The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1936 Gao Shun moves troops!


On Gao Shun's side, he personally commanded the army, taking advantage of the good opportunity of the enemy's offensive being pushed back by heavy crossbows, and advancing quickly.

On Shan Qisheng's side, after ordering his subordinates to pass the news to Yang Ming, he saw the fierce force of Gao Shun's army, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and he said, "Send the order, and order the army to immediately shrink the defense!"

For Shan Qisheng, all he has to do is to stick to the arrival of Yang Ming's follow-up army, as long as Yang Ming's army arrives.

He led his army to cooperate with the inside and the outside, and gave Gao Shun's army a center to bloom, which would definitely make Gao Shun's army retreat in an instant.

Then he successfully won Yu Zhongshan, and he was the biggest hero of this decisive battle.

Therefore, Shan Qisheng did not intend to have too much contact with Gao Shun's army before Yang Ming's army arrived.


Gao Shun, who was commanding the army to attack, frowned slightly when he saw the movement of the enemy.

Yu Zhongshan is a good position for defense, but not a good position for offense.

Under normal circumstances, when attacking down the mountain, most of the troops are exposed to the enemy's field of vision. The enemy only needs to concentrate most of the bows and crossbows to cause heavy losses to the army.

It is precisely because of this that Gao Shun used a heavy crossbow to push back the enemy, and then took advantage of the situation to launch an attack to ensure that the enemy would not be able to launch a counterattack in a short period of time.

At the same time, it is also preparing to condense the defensive shield of the army to resist the arrow rain of the enemy.

But unexpectedly, when Shan Qisheng faced the attack of his army, he chose to retreat directly to the barracks.

"It seems that this single Qi Sheng really made up his mind to stick to the arrival of Yang Ming's army!"

After thinking about Gao Shun for a while, he understood Shan Qisheng's thoughts.

Then he shook his head.

If everything is as they planned, Shan Qisheng's actions are naturally the best.

But now it's not that simple.

"Order the army to speed up, and be sure to surround the enemy's barracks in the shortest possible time!" Gao Shun ordered.


Meng Taoming immediately sent the order down.

Under the order of Gao Shun, the speed of the army increased sharply, and quickly formed a siege to the enemy's barracks.

After more than two hours, the army under Gao Shun's command had completed a three-sided siege against the enemy army under the impetus of the Divine Travel Talisman.

The remaining side is exactly the direction that Lu Buhuo's Qubing Iron Cavalry can attack.

Seeing Gao Shun's army arrangement, Shan Qisheng smiled and said, "Three missing one!"

"Classic siege tactics, but unfortunately, not suitable here!"

Why are there three missing one?

Encircle three sides, open one side, set up ambush, lure the enemy to flee!

Because an army, if it is in a desperate situation, has no chance, it may directly turn this army into a mourning soldier.

Underdogs in desperation have very, very terrifying combat effectiveness. If you want to destroy such an army, you need to pay a lot of money.

But if you give him an opening, you will make the people inside have hope and think about life.

Once escaped from this reserved opening, the cavalry rushed to kill immediately, which could obtain the greatest victory at the least cost.

The tactic of encircling three and missing one is a real classic encirclement tactic.

Many powerful generals have been defeated by this tactic.

If the three brothers Shan Qisheng were thinking about their lives today, then this tactic would be perfect.

But unfortunately, what they were thinking about today was to bloom in the center, and Gao Shun was caught off guard.

This is destined to be impossible for Gao Shunwei's strategy of missing three and one!

"Next, we only need to wait for the arrival of Yang Ming's army before we can start a counterattack."

"Before this, we must do a good job of defense, and we must not find any opportunities for the enemy!" Shan Qisheng said.

Shan Qimin nodded and said, "According to the time, we only need to hold on for three days, and Yang Ming's army will almost arrive."

A few people were smiling when they heard it, and it was easy for them in just three days.


"Gao Shun really sent troops?"

In the imperial army, Yang Ming was surprised when he got news of Shan Qisheng.

When he was setting up, although he also understood that the best outcome of this tactic was for Gao Shun to send troops to attack Shan Qisheng's army, he also knew that as long as Gao Shun was not a fool, it was absolutely impossible to send troops.

Because then it is easy to find an opportunity for yourself to win Yuzhongshan.

For the Nanyan Dynasty, the importance of Yuzhong Mountain is self-evident.

But he did not expect that Gao Shun actually sent troops!

"Can you determine how many troops Gao Shun led to attack?" Yang Ming asked.

"General Shan Qisheng's news mentions that Gao Shun's army is at least seven million!"

"Seven million!"

Yang Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, and murmured in a low voice, "It seems that Gao Shun intends to directly destroy Shan Qisheng's army with the momentum of thunder, without giving himself a chance to react!"

"Send the order to Lei Gengjin, and order him to lead the iron cavalry to help Shan Qisheng, and I will lead the troops later!"

Gao Shun's dispatch is the best result in Yang Ming's plan. For him, this is a great opportunity that must not be missed.

Under Yang Ming's order, Lei Gengjin immediately led the attack.

"Report, General, according to the news reported by our spies, the Iron Cavalry of the Dynasty has been dispatched, and it will be able to reach the battlefield in three days at most!" Gao Shun also got the news.

"Where's Yang Ming's 20 million-strong army?" Gao Shun asked immediately.

"No news yet."

Gao Shun frowned slightly and said solemnly, "Send an order to the spies, so that they must find out if Yang Ming's army is sending troops!"


The soldiers immediately went down to give orders.

"General, do we want to attack the army of the three brothers Shan Qisheng now?" Meng Taoming said beside Gao Shun.

"Not for the time being, we have to wait until Yang Ming's army has started before launching an attack!" Gao Shun said.

"Yes!" Meng Tao took the order.

"Also..." After a short pause, Gao Shun said, "Order the magician to immediately block the surrounding space, and definitely not allow Shan Qisheng to spread the news."



The day passed quickly.

Finally, Gao Shun got the exact news that Yang Ming had already led the Chinese army of more than 20 million troops and followed the iron cavalry led by Lei Gengjin to the battlefield.

"Send the order, and the army can launch an attack!" Gao Shun no longer waited, and immediately ordered the army to attack.



Under the order of Gao Shun, the Sacred Sacred Crossbow and Heavy Crossbow that had been prepared for a long time were fired immediately.

Huge crossbow arrows flew into the air and attacked Shan Qisheng's army.

"The enemy is attacking!"

Shan Qisheng heard the sound of the Sacred Crossbow and the Heavy Crossbow being fired, and hurried out.

Seeing the huge crossbow arrows in the sky, the three brothers looked very solemn.

Yesterday, when Gao Shun's army came down the mountain, they had already seen the power of the heavy crossbow and the holy crossbow.


Shan Qisheng's face was dignified, he made a few handprints with both hands, quickly gathered the army, turned into a giant shield and blocked the sky, trying to block the arrows of the Sacred Crossbow and the Heavy Crossbow.

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