Zhang Jiaqi looked at Lu Feng with complicated eyes.

She didn't know where Lu Feng came from with the confidence to dare to speak like this, but because of Lu Feng's killing of Gu Guijiu and Yan Yinfan before, there was another voice in her heart telling her that maybe Lu Feng really had the means.

However, if the mid-level emperor warriors in the auction house shot against Lu Feng, there would be at least ten warriors from the fourth and fifth levels of the emperor.

Where did Lu Feng's confidence come from?

She doesn't understand!

Lu Feng did not explain anything, but closed his eyes. Soon, he felt that outside the private room, there were at least seven or eight people with a strength higher than that of the emperor's fourth-level celestial warrior.

Obviously, these people are spying on them.

"Haha, it really is tempting!"

With a sneer in his heart, Lu Feng murmured in a voice that only he could hear: "I just hope that you can really catch me!"

Fang Haiyuan, who was sitting in the front row of the auction, raised his head to look at the private room where Lu Feng was sitting.

Soon, the auction came to an end.

"The next thing we are going to auction is a set of flags. I think many of you here are here for this set of flags." The beautiful auctioneer said in a seductive voice.

The warriors sitting in the auction hall were all short of breath.

They naturally came for this set of flags.

Even those mid-level emperor warriors whose perceptions were still locked outside Lu Feng's private room were a little excited at this time.

Even if they are warriors in the middle stage of the emperor, they really want the array flags of the top grade in the sky.

"Don't talk nonsense, there is a flag of the wind and fire spirit formation below!"

After the beautiful auctioneer spoke, a warrior from the fourth level of the emperor came over with a set of formation flags.

This emperor's fourth-level warrior is still raised by the auction house, which shows that the owner of this auction house is no trivial matter.

By the way, a warning to some people who think differently about the flag.

"It's finally out!"

Zhang Jiaqi stared at this set of high-level formation flags, her face full of excitement, this is the purpose of her visit.

"The wind and fire spirit formation flag, the top-grade formation flag of the sky, has been personally appraised by the elders of the Hundred Nations College."

The beautiful auctioneer said slowly: "According to the elders, the energy contained in the wind and fire spirit array is enough to resist the three attacks of the emperor's ninth-level warrior, and it is the best choice for life."

"The auction will start next, with a starting price of 5,000 high-grade spirit stones!"


Five thousand high-level spirit stones!

Hearing this starting price, many warriors who had ideas for this set of flags took a deep breath.

The value of 5,000 high-level spirit stones is far more than 200,000 intermediate-level spirit stones.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth contained in high-level spiritual stones is different from that of intermediate-level spiritual stones, and it is difficult to measure by quantity.

They knew that the top-grade array flag was very precious, but they didn't expect the starting price to be so expensive.

"Hmph, fortunately my ancestors prepared enough spirit stones for me." Zhang Jiaqi heard it and snorted softly.

Five thousand high-level spirit stones are an astronomical number for many forces, but for Zhang Jiaqi, the most talented princess in the history of the Liyang Dynasty, it is nothing.

Moreover, she was thinking that she must take back this set of high-level formation flags.

"By the way, Lu Feng, how about this set of flags? Is the effect as good as the auctioneer said?" Zhang Jiaqi turned to look at Lu Feng and asked.

When the emperor's fourth-level celestial warrior came out with the set of high-level formation flags, Lu Feng's eyes were already locked on it, and he used his soul to perceive this formation flag.

Right now, he can almost figure out the function of this array of flags.

Glancing at Zhang Jiaqi, Lu Feng said, "If you want to treat this set of flags as a treasure, then you may be disappointed, this set of flags does indeed possess the ability to resist the emperor's Nine Heavens. The role of warrior attack.


"But it's very restrictive!"

"Unlike other array flags that don't need to be activated with infuriating energy, this set of array flags needs to be activated with infuriating energy, and the infuriating qi that you want to activate is at least the Emperor's Fourth Heaven."

"Once the true qi is activated, even a warrior of the fourth level of the emperor, the true qi in the body will disappear completely, and it will take at least a few months to recover."

"But the array flag is only able to resist the attack of the emperor's nine-layered martial artist, but cannot attack, and its effect is very limited. When the effect of the array flag disappears, this warrior will surely die."


After a slight pause, Lu Feng continued: "The attack that this flag array resists is also instantaneous, not how long it can last."

"If you take it down, the warriors above the fourth level and above can be used by the emperors of your dynasty, but if you want to use it yourself, it is basically impossible."

Before seeing the formation flag, Lu Feng was still thinking that it was a top-grade formation flag, why the warriors who came here were only mid-level emperors.

There is not even a warrior in the late stage of the emperor.

Now that he understands, it is very likely that the warriors who came to the late stage of the emperor knew the functions and limitations of the flag, so they were not very interested in the flag.

"Ah? How could this be?"

When Zhang Jiaqi heard Lu Feng's words, his face suddenly collapsed, and he said, "Lu Feng, are you sure that the effect of this flag is just like this?"

Lu Feng nodded and said, "I'm very sure!"


Looking at Zhang Jiaqi, Lu Feng said with a smile, "If it's really a high-grade, high-grade array flag that is very useful, why would someone put it up for auction? Wouldn't it be good to leave it to yourself or your family to save your life at a critical moment?"

"You know, this is a flag that can resist the attack of the emperor's nine-layered heavenly warrior, and it is of great value!"

"So this flag is useless?" Zhang Jiaqi was disappointed.

"Can't say that either."

Lu Feng shook his head and said, "Although this flag has many restrictions, its value is very important for the warriors in the middle stage of the emperor."

"After all, it is easy to resist the attack of the emperor's ninth-level celestial warrior, and it is also easy to resist the attack of other warriors in the late stage of the emperor. For these warriors who are enough to stimulate true qi, this set of high-grade wind, fire and spirit array flags are worth the value. Very high."

"But for you..."

Looking at Zhang Jiaqi again, Lu Feng shook his head and said, "I don't recommend you to bid, it's not worth it."

"Of course, it's up to you to decide whether to participate in the auction or not!"

When Zhang Jiaqi heard this, the disappointment in her eyes was even greater. She thought she could get a treasure this time, but she didn't expect that this heavenly top-rank array flag would be so tasteless.

Even if it is auctioned, it is of no use to me.

"Okay, now that what you asked me to do has already helped you, now you should tell me what the very bad news for me is!"

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