"Ancient Zhou Dynasty!" Lu Feng said.

Zhang Jiaqi glanced at Lu Feng in surprise and said, "I didn't expect you to know about the ancient Zhou Dynasty."

Lu Feng just smiled and did not answer, waiting for Zhang Jiaqi to continue.

Zhang Jiaqi quickly continued: "The emperor of the ancient Zhou Dynasty, Zhou Qilin, is the real favored son of heaven. He is very powerful. With the power of a dynasty, he has been defeated by the dynasty."

"At the end of the war, he directly made the other nine dynasties obedient. As he attacked the dynasty, he was only one step away from destroying the dynasty at that time. In the end, he didn't want to defeat the dynasty on the basis of the foundation, which led to a loss of success."

"In the end, it was the dynasty that had the last laugh. They successfully turned the ten dynasties into empty shells and could no longer fight against the dynasty in a short time. But..."

"The dynasty first went through the war with the Wu clan, and then the ancient Zhou dynasty led by Zhou Qilin, resulting in a heavy loss of its own strength, and it was impossible to unify Yuzhou. At this time, the ten dynasties suffered heavy losses, but as a Dynasty, the heritage still exists."

"In addition, there are forces in Xizhou that are eyeing Yuzhou. In this case, the Ji Dynasty has no strength to deal with it. Therefore, the helpless Ji Dynasty has no choice but to focus on the head of the dynasty whose strength has been greatly damaged. superior."

"Except for the ancient Zhou Dynasty, which has been completely destroyed, the other dynasties still have some background. If they can show the attitude of a common enemy outside the territory, the forces of Xizhou would not dare to invade Yuzhou rashly. After all, the overall strength of Yuzhou at that time. This is not the case now, ranking at the end of Kyushu."

"Finally, the dynasty once again showed their conspiracy skills, directly supporting the officials of the nine dynasties at that time, supporting some of their masters, and letting them kill the royal family of the original dynasty. The traces of those dynasties have become the new nine dynasties."

"Hundreds of years later, the Liyang Dynasty, which was originally just a kingdom, unexpectedly acquired some ancient monuments, which greatly increased its strength and established a dynasty, which became the new ten dynasties."


Looking at Lu Feng, Zhang Jiaqi said, "The ten dynasties today are not the first ten dynasties at all. How do they know that the dynasties had an agreement with the Wu clan as early as 9,000 years ago?"

"If you told the Liyang Dynasty about this, wouldn't it be possible that they wouldn't inform the rest of the dynasties? At this juncture, the Liyang Dynasty could not hide it." Lu Feng shook his head and said.

"If only they believed me."

Zhang Jia pursed his lips and said, "Ancient books that are thousands of years old are not like they are now. They are recorded in specially made books. At that time, most of their information was recorded in jade tubes."

"And, for confidentiality, the jade tube is one-time use. Once someone reads the information inside, the jade tube will dissipate and disappear without a trace."

"So, until now, it may be only me, you and some high-level people in the dynasty know about it."

"And, as soon as I found out about this, I notified the ancestors of the Liyang Dynasty, but they didn't believe me at all, after all..."

A little helpless, Zhang Jiaqi said, "There is no evidence. Without any proof, it is impossible for them to believe me."

"I didn't believe you before, but not now." Lu Feng shook his head and said.

"Oh? What do you mean?" Zhang Jiaqi asked with some doubts.

"What you said before is really unfounded, and even if I hadn't seen and heard the dynasty's concession today, that the location of the dynasty's summoning order should be placed on the northern grasslands, you told me that I would not believable."

"But after what you said, I understand why the Dynasty will change the address to the northern grassland. They are very likely to use the hands of the Wu people to kill the disciples of other top forces in Yuzhou. So..."

Looking at Zhang Jiaqi, Lu Feng said with a smile: "In this case, you say, I can believe it, why can't your ancestor of the Liyang Dynasty believe it?"

Zhang Jiaqi suddenly realized,

Before the ancestor did not believe that she did not have any evidence, but today's actions of the dynasty are the biggest evidence, the ancestor is very likely to believe in himself.

Immediately, she was full of excitement and said, "Okay, I'll inform the ancestors now."

Then she planned to leave, but just two steps away, she stopped, turned to look at Lu Feng, and said, "Lu Feng, if the ancestors still don't believe me, then you still have to form an alliance with me. I can tell you a very, very good news for you."

After speaking, Zhang Jiaqi left quickly.

"The news that is very beneficial to me?" Lu Feng was stunned for a moment and thought about it. It seems that in the Liyang Dynasty, the news that is beneficial to him should never exist!

However, what Zhang Jiaqi told him today was good news.

As long as Zhang Jiaqi told her to the principal of the Liyang Dynasty, unless the principal of the Liyang Dynasty was a fool, or would never agree with the decision of the dynasty.

At that time, it is impossible for the dynasty to oppose all the forces in Yuzhou, and their alliance in response to the dynasty's call-up order will be the greatest.

Among them, Lu Feng got the most benefits.

Compared with other dynasties and commercial firms, Lu Feng was the one who suffered the most in the dynasty's summons.

Other forces have existed for thousands of years, thousands of years.

Even if their disciples were lost in the Dynasty's call-up order, the high-level combat power still existed, and the Dynasty did not dare to attack them.

Only the Nanyan Kingdom, if he died in the imperial call-up order, he didn't have to think about it and knew that the Nanyan Kingdom would definitely collapse.

Because the reason why the current Nanyan Kingdom can become the overlord in the southwest of Yuzhou is because he is the hub of the kingdom and can make the dynasty run.

When he dies, the hub is gone.

He is the only one in the royal family of the Nanyan Kingdom, and the kingdom has no heir. How can the entire kingdom exist anymore?

Therefore, if this news can make the top ten dynasties and those top forces clearly understand the conspiracy of the dynasties, he will naturally benefit a lot.

Now, I just hope that those people in the Ten Great Dynasties are not fools.


In an inconspicuous residential house in Shanghai City, the figure of the Dynasty Shuangjue appeared here.

It's just that in this dwelling, there was an old man sitting cross-legged on the ground with his eyes closed.

"Big brother." Dynasty Shuangjue looked at the old man and said respectfully.

The old man opened his eyes, looked at the Dynasty Shuangjue in front of him, smiled slightly, and said, "How is the situation?"

"Everything is going according to plan. The people from the ten major dynasties have already agreed. After three days, Hua Manlou will talk." Dynasty Shuangjue replied.

The old man nodded and said, "This matter finally has a way to go.

"But brother, why?"

Dynasty Shuangjue looked at his eldest brother and said, "We've been waiting for it for over a thousand years, why should we let the Dynasty get a share at this critical moment?"

"Didn't you already agree to ignore the affairs of Shanghai City? Big brother, why did you change your mind again?"

PS: Update at around 2:30 pm tomorrow.

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