After half an hour, Lu Feng slowly opened his eyes.

The medicinal pill has been refined, allowing him to recover half of his injuries.

The rest is mainly damage to the spirit, qi and spirit, unless Lu Feng can improve a small realm, use the recovery of the system realm to improve, or it is difficult to fully recover within ten days.

This is the latter matter, and now Lu Feng has to deal with a more important matter.

Standing up, Lu Feng moved his hand, and the space token in this space appeared in his hand.

Casting the magic art, the space token was blocked, and soon, the surrounding space changed, becoming what Lu Feng and the others were like before.

"Break the water, take Gu Wenqian with us, let's leave here first."

Even though he was fighting in the independent space inside the space token, Lu Feng couldn't guarantee that no one would notice.

Better to leave first.

Soon, Lu Feng and his party arrived in a nearby town.

After finding an ordinary inn, Lu Feng walked in with Duan Shui and Gu Wenqian, who had already used mystic arts to change their appearance.

The magic puppet was stored in the storage ring by him.

After opening an ordinary room, Lu Feng made sure that there were no powerful warriors around, and then let Shuan Shui release the blockade on Gu Wenqian.

Previously, in order to avoid Gu Wenqian's bad things, the water cut off blocked his vocal tract and the infuriating energy in his body.

"Lu Feng, you...what do you want me to do?"

Gu Wenqian is not a fool, he can naturally guess that Lu Feng has not killed himself yet, so there must be some calculations.

It's just that he doesn't know what this calculation is and what it is like for him.

"You are quite direct."

Lu Feng smiled lightly, looked at Gu Wenqian, and asked, "Who do you think is more important, your own life or the Gu family?"

"Hmph, of course the Gu family is important!"

Gu Wenqian said without hesitation: "For the sake of the Gu family, it doesn't matter if I, Gu Wenqian, lose this life! If you want to use me to deal with the Gu family, I advise you to save your worries, that is absolutely impossible. !"

"Oh, really?"

Lu Feng glanced at Gu Wenqian and said, "The reason why you put your family's interests above your own is not because you said that you can lose your life for the sake of your family's interests, but to make Gu Changtian trust you. Bar!"

"Humph! What nonsense!" Gu Wenqian snorted coldly.

"What nonsense? I don't think so."

Lu Feng went on to say: "Gu Wenqian, I know that although you are the head of the Gu family and you sound good in name, in fact, the real power of the Gu family is entirely controlled by the elders, or more accurately, led by Gu Changtian. It's under the control of the elders!"

Gu Wenqian's face changed, but he did not speak, neither admit nor deny.

Lu Feng continued: "As the head of the ancient family, you are naturally unwilling to do so, so you want to change, but you are only the emperor's third-level heaven, and you have used some secret techniques of the ancient family to improve. If you want to master the power of the ancient family, You may not be able to do it in another thousand years."

"So, you chose to unite with Chunyang Sect, and you used your daughter to marry. The object of the marriage is the ancestor of Chunyang Sect, who lived less than five hundred years, and is an old pervert."

"The reason you gave Gu Changtian and others was that you wanted to unite with the Liyang Dynasty's Chunyang Sect and deal with the Liyang Dynasty royal family, but in fact, you just wanted to use your daughter's youth and beauty to trap the ancestor of the Chunyang Sect. , to support you for five hundred years, and let you slowly control the power of the ancient family in your hands."

Gu Wenqian's face changed slightly, but his eyes narrowed. This Lu Feng is not only amazing in strength, but he can see things so clearly!

Is he really a teenager? Isn't it true that the old monsters who have lived for thousands of years and tens of thousands of years are reincarnated and reborn?

"Gu Wenqian, I know very well that everything you do is not for the benefit of the Gu family, but for your own power in the ancient family. Now that Gu Changtian has been killed, you may still have some joy in your heart! So, I think that now we You can have a good chat.

"Lu Feng looked at Gu Wenqian with a light smile.

"You...what do you want to do?" Gu Wenqian couldn't help but ask.

He felt that in Lu Feng's eyes, it was as if he had lost all secrets, and even his deepest thoughts had been revealed.

"Submit!" Lu Feng said.

"You want me to surrender to you?" Gu Wenqian glanced at Lu Feng strangely, and said, "Although I am a warrior of the emperor's third-level heaven, you have a seventh-level warrior of the emperor like Duan Shui by your side, and there is even a Wangqing Daomen station. Behind you, do you need my surrender?"

"Of course I don't need your submission, but I need the submission of Guxuan Firm!" Lu Feng stared at Gu Wenqian and said.

"What? You want Guxuan to surrender?"

Gu Wenqian was stunned by Lu Feng's words, no less than the shock of Gu Changtian's killing before.

Guxuan Commercial Bank has existed in Yuzhou for thousands of years, and has never disappeared among the top forces in Yuzhou. Even the powerful existence of Liyang Dynasty, one of the ten dynasties, has never let Guxuan Commercial Bank surrender.

Not even dare to say such a thing.

Now, Lu Feng actually said that he wanted Guxuan to surrender?

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Gu Wenqian couldn't help laughing, and said, "Lu Feng, Lu Feng, you are really not enough to swallow an elephant, and you actually want to make Gu Xuan Commercial Bank surrender to your small kingdom!"

"You know? You're just telling the biggest joke in Yuzhou! Hahaha..."

At the end, Gu Wenqian couldn't help laughing again.

The smile was full of ridicule to Lu Feng, mocking his self-control.


Gan unsheathed his sword, and Lu Feng put it directly on the neck of Gu Wenqian who was laughing, and said lightly, "Have you laughed enough?"


Gu Wenqian's laughter stopped abruptly.

Feeling the cold breath of the Gan Jiang sword from his neck, the cold sweat on his forehead suddenly burst out.

He was only thinking of laughing at Lu Feng's self-control, but he forgot that his life was still in Lu Feng's hands.


After swallowing, Gu Wenqian said, "Lu Feng, I'm not laughing at you, but what you said is impossible!"

"Guxuan Commercial Bank is one of the top ten companies with huge influence. If you support one side in a stalemate battle, you can change the situation in an instant. Therefore, even the Liyang Dynasty wants to monopolize Tonglu City for Guxuan Commercial Bank. I'm very dissatisfied, and I don't dare to take it out, I can only insert a nail like the City Lord's Mansion."

"And you actually said that Guxuan Business should surrender to you. Let's not talk about the problem that Guxuan is impossible to surrender to you. Let's say that even if Guxuan is surrendering to you, do you dare to accept it?"

"Guxuan Commercial Bank, one of the top ten commercial firms, surrenders to a kingdom. What will the Liyang Dynasty think? What will other dynasties and other commercial firms think? They will sit and watch the rise of a dynasty with the help of a super commercial firm to share their interests. ?"

"Even if it is a dynasty, it will never sit idly by!"


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