The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 904 Dynasty Reinforcement

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Lu Feng was a little surprised. The Wuzhou Sword Sect was wiped out thousands of years ago because he offended a certain top force in Wuzhou. Those who were lucky enough to escape left Wuzhou and hid everywhere, and finally set up in this small southwest of Yuzhou. Spirit Sword Sect.

They still have the treasure house of Wuzhou Sword Sect?

"I mean it, I didn't lie to you, as long as you let me go, I will definitely tell you where the treasure house of Wuzhou Sword Sect is."

Seeing the change in Lu Feng's expression, Jin Haozhong hurriedly said: "The treasure house of Jianzong contains treasures of Jianzong for tens of thousands of years. As long as you get it, I guarantee that you can use the contents in the treasure house to turn the Nanyan Kingdom into a A dynasty, even a dynasty, is possible."

"And all this, you just need to let me go. For you, I have no threat at all now. Even if you let me go, it doesn't matter, but you can get..."


Before he could finish his words, Lu Feng suddenly took control of the door of life and death, and the power of life and death emanating from the Xuanwen of life and death above suddenly became a bit stronger.

Jin Haozhong didn't hold back any more, he was directly sucked into the door of life and death, and the last trace of his soul mark was gone.

The treasure house of Wuzhou Sword Sect is indeed an attractive and good thing, but it must be difficult to obtain such an attractive and good thing.

Not to mention whether the top force that destroyed the Sword Sect would directly find and occupy the treasure house.

It's just that the people of the Spirit Sword Sect haven't looked for this treasure house for so many years, and they can see that it is not so easy to get this treasure house when they get the things inside to improve their strength.

Moreover, the base camp of Jianzong is in Wuzhou.

That treasure house must also be in Wuzhou.

Wuzhou is the existence ranked second only to Zhongzhou in the mainland of Kyushu, and the strong are like clouds.

Yuzhou has yet to get this one-third of an acre of land! What about Wuzhou?

Lu Feng didn't want to have a small appetite, but he had to eat it bit by bit.


With a move in Lu Feng's hand, a storage ring appeared in his hand.

It's Kim Ho-jung.

The news of the Wuzhou Sword Sect's treasure house is very important. Jin Haozhong is the ancestor of the Spirit Sword Sect. Such news is very likely to be recorded in something.

And this thing is more likely to be placed in the storage ring.

When you go back and look inside the storage ring, you may be able to find the treasure with the Wuzhou Sword Sect recorded.


At this moment, a roar came.


It was followed by a loud drink of water.


The water-breaking sword technique slashed on the body of the ogres.

The ogre's body dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The souls of the ogre clan and Jin Haozhong complement each other, and the last trace of Jin Haozhong's soul imprint is sucked into the gate of life and death, and the strength of the ogre clan is greatly reduced.

It is no longer the ogre in the middle of the semi-holy period who was fighting against the water before, and the strength is only the early stage of the emperor Jiuzhongtian.

In the face of the broken water, he was beheaded in the blink of an eye.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the emperor's second-level celestial warrior and gaining 40 million experience points."

At the same time, the prompt sound of the system also appeared in Lu Feng's mind.

With this ogre being beheaded by the cut-off water, Jin Haozhong was considered completely dead, and Lu Feng gained experience points.

It's just this experience...

Lu Feng looked at his mouth twitching, very little.

This Jin Haozhong is really too weak!

Lu Feng couldn't bear to look directly at the experience points provided.

Good thing...

Looking down at Jin Haozhong's storage ring, after all, Jin Haozhong is also the ancestor of the Spirit Sword Sect, so there should be many treasures in it.

"Go find the treasure house of the Spirit Sword Sect and move all the contents back to the Nanyan Kingdom."

"Cultivation, martial arts, supernatural powers, etc., go back and give it directly to Changsun Wuji."

Lu Feng ordered.

Changsun Wuji is now preparing for the Kingdom College, and he is in charge of the Sutra Collection Pavilion for the time being.

Soon, Duan Shui entered the Spirit Sword Sect and searched for the treasure house of the Spirit Sword Sect according to Lu Feng's orders.

Lu Feng stood in the void, his mind moved, and the power of his soul broke the imprint of the soul left on the storage ring by Jin Haozhong, and opened the storage ring.

"There are quite a lot of spirit stones."

Among Jin Haozhong's storage rings, most of them are spirit stones.

There are no low-level spiritual stones, only intermediate and high-level spiritual stones.

Intermediate-level spirit stones accounted for 60%, and the rest were all high-level spirit stones.

There are at least tens of thousands of high-level spirit stones, and there are many more intermediate-level spirit stones.

In addition, there are some martial arts, martial arts, supernatural powers, etc., the level is at least heaven level, but there are not many, adding up to less than ten.

"Hey, kendo stone?"

Lu Feng's soul power felt a stone, took it out, and looked at it carefully.

This is a palm-sized stone, but the stone is covered with sword marks, as if each sword is a martial art.

Lu Feng knew about this, he had seen it from the classics.

The kendo stone is very useful to the martial artist who practiced kendo, but it is of no use to other martial artists.

"This stuff is pretty good."

Lu Feng nodded secretly.

The focus of his own martial arts practice is kendo, and the trump card in his hand is also sword art, which has a great effect on him.

The people around him are like six sword slaves, and they are also practicing kendo.

And now their strength has been raised to the limit of summoning, and if they want to improve again, unless Lu Feng uses the realm promotion card for them, or just rely on his own understanding and cultivation to improve their strength.

Kendo stones are also of great use to them.

Lu Feng put away the kendo stone and continued to look inside the storage ring, trying to find the thing related to the Wuzhou Sword Sect treasure house.

But disappointingly, I searched the whole storage ring and couldn't find it.

"Okay, it looks like it's gone."

Lu Feng sighed lightly. In this Jin Haozhong storage ring, the most valuable one might be this kendo stone.

Nothing related to Wuzhou Sword Sect made him a little disappointed.

But don't take it too seriously.

After Liu Jiannu and the others found the treasure house, they left the Spirit Sword Sect with people.

But after they left, no one noticed that at the bottom of Lingjian Mountain, a trace of blood with demonic energy suddenly disappeared.

disappeared without a trace.


The news that Spirit Sword Sect was destroyed quickly spread.

But this time, there were no waves in the southwest of Yuzhou.

Even the Jinshui Kingdom and Zonglan Kingdom, which were previously affiliated to the Spirit Sword Sect, did not show any surprise.

The reason is very simple. The Spirit Sword Sect was already defeated by Lu Feng, and they knew very well that the Spirit Sword Sect was over.

Exactly when it will be finished depends on when Lu Feng is interested in picking them up.

Now, Lu Feng was interested, so he cleaned them up.

This is no surprise.

Now, they are more concerned about the situation of the army of the Liyang Dynasty.

"Your Majesty, the follow-up reinforcements of the Liyang Dynasty of 3 million have already departed from Tonglu City. Do you want us to prepare food and grass?"

In the palace of Zonglan Kingdom, Prime Minister Cui Zhenqi was watching their emperor Qiu Tang report.

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