The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1959 Surprising Bai Yufan

While Xue Rengui sent troops, Yue Fei's army also launched an attack on Bai Yufan.

"General, the armies on both sides of the enemy army, Wei Qing and Meng Tian, ​​led their respective armies to surround our army."

Inside the Bai Yufan barracks, the lieutenant looked at the main general Bai Yufan with a sad face, and said, "General, the elite infantry used by the enemy this time is more than 20 million, which is all the infantry that can be used on the battlefield directly opposite the Nanyan Dynasty. "

"Besides, there are 7 million iron cavalry that have already circled our side and rear. What should we do?"

The lieutenant really didn't know what to do now.

If the enemy army only has 20 million infantry, then they still have more than 10 million elite infantry here, relying on these more than 10 million elite infantry, with the help of the defense of the barracks, there is no problem in blocking the attack of the 20 million infantry. .

But the enemy army still has seven million iron cavalry!

That's a full seven million cavalry!

If the enemy army uses these seven million iron cavalry to charge into the formation, even if they have military camps as defense, it will be difficult to stop them.

Bai Yufan's face was equally ugly, and he knew very well what situation he was facing now.

It is too difficult for them to block the attack of the Nanyan Dynasty.

After all, in addition to the more than 20 million infantry and 7 million iron cavalry of the Nanyan Dynasty, he had to face Yue Fei, a top-ranking general.

Putting them all together, no matter how confident Bai Yufan is in himself, he doesn't think he can stop the enemy's attack.

"What did General Yang say?" Bai Yufan asked with a sullen face.


The lieutenant smiled bitterly and said, "General Yang just told us to wait and didn't say how to solve it."


Bai Yufan snorted coldly and said, "It's not him who is surrounded by the enemy now, of course he's not in a hurry!"

"Let's wait, what? Waiting to die?"

The lieutenant did not dare to say much.

"Send the order,

Let the military camp immediately open the defense formation, and all the troops will be put into the defense. Be sure to block the enemy's attack! "Bai Yufan ordered.

The lieutenant breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Bai Yufan was very unhappy with Yang Ming, fortunately, he still chose to defend. If they chose to retreat, they would definitely be able to withdraw some of them, but they would definitely leave more soldiers' lives behind.

At the same time, if they retreat, the impact on the entire battlefield will be fatal.

"In addition, call the general of the formation camp, I have something to arrange." Bai Yufan said again.


The lieutenant went down immediately to give orders.

In the configuration of the Ji Dynasty's army, the army of tens of millions or more has a formation battalion composed of about a thousand people, which is generally used to arrange defense formations of all parties.

The level of these wizards is not very high, but the weakest are also high-level human-level, and the strongest are generally high-level Earth-level.

Few heaven-level magicians exist.

Soon, the general of the formation battalion in Bai Yufan's military camp came to his camp.

"General, you asked me to come, but what is the order?" The formation general looked at Bai Yufan and asked.

Bai Yufan nodded, stared at the formation general, and asked after a moment of thought, "I ask you, if I want a huge teleportation formation that can teleport tens of millions of troops, how long will it take to arrange it successfully?"


The formation general was stunned, he didn't expect Bai Yufan to ask himself this.

"What's the problem?" Bai Yufan frowned.

The formation general smiled bitterly and said, "General, no matter how huge the teleportation formation is, it can transmit up to three million troops at one time, which is already the limit of the limit."

"If you want to send a teleportation array of tens of millions of troops, maybe only the legendary god-level array mage can successfully arrange it."

Bai Yufan frowned, in the Fenglan Dynasty he played for, there was a formation that could transmit thousands of troops.

He didn't think that the Ji Dynasty did not have such strength.


With a flick of a flick, Bai Yufan said, "If that's the case, then you immediately lead all the wizards in your camp to set up the largest teleportation formation. I want to see the teleportation formation set up successfully within a day!"

"Yes!" The formation general responded immediately.

The arrangement of the teleportation array is not that difficult, and a thousand array mages can completely arrange the largest teleportation array in one day.

However, he looked at Bai Yufan and asked cautiously: "General, what plan do you have for us to arrange a magician to fight the enemy?"

"You'll understand after you set it up successfully." Bai Yufan just said this.

The formation general didn't dare to ask any more questions, and hurriedly took orders.


"Bastard Yue Fei, I can't spare you!"

In the barracks of the Ji Dynasty in Yuzhongshan, Yang Ming was completely angry when he heard that Yue Fei's army was besieging Bai Yufan's army.

In addition to anger, there is more panic.

He is not a fool, he can clearly see the situation on his side in this situation.

If an accident happened to Bai Yufan's army, then he would not be able to attack Yuzhong Mountain with an army of 20 million people on Yuzhong Mountain. Even if he wanted to retreat, it would be impossible.

Bai Yufan's army must not have an accident!

"Come here, immediately pass our military order to Bai Yufan, ordering him to guard the barracks, and absolutely must not lose anything!"

"Once the enemy is attacked, let him come to see me!" Yang Ming ordered.

Yu Pishan and Lei Gengjin, who just heard this order, both laughed contemptuously.

See you there?

Even if Bai Yufan dares to raise his head, Yang Ming is afraid that you will not have the courage to accept it.

Everyone is a dynasty military general. Even if your Shenwu dynasty is very powerful, other dynasties are not vegetarians.

You move the top military generals, and they will dare to go to war with you.

Yang Ming's order was just for the generals of the Ji Dynasty to listen to and let him see his determination.

The binding force on Bai Yufan is equal to zero.


"Yang Ming is a good abacus."

After Bai Yufan got Yang Ming's order, he threw it away after reading it, unless he was crazy, or it was absolutely impossible to obey such an order.

With a cold smile, Bai Yufan looked at his lieutenant and asked, "Has the enemy launched an attack?"

The lieutenant said quickly: "The enemy has already reached a position not far in front of our army, but it has not yet launched an attack."

"You haven't attacked yet?"

Bai Yufan frowned slightly and asked in doubt, "Since the enemy troops are already in place, why haven't they launched an attack? What are they waiting for?"


At this moment, a panic-stricken general came in outside the account, and said anxiously, "General, there are a lot of Sacred Sacred Crossbows launched by the enemy, and there are only seven or eight thousand in number!"


Bai Yufan was shocked and said: "The enemy's Sacred Crossbow on Yuzhong Mountain is more than 15,000. According to our information, this is already the limit of the Sacred Sacred Crossbow that can be used by the Nanyan Dynasty. Eight thousand holy crossbows?"

Bai Yufan knew too well the power of the Holy Crossbow.

If seven or eight thousand holy crossbows attacked his military camp, Bai Yufan would not dare to imagine that scene.

He stared at the general who came to report, and asked in a deep voice, "Are you sure you can see clearly?"

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