Lu Feng nodded, which is also in line with common sense.

To put it bluntly, it is for profit, but in the face of one's own life, he rarely chooses profit.

Lu Feng said no more, and followed Zhang Jiaqi into the market.

Although it is a martial arts market, it is similar to an ordinary market. When you walk in, you can hear a lot of shouting, and there are many stalls on both sides of the road.

There are pills and weapons on it.

There are also demon pills, as well as precious refining materials on the beasts.

There are even prefecture-level exercises for sale, which is really eye-opening.

You must know that cultivation techniques and other things are kept in other places by the warriors. Many families have grown up slowly with this local-level cultivation technique.

But in this commercial sea city, there are actually many stalls selling them.

Of course, this price is naturally very expensive.

Zhang Jiaqi and Lu Feng did not stop at these places, and went directly to the place where the auction was held.

The auction was held in a huge attic. When Lu Feng and Zhang Jiaqi arrived, there were already many people in this place.

Many of them are warriors in the realm of the emperor, and there are even several warriors in the middle of the emperor.

But there is no warrior of the late emperor.


Before entering, suddenly a voice full of surprises came from the side.

Immediately after, a handsome young man ran over with a surprised expression on his face.

His strength is not very high, only the Grandmaster Triple Heaven, but it gives people a very wise feeling.

It's a very unique aura.

It's just that now his eyes are fixed on Zhang Jiaqi, and the love inside is not concealed at all.

"Why is he here?"

When Zhang Jiaqi saw the young man, his expression suddenly became very helpless.

There was some disgust deep in his eyes.

Lu Feng looked at it and instinctively felt that if he mixed it in, it might be a little troublesome.

He was planning to tell Zhang Jiaqi that he would go in first and let them catch up.

It's not because of fear, but now that Lu Feng has enough headaches, he doesn't want to have more trouble.

Just before he could speak, the handsome young man's eyes had already locked on him, and with hostility in his eyes, he asked Zhang Jiaqi, "Jiaqi, who is he?"

Zhang Jiaqi frowned and said coldly, "Fang Haiyuan, who is he and what does it have to do with you? Also, don't call me Jiaqi, you can call me Her Royal Highness Princess or my name."

After speaking, he pulled Lu Feng around and left without paying much attention to the young man.

The handsome young man's face suddenly darkened.

He had known Zhang Jiaqi for more than 20 years, and he had never seen her so affectionate to that man, even holding hands.

"Damn bastard!"

"You can never take Jiaqi away from me."

The young man's gloomy face also had some killing intent.

In his heart, Zhang Jiaqi, the royal princess, has long been regarded as his luan, and he cannot allow others to contact him.

"I'm sorry Lu Feng, I didn't expect to meet him here."

Zhang Jiaqi pulled Lu Feng away for a while, then let him go, looking at him apologetically.

"Uh, it's nothing, you need to apologize?" Lu Feng was a little strange.

"I know him. He's very stingy, and he thinks I'm in his pocket. I don't want to see other men by my side, let alone I bring him with me. He will definitely shoot at you later." Zhang Jiaqi whispered.


Lu Feng was suddenly speechless, but he was still involved in trouble.

This Nima is really helpless.

"Speaking of which, you are so smart and know him so well. Then you deliberately dragged me when you took me away. Are you deliberately provoking him and wanting him to trouble me?" Lu Feng stared at Zhang Jiaqi and asked. .

Zhang Jiaqi looked a little dodgy, but said, "What? This princess just wants to get away from that guy who disgusts me.

That's why I pulled you. "

"Besides, I'm pulling you, obviously you took advantage of me, why are you still talking like this?"

Zhang Jiaqi really had such an idea, because Lu Feng controlled her soul source, and she couldn't do it herself, so she had to go through this method.

Lu Feng glanced at Zhang Jiaqi more, didn't ask any more questions, just said, "Okay, let's go in!"


Zhang Jiaqi heard it, looked at Lu Feng in surprise, and said, "Don't you want to know who he is?"

"Why should you know?"

Lu Feng looked at Zhang Jiaqi strangely and said, "If he really wants to trouble me, just kill him. Why do you know so much?"


Zhang Jiaqi rolled his eyes when he heard this.

If someone else said that, she would definitely think it was bragging, but it was Lu Feng who spoke.

Having seen Lu Feng's strength, and even the scene in which Lu Feng beheaded Gu Guijiu and Yan Yinfan, Zhang Jiaqi had no doubts about Lu Feng's words that he wanted to kill.

If that guy really went to trouble Lu Feng, he might actually turn into a corpse in the end.

But she looked at Lu Feng and said, "That guy is Fang Haiyuan, the son of the Prime Minister of the Liyang Dynasty. He has average cultivation talent. It took a lot of medicinal pills to cultivate to the third-level grandmaster, but he is very smart."

"After the age of eighteen, I went to Kingdom College to learn about tactics and military strategy. Don't take him to heart, and be careful that he uses other means to deal with you."

"In addition, he is the son of the Prime Minister of the Dynasty. If you kill him, the Prime Minister will not spare you."

"Although there are not many warriors in the family of the Prime Minister of the Dynasty, there are many people who serve as military advisers in the army. If you offend them, your Nanyan Kingdom will be very uncomfortable."

Lu Feng smiled, but he didn't think much of this so-called prime minister.

No matter how smart and sophisticated you are, can you surpass Jia Xu? Better than Guo Jia? Better than Xun Yu?

Jia Xu and others may not be the smartest people in the Kyushu mainland, but they also believe that they can't be compared to just a cat or a dog.

If the prime minister's family really wanted to compete with Jia Xu and others on the battlefield, they might be beaten and doubt their life.

Zhang Jiaqi was quite helpless when he saw that Lu Feng was still like this, so he had to say with a little worry: "You better be careful."

Lu Feng looked at Zhang Jiaqi strangely and said, "You deliberately provoked him and asked him to come to trouble me, but now you are here telling me to be careful."

"Beauty, are you sure your head is not sick?"


"Besides, Zhang Jiaqi, I hate when someone plots against me. I won't pursue it this time, because you helped me hide what happened to your father, the Gu family, and the Yan family that day. But if there is a next time, I will definitely kill you. It's yours." Lu Feng's tone gradually turned cold.

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