The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1926 The king is a faithful minister!

Soon, Ma Chao's information appeared in Lu Feng's eyes.

Ma Chao: the word Mengqi, Fufeng Maoling people. Warlord in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, famous general of Shu Han during the Three Kingdoms period, after General Fubo Ma Yuan, the eldest son of Ma Teng, Weiwei;

Race: Human

Realm: Saint Venerable Seventh Layer Peak (current realm is Saint Venerable 1st Layer Peak, after the host is recruited, the strength will be raised to Saint Venerable Seventh Layer Peak within three months)

Loyalty: 90

Identity setting: Ma Chao is the grandson of Ma Yuan, the general of the Lieqi Dynasty. Hearing about the prosperity of the Nanyan Dynasty, he sighed at the power of the host and yearned for it.

"Ma Yuan's grandson?"

Lu Feng looked a little weird.

Ma Chao in history was indeed a descendant of General Fubo Ma Yuan, but he was separated from Ma Yuan by several generations.

However, the system is set to be the grandson of Ma Yuan in this life, which makes sense.

It's just that the loyalty is a bit low.

But it is normal to think about it. After all, Ma Chao is not a general of the Nanyan Dynasty, but a descendant of a general of the Lieqi Dynasty.

Moreover, Lu Feng is not worried that Ma Chao will join the enemy, because in the news of Bai Qi's report, Ma Yuan was promoted to the top military commander. Own.

Ma Chao's identity is the grandson of Ma Yuan. For Lu Feng, he can be transferred with just one order.

But certainly not now.

Just like what Bai Qi said, you can't risk exposing the relationship between Nanyan Dynasty and Xueyilou because of this.

After pondering slightly, Lu Feng took out the jade pendant he gave to Bai Qi, and entered the order he gave him, asking him to recruit Ma Chao as a general.

Bai Qi will attack the dynasty from the side after the final battle between the Nanyan Dynasty and the Dynasty begins. With Ma Chao as a fierce general, it can be easier.

At the same time, it is considered that Ma Chao has been recruited, which can increase Ma Chao's strength to the peak of the Seventh Heavenly Venerate in a shorter period of time.

After doing all this, Lu Feng looked at the last summoning opportunity he had left, and had no plans to keep it, so he used it directly.

"Ding, the call is in progress."

"Ding, the summoning is successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Zhao Yun realm promotion card."

"Zhao Yun's Realm Promotion Card: It can improve Zhao Yun's strength from three small realms to five small realms, and upgrade his general level to a low-rank top general."

"Zhao Yun's realm promotion card?"

Lu Feng looked surprised. He didn't expect that this time he summoned Zhao Yun's realm promotion card directly.

And this upgrade card is very good.

Zhao Yun's strength in the Nanyan Dynasty has always been very good, and the battle of Tianxian Dao is also famous in Yuzhou, but compared with Lu Buhuo's illness, there is some gap.

On the one hand, because Zhao Yun's strength was suppressed by the system, and he has not been completely unblocked, he is not considered the top in the Nanyan Dynasty.

Secondly, he is not a top military general, so his reputation is not as good as others.

If his realm is raised this time, then his combat power will increase a lot.

"Use the Zhao Yun Realm Upgrade Card immediately!" Lu Feng said.

"Ding, Zhao Yun's realm promotion card is in use."


Congratulations to the host Zhao Yun's realm promotion card for successfully using, Zhao Yun's realm has been improved by four small realms. "

Zhao Yun: The host summons a character, a famous general during the Three Kingdoms period.

Race: Human

Realm: the peak of the Sixth Heavenly Reverence.

The realm of military commanders: the best military commanders of the lower rank.

Faction: Southern Yan Dynasty

Martial arts: Bainiao Chaofeng Spear, Seven Snake Coiled Spear.

Divine Ability: Gentian (After using it, Zhao Yun will improve three small realms, which is extremely powerful.)

Innate supernatural power: Fearless (Zhao Yun's innate supernatural power, when cast, can make Zhao Yun enter the state of martial arts.)

Passive supernatural power: Martial God (a state only possessed by martial arts masters. Entering this state, Zhao Yun's combat power will be greatly improved.)

Loyalty: Diehard

Looking at Zhao Yun's information, Lu Feng showed a smile on his face, Zhao Yun's strength after using the realm upgrade card can be said to be very good.

Lu Feng is looking forward to Zhao Yun's performance in this decisive battle.

However, after pondering for a while, Lu Feng still gave an order, ordering Zhao Yun to rush back to Tianxian Road immediately and obey Guo Ziyi's order.

Before dispatching the Tianxian Dao army to the Liyang battlefield, Lu Feng also transferred Zhao Yun.

After all, as a military general, Zhao Yun's strength is still very good, and he can definitely play a good role in the final battle.

But now that Zhao Yun's realm has risen to the peak of the Sixth Heavenly Heavenly Venerate, the realm of military commanders has also reached the level of the lowest-ranking military commanders.

That should work better.

Sending it to Guo Ziyi's command will definitely play a miraculous role in the raid on the dynasty!

After doing this, Lu Feng smiled and murmured in a low voice, "Not bad, I didn't disappoint myself in the three summoning opportunities this time."

A random realm promotion card, which improved Zhou Yu's general realm.

Then Ma Chao was summoned, and he was recruited as a general, and he will also be an absolute warrior in the future.

The Zhao Yun Realm Promotion Card that was finally summoned greatly enhanced Zhao Yun's strength, adding a layer of protection for the raid on the dynasty.

The things summoned by these three summoning opportunities can be said to be very good.

"Your Majesty, General Yue Fei asks to see you!"

At this moment, a real voice came from outside the door.

"Bring him in."


Soon Yue Fei walked in under the leadership of Zhen Gang.

"Yue Fei, the last commander, meet your majesty."

"Long live, long live, my emperor."

Yue Fei knelt down and bowed to the ground.

Lu Feng waved his hand and said, "No need to be more polite."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Yue Fei stood up.

Lu Feng looked at him and said with a smile: "Pengju, the battle is imminent at this time, you are not on the front line, why did you come to me?"

"Your Majesty, this minister is here to inform His Majesty about the deployment of the minister in this decisive battle, and also ask His Majesty to make a decision." Yue Fei took out a jade tube.

"Haha, Pengju, I have already given you full responsibility for this battle, how to deploy the battle, you and Jia Xu, Guo Jia, Liu Ji, and Zhangsun Wuji can discuss and decide, no need to let me come. It's decided." Lu Feng smiled.

As an emperor, Lu Feng knew very well that he did everything by himself. He might appear to be a wise ruler to outsiders, but he did not trust his generals.

Before that, Lu Feng had already handed over all the command of the army to Yue Fei. Even the Prime Minister Jia Xu, Guo Jia, the eldest Sun Wuji and Liu Ji were among the five advisors. Lu Feng also let him go. As assistants, they all leave it to Yue Fei to decide.

Since it has been handed over to Yue Fei, if he intervenes again, it will not only distrust Yue Fei, but also damage the majesty of his own emperor.

So from the beginning, Lu Feng did not intend to lead this decisive battle as the main general.

Perhaps for other emperors, the emperor does not make the decision in such a decisive battle, and leaves it to his generals to decide.

challenge the authority of the emperor.

:. :

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