The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 804 The Ancient Profound Array in the Jade Tube

"I have to say, this time I still have to thank Fang Haiyuan."

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to improve my strength to the seventh level of the Holy King, and I wouldn't be able to unblock the five small realms from the realm of Six Swords Slaves again."

Lu Feng looked at Fang Haiyuan, who had been frightened, shook his head slightly, waved his hand, and a sword energy ended his life.

Thanks is one thing, but it does not mean that Lu Feng will let Fang Haiyuan go.

After eliminating all the opponents here, Lu Feng looked up at the space.

If the space is still there, it means that the array flag that depicts the space formation is still there and needs to be broken by oneself.

But such a formation, it is not so simple to break it from the inside.

After pondering slightly, Lu Feng waved his hand, and several storage rings came into his hand.

This was owned by the mid-level emperor warriors who had been beheaded by him earlier.

Among them, Fang Junkai's.

He took Fang Junkai's storage ring, and the power of his soul moved directly into the storage ring.

"Tsk tsk, there are so many babies!"

Fang Junkai's storage ring, the most valuable thing in it may be the spirit stone.

There are at least 30,000 or 50,000 high-level spiritual stones in it, and there are many more intermediate-level spiritual stones.

For the current Lu Feng, it is not very useful, but bringing it back to the treasury is still effective.

In addition to the spirit stones, there are also some high-level elixir, and there are also many heaven-level elixir.

And some exercises and weapons.

"Hey, this is..."

Suddenly, Lu Feng found a scroll in Fang Junkai's storage ring, and it turned out to be a secret technique that recorded a hidden state.

"That's a nice thing."

Lu Feng looked at it, and there was an introduction above, which could allow warriors in the realm of emperors to hide their rank realm. The premise of cultivation is that they need to be in the realm of emperors.

But for ordinary emperor realm warriors, who doesn't want to show their realm and let some people know that they are not easy to mess with?

Not to mention, the warriors in the realm of the emperor are awe-inspiring existences wherever they go, and almost no one will practice this kind of secret technique.

It's quite tasteless.

But for the current Lu Feng, it has some uses.

He has a system to hide his realm, but they don't when the water is cut off.

This thing can be handed over to the Six Sword Slaves and let them practice, but continue to maintain the state as before. If someone wants to deal with themselves, when their state erupts, it will definitely surprise those people.

Anyway, this secret technique is very simple to practice, and it is very easy to practice successfully.

"Not bad, good stuff."

After Lu Feng put this thing away, he continued to look for it.

Soon, he found a token containing the power of space in Fang Junkai's storage ring.

"This should be the key to opening the flag that depicts the space formation."

Lu Feng took the token, immersed himself in it, and used his knowledge of the game to observe it.

It didn't take long for him to find a way to use the token.

Soon, he used the token to close the array flag.

In a blink of an eye, Lu Feng looked around again. He and the two sisters, the two sisters, had reappeared in front of the Fangshi gate.

Someone outside Fang City saw them appear suddenly, but they didn't show any strange expressions.

Some warriors who master powerful secret techniques are completely able to do this.

No wonder.

Lu Feng looked at the token in his hand again, and through the formation pattern on it, he could see the phantom of a formation flag appearing in the center.

"Interesting, the person who created this flag is a good way."

Incorporating the body of the array flag into this token makes it difficult to find where the real array flag is.

In this way, even if someone gets this token and does not know the formation method, they will not be able to discover the mystery inside.

Without staying here for too long, Lu Feng quickly returned to the previous martial artist inn with the two sisters.

"His Majesty."

When Jia Xu saw Lu Feng, he walked over quickly.

"What's wrong, Wenhe, what's the matter?" Lu Feng looked at Jia Xu and asked.

"The news came from the Ten Great Dynasties earlier that this time the discussion will take place at noon the day after tomorrow, and it will be located in the largest martial artist restaurant in Shanghai City, Huahailou." Jia Xu said.

Lu Feng nodded and said, "Let the spies of Jinyiwei investigate more information, and..."

After a brief pause, Lu Feng said, "Pay more attention to the movements of Hundred Nations Academy."

"Hundred Nations College?"

Jia Xu was a little surprised. He didn't know why His Majesty asked him to send someone to pay more attention to Baiguo Academy, but he immediately responded and went down to make arrangements.

Lu Feng returned to his room and moved his hand to take out the token he had obtained earlier.

Throwing an exploration technique on it, he quickly got specific information.

Space Token: There is a sky-level top-grade space array flag inside, which is the key to the array flag.

Grade: None.

Restrictions: None.

The news was simple, but Lu Feng was a little disappointed.

But this is similar to what he guessed, it is the key to the space formation flag.

At present, he has mastered the opening method, and this array of flags basically belongs to him.

"This thing may have a different effect when it reaches a critical moment."

After Lu Feng put away the token, he continued to take out the things. It was the earth-level middle-grade alchemy jade tube that he had auctioned off with 150,000 middle-grade spirit stones.

This time, he quickly made a handprint on it with both hands, so that the cover of alchemy on the jade tube disappeared without a trace, revealing what was really hidden inside.

That ancient profound formation!

However, when Lu Feng looked at this profound formation, he couldn't help but feel disappointed.

Just like what he thought before, this is an ancient profound formation of the highest grade of heaven.

But what disappointed him was that this was just a one-time profound formation called Gantian Demon Flame.

When the profound formation is activated, it can stimulate a terrifying magic flame, which has terrifying power, and can even burn the warriors of the late emperor to death.

But this kind of profound formation is useless after using it once.

Moreover, this profound formation is full of destructive power after it is made. If you want to use the profound formation to reverse the depiction method of the mid-grade heavenly formation, it is completely impossible.

Because of one carelessness, one would know that this profound formation exploded on its own.

Lu Feng didn't want to use his life to make jokes.

Naturally, it is even more impossible for him to use this profound formation to explore the method of depicting the sky-level profound formation.

"Oh, what a pity!"

With a face full of disappointment, Lu Feng sighed and put the thing away.

However, this jade tube still has a lot of use now.

The Profound Formation of Dry Sky Demon Flames hidden in it can burn the warriors of the late emperor to death and stay in the hands of Lu Feng, which plays a significant role at critical moments.

It's a one-off card.

"Next, the summoning should be started."

A golden light flashed in Lu Feng's eyes, and he had another chance to summon him.

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