The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 902 Demon's Trace Now

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"Weak Water Sword Art?"

"Jin Haozhong, today I will show you what the real weak water sword art is!"

"Three thousand weak waters, Shen Wanwan!"

The voice fell, and the Gan Jiang sword traversed the sky.


There was a sudden sound of water flowing between the heavens and the earth.

A weak river with a length of dozens of miles is now behind Lu Feng, and the turbulent weak water makes people tremble.

"What? Weak Water Sword Art?"

When Jin Haozhong saw the Ruoshui River behind Lu Feng, he was completely stunned, and said in shock, "How could you know the Ruoshui Sword Art?"

The Ruoshui Sword Art is one of the three taboo sword art of the Spirit Sword Sect. Only a few Supreme Elders and Sect Masters know about the entire Spirit Sword Sect, and even the elders do not know the others.

But now, Lu Feng not only knew, but also showed it.

Moreover, the most terrifying thing was that the Ruoshui River transformed by Lu Feng's Weak Shui Sword Art was dozens of miles long, far exceeding the five miles of Ruoshui River behind him.

how can that be?

How did Lu Feng do it?

You are a warrior of the sixth level of the emperor, how could it be possible that the Weak Water Sword Art you used was not as powerful as Lu Fenglai?


Lu Feng ignored Jin Haozhong's shock. He controlled the Ruoshui River and rushed directly to the blood-colored Ruoshui River behind Jin Haozhong.

"This is impossible!"

Jin Haozhong's face was full of anger, and he said angrily: "You can't possibly know the weak water sword art of my Spirit Sword Sect, you must be fake, fake!"

"Today, the old man wants to let you, the fake Weak Shui Sword Art, know what the real Weak Water Sword Art is!"

Jin Haozhong couldn't accept this reality, roaring and controlling the blood-colored Ruoshuihe behind him and rushed over.


Two weak rivers collided in the air.

The moment they collided, they were evenly matched.

But in the next instant, Lu Feng's ten-mile-long Weak Shui River tumbled and quickly swallowed the blood-colored Weak Shui River in Jin Haozhong.

In the blink of an eye, all the five-mile river was swallowed up.

However, Lu Feng's ten-mile-long Ruoshui River did not weaken in any way, and continued to charge towards Jin Haozhong.

"Do not!"

Jin Haozhong roared and slashed at the roaring Ruoshui River.

The blood-red sword qi reflected this side of the world, looking like the wrath of heaven and earth.

But just when I met the Ruoshui River, the blood-red sword energy quickly dissipated, as if there was no anger in the world, and finally dissipated in the Ruoshui River.

This sword energy simply cannot resist Ruoshuihe in the slightest.

"Do not!"

Kim Ho-jung cried out again, but this time it was fear, a miserable cry.


Ruoshuihe slammed into Jin Haozhong's body.

The infuriating energy in Jin Haozhong's body instantly stagnated and could no longer function.

At the same time, his vitality is also rapidly draining under the consumption of Ruoshui River.

"No, it's impossible!"

Jin Haozhong murmured weakly, his eyes dull.

He has become so strong, but in the end, facing Lu Feng, he didn't even make a move, and he was about to die.

"If you didn't use the Weak Water Sword Art first, you might be able to force out some other means."

Lu Feng came to Jin Haozhong and said slowly.

Before the Ruoshui Sword Art has realized the power of Ruoshui, it is the size of the Ruoshui River that determines its power.

Now Lu Feng has not realized the real power of weak water, nor has Jin Haozhong.

However, the Ruoshui River transformed by Lu Feng's Weak Water Sword Art was far more than Jin Haozhong, which made Jin Haozhong unable to resist.

Moreover, the strong Ruoshui River can absolutely swallow the weak Ruoshui River, and it will also affect the warriors who display the weak Ruoshui Sword Art, putting them at an absolute disadvantage.

The moment Jin Haozhong used the Weak Shui Sword Art just now, it was already doomed that he would not be able to stop even Lu Feng's move.

If he didn't use the Weak Water Sword Art, but chose to use the blood demon power in his body and Lu Feng's trembling, Lu Feng would at least need to use the True Martial Art and the Flood Dragon Art to kill him.


Looking at Jin Haozhong, Lu Feng shook his head and said, "You are too stupid."

As soon as the sound fell, he stabbed his sword with a single sword, stabbing Jin Haozhong in the heart.

The speed of Jin Haozhong's life breath was instantly accelerated.

"Jie Jie, Jie Jie."

But Jin Haozhong, who was about to die, suddenly laughed coldly, and said, "Lu Feng, if you choose not to kill me, but imprison me, maybe all this will end, but you choose to kill me, Then it's far from over."

"Jie Jie, the entire southwest of Yuzhou will be shrouded in..."

Before he finished speaking, Jin Haozhong shook his head, and his life breath completely disappeared.

Lu Feng frowned, he didn't know what Bai Jin Haozhong meant by this.

"Could it be related to the Gorefiend formation?"

The Gorefiend formation using the blood of the warriors as a primer is too uncontrollable, and no one knows what will happen.

Kim Ho-jung's words...


Before Lu Feng's thoughts could be understood, suddenly there was a loud noise from outside the Ruoshui River.

"what's the situation?"

Lu Feng swung his sword, and the Ruoshui River disappeared. He looked at Lingjian Mountain again.

"This is……"

"What a heavy magic!"

On Lingjian Mountain, the dead aura turned into demonic energy, lingering on the entire mountain top.

It's as if some grinder was born.

"Haha, Terran, Terran, Terran!"

At this moment, a loud laughter came: "The lovely and delicious human race, the deity is back again."


The laughter continued, and a figure condensed in the demonic energy.

A mouth like a crocodile, but a body like a human.

There are two blood-red horns on the head, similar to horns.

very ugly!


Lu Feng narrowed his eyes and instantly recognized what this thing was.

It is rumored that the ogres appeared when the ogres invaded the continent of Kyushu in the ancient times. They would eat people they saw, and were very brutal. In the end, they provoked the great powers of human beings to take action and slaughter the entire ogres.

Lu Feng did not expect that there would be traces of the ogres here today.

"Jie Jie, I didn't expect that just after being resurrected, there are so many delicious foods in front of me. God is very kind to this deity."

The ogre turned his head and stared at Lu Feng and the Six Swordsmen. The crocodile-like mouth was drooling, very disgusting.

"Wait, this isn't a real ogre."

Lu Feng frowned when he saw it.

Staring at the ugly ogre, he always felt that something was wrong with the ogre.

As if I had seen it somewhere.

"Delicious food, come into my mouth obediently!"

"Jie Jie."

Grimly laughed twice, the mouth of the ogre crocodile suddenly opened wide, like a black hole, the huge suction enveloped Lu Feng and Liu Jiannu, wanting to swallow them.

"court death!"

Cut off the water with a sword.


The sword energy slashed in the void, directly smashing the suction.

"It's still a human emperor, Jiuzhongtian martial artist, Jie Jie, your meat must be very delicious."

The ogre laughed coldly again, and was about to rush over.

But at this moment, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Lu Feng's mouth, and said, "You are a good Jin Haozhong, but you have a lot of ways to save your life!"

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