The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 864 Familiar Ancient Dynasty

"You are so arrogant because you know that I want to know the power behind the Beastmaster's Mansion, and you are the only one who knows, so I think I will not dare to kill you." Lu Feng looked at Long Jiangyuan and said.

Long Jiangyuan suddenly mentioned it in his heart, and Lu Feng basically saw through his own mind all at once.

A very uneasy feeling rose from the bottom of my heart.

But soon he sneered and said, "What if you can see through my mind? In the whole world, I'm the only one who knows the power behind the Beastmaster's Mansion."

"If you kill me, you will never want to know who is behind the Beast King's Mansion for the rest of your life! Besides, if you kill Sima, the people behind the Beast King's Mansion will chase you wildly."

"By then you will know what fear is!"


Lu Feng shook his head slightly and said, "Fear exists, but it will never appear in my heart."

"And now, fear is coming to you."

"You want to do..."


Before Long Jiangyuan finished speaking, Zhuan Po and Mie Soul suddenly shot.

The Soul-turning Sword and the Soul-destroying Sword pierced into Long Jiangyuan's body at the same time, just between the ribs on both sides.


"You... actually dare to kill me?"

Long Jiangyuan looked at Lu Feng in disbelief, and murmured, "Don't you want to know who is standing behind the Beastmaster's Mansion?"

"You will tell me later." Lu Feng said.

Long Jiangyuan had doubts in his eyes. The sword that turned his soul and destroyed his soul was enough to take his life. Even if he wanted to say it now, he couldn't say it, so how could he tell Lu Feng?

However, this doubt he will never know why.

Only with doubts lost the breath of life.

His blood flowed out along the soul-turning sword and the soul-destroying sword, and was about to drip onto the ground.

But at this moment, Lu Feng slowly raised his head, and a blood-red Xuanwen condensed on it.

"In the name of blood, condense the soul."

Under the control of Lu Feng, this blood-red Xuanwen exudes a strange red light.

Long Jiangyuan's blood did not drip onto the ground under the influence of the light, but entered the bloody mysterious text along the light.

Soon, Xuanwen began to change, becoming a shadow with a faint blood color, floating in the void, and exuding soul fluctuations.

Its appearance is exactly Long Jiangyuan!

This is the soul of Long Jiangyuan, but it is not the purest soul. It is the soul that Lu Feng has imposed on the soul.

This forbidden technique can only be performed after Lu Feng's realm has reached the emperor.

It's called the 'Blood Soul Curse'.

It is possible to condense the soul of a warrior whose realm is lower than himself and has just died for less than three minutes with blood, and control it for himself.

Then let the soul enter the original body of the warrior, and it can be 'resurrected' for a quarter of an hour.

It's just that this 'resurrection' is not really alive, it just means that it can obtain the ability to move and the memory of the last day.

And will let this warrior travel back to the place he has been to this day at the fastest speed within this quarter of an hour.

Other than that, this ban has no other effect.

In the era when the profound formation masters were in power, this forbidden technique was used by many profound formation masters to find and question their enemies.

The side effects of using this forbidden technique are also very small, and it only makes the performer's soul exhausted for about half a day.

For a martial artist like Lu Feng with a super strong soul, such side effects are almost like nothing.


With a low voice, Lu Feng used Xuanwen to control the soul of Long Jiangyuan floating in the sky into his body.

Then he saw Long Jiangyuan's body move slightly, and his eyes that had been closed opened again.

What's different from the beginning is that now Long Jiangyuan's eyes are dull and expressionless, and there is a faint bloody color hidden in the depths of his eyes.

But if you don't pay attention, no one will notice.

The 'resurrected' Long Jiangyuan didn't stay here, his figure flickered immediately and disappeared in place.


Lu Feng gave an order, and also used his body technique to keep up.

After that, the Six Swordsmen and Gu Chen in the dark quickly followed.

As soon as Yue Fei moved, he had to keep up, but Lu Feng's order came just as he left: "Pengju, you stay here and prepare to gather a large army to attack the belly of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom."

Yue Fei stopped, bowed slightly in the direction that Lu Feng was going, and said, "Yes!"

Long Jiangyuan's speed is very fast, but it is not as fast as Lu Feng, a warrior of the emperor realm.

Was quickly caught up.

Soon he arrived at a residence in Hufeng County, where Long Jiangyuan stood still in a teleportation formation.

The unconscious Long Jiangyuan will not activate the formation.

Lu Feng also walked into the teleportation array with Gu Chen and Liu Jiannu, and directly started the teleportation array.

Soon they appeared in a secret room in the Beastmaster's Mansion.

Long Jiangyuan moved again, broke through the door of the secret room, and went to the entrance of the secret realm.


The masters in the Beastmaster Mansion heard the sound and rushed over immediately, but when they saw Long Jiangyuan, just as they were about to bow down, a sword light flashed and took their lives away.

Among them, there are many masters of the holy king, and among them there is the sixth-level heavenly warrior of the holy king of the Beast King's Mansion.

Lu Feng led someone to follow Long Jiangyuan, and in the blink of an eye, he arrived at the place where Long Jiangyuan is now.

It was also a secret room, and Long Jiangyuan stepped on a teleportation array under his feet.

Lu Feng looked at this teleportation array, and it turned out to be very delicate. It was completely different from the current teleportation array, and there were some traces of Xuanwen in it.

"Ancient teleportation array?"

"No, there are some resemblances, but not really."

Shaking his head slightly, Lu Feng looked at the teleportation formation again and muttered, "No accident, this teleportation formation should be the location of the forces behind the Beastmaster's Mansion."

"Be prepared for battle, there may be danger later."

After Lu Feng gave an order, he brought Gu Chen and Liu Jiannu into the teleportation formation.

Although this teleportation array is not the same as the current teleportation array, the activation method is the same, just use the spirit stone.

Lu Feng quickly activated the teleportation formation, and with a flash of light, several people disappeared into the secret room.

After a moment of weightlessness, Lu Feng found himself in a gray palace.

Long Jiangyuan's body did not stop and continued to move forward, but Lu Feng did not immediately follow him with anyone.

Instead, he frowned and looked at the palace.

For some reason, he felt that the atmosphere in the palace was familiar to him, as if he had seen it somewhere.

"Your Majesty, there is a strong aura in this place, it should be a semi-holy."

At this time, Gu Chen came to Lu Feng's side with a very solemn tone.


Lu Feng glanced at Gu Chen and found that not only his tone was solemn, but his face was also very solemn, as if he was facing a great enemy.

Gu Chen is a martial artist whose system realm has reached the peak of the Emperor's Eighth Heavenly Layer. The general semi-sage cannot make him look like a great enemy.

Lu Feng slowly raised his head, looked into the depths of the palace, and murmured, "This should be the Shadow Lord that Long Jiangyuan said!"

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