The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 877 This is to make fire behind me!

The affairs of the Liyang Dynasty were very secretive, and it was not until three days later that the spies of Guxuan Commercial Bank got some news and immediately reported it to Gu Wenqian.

Gu Wenqian and Lu Feng were on the same boat now, but he did not dare to delay, and hurriedly passed the news to Lu Feng who was on the naval battleship through the channel of Jin Yiwei.

"Hehe, the Liyang Dynasty is going to set fire to the rear of me!"

Hearing the news from Gu Wenqian, Lu Feng laughed, looking casual, but his eyes were solemn.

To the east of the Nanyan Kingdom is the Ziyang Kingdom, Bailan Kingdom, and Jinshui Kingdom, to the south is the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom, and to the north is the Northern Grassland.

To the west is the Aoxiang Kingdom.

Aoxiang Kingdom further west, is where those small kingdoms are.

Because the previous Aoxiang Kingdom was famous for its weak army in the southwest of Yuzhou, these small kingdoms were not bullied by the Aoxiang Kingdom.

On the contrary, some of these small countries are slightly stronger, and occasionally they will find Aoxiang Kingdom to fight the autumn wind.

However, after Lu Feng's Nanyan Kingdom destroyed the Aoxiang Kingdom and declared the Aoxiang Kingdom as the twelve counties of Aoxiang, these small kingdoms would not dare to fight the autumn wind again.

On the contrary, he offered a lot of treasures just for the sake of peace.

At that time, because Lu Feng had to deal with the Bailan Kingdom and the Hongbao Kingdom, he did not deal with these small kingdoms, but ordered Zhang Liao to lead troops to guard that side.

I just didn't expect that there would be such trouble now.

As for whether these small kingdoms would listen to the words of the Liyang Dynasty and attack the Nanyan Kingdom, Lu Feng had no doubts.

First of all, this is the Liyang Dynasty who came to them, one of the ten dynasties, the Liyang Dynasty.

They cannot resist.

In addition, the purpose of unifying the Nanyan Kingdom is very clear now, and it is impossible for these small kingdoms to remain.

The emperors of these kingdoms are also aware of this. Therefore, now that the Liyang Dynasty is taking the lead, it is basically a sure thing that they will raise troops.

The combat effectiveness of these small kingdoms should not be taken seriously, but the army base must be very large. Once they attack the Nanyan Kingdom, it will also be a threat to the Nanyan Kingdom.

The current Nanyan Kingdom is a two-line battle, the first line of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom and the first line of Changze City.

This is basically the limit of the national strength of the Nanyan Kingdom. If there is another third-line battle, it is easy for the national strength to fail.

It's not that there aren't enough supplies.

Now that Lu Feng has Yushang Firm in his hands, he also secretly controls Guxuan Firm, grain and other armament consumables. Basically, he has no worries.

But the point is, how do these things get to the front?

The Nanyan Kingdom has been improved by Xun Yu in this regard, and it is much better than before, but if it is a three-line battle, it will put a lot of pressure on the rear. Even if Xun Yu is powerful, it will still be difficult to deliver it in time.

After all, it is impossible for the teleportation array to be used to transport these grains and armaments.

The consumption is too large, and the spirit stone that activates the teleportation array can't stand it.

"Oh, it would be nice if the space shuttle could be used."

Lu Feng sighed, if the space shuttle could be used, it would be much easier to transport food and grass.

A space shuttle ship can hold a lot of armament supplies.

It's just that Lu Feng didn't have time to arrange the teleportation array needed for the space shuttle.

Moreover, there is another key point. If the 1.5 million army of the Liyang Dynasty in the Zonglan Kingdom immediately goes to the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom, it will be a real bad thing.

After pondering for a while, Lu Feng said to Zhen Gang outside the battleship: "Send orders to Jia Xu, Xun Yu, Zhangsun Wuji, Liu Ji, and Guo Jia to come to the battleship immediately to see me. At the same time, send someone to ask Hua Tuo and Zuo. Merci, how long will it take to deal with those mutant water snakes in the Evil Dragon River!"


Hua Tuo and Zuo Ci arrived on the naval battleship three days ago.

Then, following the naval battleship to the edge of the Evil Dragon River, Lu Feng had people catch a few mutant water snakes and hand them over to study.

Originally, they were given a lot of time to study, but now due to the changes in the Liyang Dynasty,

Had to ask them to go faster.

Soon, Hua Tuo and Zuo Ci, who received Lu Feng's order, arrived on the battleship where Lu Feng was.

"Chen Hua Tuo."

"My minister Zuo Ci."

"Meet Your Majesty."

The two paid homage to Lu Feng.


Lu Feng waved his hand and didn't waste much time. He asked directly, "Yuanhua, Yuan Fang, and those mutant water snakes in the Evil Dragon River, how are you doing?"

"Report to Your Majesty, there are already some leaders now, and in about five days, they should be able to come up with a solution." Hua Tuo said.

"No, there's not that much time left."

Lu Feng shook his head and said, "I can only give you three days. You must come up with a way to deal with these mutant water snakes within three days."


Hua Tuo looked embarrassed and said, "Your Majesty, these mutant water snakes have been formed for too long. If it is only three days, the solution we may come up with can only deal with mutant water snakes below the eighth level, and we can't find the reason for their mutation. able to kill them directly."

The eighth-level monster, also known as the monster emperor, is equivalent to the martial arts emperor of human warriors.

There must be eight-level monsters in the Evil Dragon River, but for Lu Feng, it doesn't matter whether Hua Tuo and the others can solve the demon emperor, the important thing is that they can solve the mutant water snakes of other realms.

He immediately said: "It doesn't matter if you can't find the reason for the mutation now. There are many mutated water snake corpses for you to study, and maybe there will be an eighth-level demon emperor equivalent to the martial arts emperor for you to study."

"Now I only need to deal with monsters in other realms. Since you are sure, make them immediately. The sooner the better, there is no delay!" Lu Feng said immediately.

"The minister obeys the order!"

Hua Tuo and Zuo Ci responded and immediately went down to prepare.

After Hua Tuo and Zuo Ci went down, Lu Feng sat in the room, pondering slightly, his mind sank into the storage space to find the special reward he got from completing the mission last time.

It will take some time for Jia Xu and the others to come to this naval battleship, so Lu Feng can just see what special reward he got last time.

Soon, he found the special reward, a card.

Lu Feng took out the card, looked at it, and clicked on the details.

Soon, the card's information appeared in Lu Feng's mind.

Mission opening card: Using the mission opening card, you can open a host custom mission at any time. The host can complete the opened mission and get rich mission rewards.

Note: The minimum requirements for the mission opening card require that in addition to the host, there are other warriors in the realm of emperors to participate in order to obtain rich rewards. The more difficult the task is, the more warriors are involved, and the higher the realm of warriors, the more rewards the host will get after completing the task. Rich.

When Lu Feng saw this, his eyes suddenly lit up, this is a good thing!

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