The Yan family's army heard the commander's order and took out their bows and crossbows.

Under the training of Yan Yangfei, everyone in the Yan family was an archer.

100,000 people, 100,000 bows and crossbows were aimed at Lu Feng, and the arrows of the crossbow arrows glowed with cold light, which made people dread.


Gu Chen roared, clenching his fists and hitting Yan Dongfeng again.

If Yan Dongfeng hadn't reminded Yan Yangfei, Yan Yangfei might not have thought of this in a daze.

Now 100,000 crossbows, each using a sky-level air-breaking arrow, aimed at Lu Feng...

That was a 100,000 Heaven Grade Air-Breaking Arrow!

Even Gu Chen didn't dare to say that he could follow, let alone Lu Feng?

That day-level Qi-breaking arrow is not a military formation, it is a destruction of the true qi of a warrior, making all the martial arts of the warrior useless.

No matter how powerful Lu Feng's soul power is, how could he be able to stop so many sky-level qi-breaking arrows?

He doesn't care whether Lu Feng lives or dies, what he cares about is that if Lu Feng dies, will he die too?

Therefore, he could only injure Yan Dongfeng as soon as possible, and then use Yan Dongfeng to threaten Yan Yangfei to drop the crossbow!

Yan Yangfei looked at Lu Feng at this time, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "Lu Feng, Lu Feng, even if you have mysterious means to not be afraid of the army, can you not be afraid of the sky-level qi-breaking arrow?"

"Let's see how you survived under the attack of 100,000 Heaven-level Qi-Breaking Arrows!"

However, Yan Yangfei didn't notice that Lu Feng also had a smile on the corner of his mouth, and murmured in a voice that only he could hear: "It's time!"

"Lu Feng, today is your day of death!"

Yan Yangfei shouted loudly and said angrily, "Let..."


Before he could say the word "arrow", Lu Feng's word "kill" suddenly resounded in this world.


There was a loud bang along with the word 'kill'.

All I saw was the dragon flying out from behind Lu Feng and crashing into the crumbling army formation.

The army formation instantly shattered.

Before Yan Yangfei could react, a scream came from behind him.

Turning his head abruptly, Yan Yangfei saw seven people suddenly appear behind him, holding a long sword and rushing into the Yan family's army, which had no army formation.

Those seven people were all martial arts masters, and once they entered the army, it was a bloody storm.

Pieces of Yan's army fell under their swords!

"Six Sword Slaves!"

"Jia Xu!"

Yan Yangfei almost gritted his teeth and said these words.

He was still wondering where he had gone with Liu Jiannu and Jia Xu who were beside Lu Feng.

It is now understood.

Lu Feng made it clear that it was because he had the means to restrain the army, so he appeared on the front and destroyed the army of his Yan family. Liu Jiannu and Jia Xu took the opportunity to invade the Yan family's army.

The six sword slaves are all strong in the realm of emperors. Although Jia Xu is not an emperor, he is also a warrior in the realm of masters.

They carried their swords and rushed into the Yan family's army, which had no army formation. It was a one-sided massacre.

Although the Yan Family Army is elite, no matter how elite they are, they cannot be the opponents of the Martial Dao Emperor without an army formation.

In just a few seconds, Yan Yangfei saw that the Yan family army he had worked so hard to train lost thousands of people.

These elites have no resistance at all in the face of the slaughter of the martial arts emperor.

"Lu Feng!"

Yan Yangfei turned his head sharply, stared at Lu Feng with murderous eyes, and said angrily, "I'm going to kill you!"

Yan Yangfei was a wise man, knowing that if he went to fight the Six Swordsmen, it would be hard to say whether he would live or die.

But Lu Feng would definitely not be the opponent of the emperor's sixth-level celestial warrior, so he directly chose Lu Feng as his opponent.

He drew his sword and charged at Lu Feng.

"Your opponent is me!"

It's just that he just rushed out when an icy old man's voice sounded behind him.

Duan Shui held the Duan Shui sword and attacked Yan Yangfei directly.


Yan Yangfei cursed secretly, but he had to raise his knife to block Shuan Shui's attack.

Duan Shui is a warrior of the seventh heaven of the emperor, and his combat power is also very amazing. Yan Yangfei is not an opponent at all.

After two or three strokes, dangers will arise one after another.

Lu Feng didn't take care of the battle between Duan Shui and Yan Yangfei. He looked at the remaining Yan family troops, and with a wave of his hand, the Gan Jiang sword appeared.

"Weak Water Sword Art!"

With a light drink, the sword light flashed, and the world changed drastically.

The Ruoshui River is now, covering the Yan family in the blink of an eye.

How can these Yan family troops resist the erosion of weak water?

In the blink of an eye, more than half of them have been beheaded, and the rest are coming soon.

In the Ruoshui River, these soldiers could not stop them.

"Do not!"

Seeing this scene, Yan Yangling screamed miserably and shouted at Lu Feng: "You ruin my Yan family's hard work, I will kill you with a thousand cuts!"

After he finished speaking, he rushed towards Lu Feng.


With a wave of his hand, Lu Feng controlled Ruoshuihe and killed him instantly.

It is completely impossible for a warrior of the third level of the emperor to kill Lu Feng in the Ruoshui River.

Soon, the 100,000 Yan family army was completely killed, not a single one remained!

After killing tens of thousands of people in one fell swoop, even Lu Feng felt a little emotional.

To be honest, the number of people who passed through his Jun Ling was far more than 100,000, but it was the first time for him to kill tens of thousands of people with his own hands.

However, this only made him feel a little emotional.

He is the emperor of the Nanyan Kingdom. If he kills people and still sighs there, then stop being an emperor, find a place to be a monk!

Since he is the emperor, it means that his path is destined to be full of bones.

One hundred thousand? million? Ten million?

Who knows?

Lu Feng only knew that he couldn't be soft-hearted. His soft-heartedness meant that the Nanyan Kingdom would collapse, and it meant that the subjects of his Nanyan Kingdom would be killed in the future.

It was his relatives beside Lu Feng.

In that case, even if Lu Feng tried his best, he wouldn't let it happen!


Lu Feng glanced at the Ruoshui River, and after confirming that there was no one alive in the Yan family, he accepted the Ruoshui Sword Art.


Lu Feng had just received the Weak Shui Sword Art, and the sound of a sharp blade piercing into the flesh came from Tianshan.

Looking up, the water-breaking sword had already cut off Yan Yangfei's neck.

As this great head fell to the ground, it also represented the death of Yan Yang, the general of the Liyang Dynasty.

"Haha, Yan Dongfeng, kill me with this punch!"

At the same time, Gu Chen's laughter came from the sky.

Lu Feng turned his head to look, and happened to see Gu Chen smashed Yan Dongfeng's head with a punch.

The ancestor of the Yan family who had lived for more than 2,000 years was also killed.

Lu Feng nodded slightly, yes, Gu Chen, a physical cultivator at the peak of the eighth-level emperor, did not disappoint him.

The combat power is very good. Under the premise of controlling the gods, it can be cultivated well at present.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task: destroy the Yan family and the Gu family!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the system reward and improving two small realms."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a special reward, which has been stored in the system storage space, and the host can view it independently."

The system prompt sounded suddenly in Lu Feng's mind.

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