felt that his altar became very clear at this moment, and he completely understood the aspect of military operations. raised a level.


Bai Ji looked a little surprised. The first time he came here, he knew that Ma Yuan was a half-step top general, and he was only one step away from the real top general.

During this period of time, leading troops to defend the enemy's top-ranking generals' attack was quite miraculous, making his "one step away" closer, and he only needed an opportunity to break through to the realm of low-grade top-ranking generals.

The current Ma Yuan, the breath exuding in the body is exactly the breath of the low-ranking military commander.

Just when his words fell, Ma Yuan broke through!

This surprised Bai Qi. His remarks were just an analysis of the war situation, and he did not go too deep into what he would do when he was in the position of the enemy's commander, but Ma Yuan was able to find a breakthrough from these remarks. opportunity.

It's really not that simple.

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