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"Wen Chou?"

Hearing the notification sound from the system, Lu Feng was taken aback, but he did not expect to call Wen Chou out.

There are still some reputations in history.

He was a general under Yuan Shao.

But what makes people know more is that in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, he was slashed by Second Master Guan.

However, in the records of the Three Kingdoms, Wen Chou is also a ruthless man. During the Battle of Panhe, he once defeated Cao Cao's general Xu Huang, and fought with Zhao Yun for dozens of rounds.

Moreover, in the records of the Three Kingdoms, Wen Chou was not beheaded by the second master Guan, but Yuan Shao ordered him to lead his army to attack Cao Cao in Yanjin.

In the Three Kingdoms, Guan Erye only beheaded Yan Liang, but not Wen Chou.

In Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Wen Chou was an unlucky person, and was added to Guan Er Ye's sword by Lao Luo as an addition.

But whether it's in the Three Kingdoms or the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Wen Chou still has some strength. Although he can't compare to those top generals like Lu Bu Zhao Yun Guan Er Ye, he is not too weak.

In that era, he must have been a first-class general.

As for Yuan Shao's army of 100,000...

Lu Feng looked at it and pouted. Come on, Yuan Shao's army has never been known for its combat effectiveness.

This time, the one who can make him value is Wen Chou.

"Don't let me down."

Lu Feng murmured, "System, show me this ugly information."

Wen Chou: A fierce general under Yuan Shao at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Race: Human

Realm: Emperor Seventh Heaven. (The current realm should be the sixth level of the holy king. Note: Because Wen Chou is not yet under the host's command, the realm has not yet reached the sixth level of the holy king. After he returns to the host, he will reach the sixth level of the holy king within half a year. , the current realm is the Seventh Heaven of the Grandmaster.)

Loyalty: 80

Identity setting: Wen Chou is the first defending general of Nagasawa City.

Leading troops of 100,000 to guard Changze City. However, because of his humble background, he did not get the attention of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom, and he was unhappy. After the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom built Changze City into a defensive city, his status was even lower, and he became an inconspicuous general in Changze City. lieutenant. Under the imperial decree of the emperor of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom, Lan Taohong, along with the city lord of Changze, they will surrender to the Nanyan Kingdom.

"Yes, as expected, these 100,000 people cannot be counted on."

Looking at this information, Lu Feng knew that the 100,000 people summoned must be the 100,000 people who were stationed in Changze City by Wen Chou, and their combat effectiveness would definitely not be too strong.

Because of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom, the soldiers who defended the city were not good enough. Only the Leopard Army and the Imperial Guard were considered powerful.

If Wen Chou's identity is a capital of the Leopard Army, leading a hundred thousand Leopard Army, it can be counted on, it is a considerable fighting force.

Shaking his head, Lu Feng wrote down Wen Chou's information and prepared to find him later.


Lu Feng looked at his remaining summoning opportunities.

There are also nine normal summoning opportunities as well as two designated industry summoning opportunities and two special treasure chests.

"System, continue with the designated industry call, internal affairs."

"Ding, the call is in progress."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully summoning and obtaining Di Renjie, the prime minister of the Wu Zhou period."

"Uh, Master Di is here?"

For the first time, Lu Feng knew Di Renjie's name from the TV series "Detective Di Renjie" that he had seen in his previous life.

Only later did he know that Di Renjie's great writing was not only limited to TV dramas, but also really great writing in history.

When Di Renjie entered the Dali Temple in history, the backlog of cases was already very large. He threw himself into his work, worked day and night, and kept criticizing. After fighting for a whole year, he cleared all the backlog cases. There were as many as 17,000 people involved, and there was not a single one who complained after the incident. The quantity and the good quality were legendary at the time.

In addition, some Western scholars call Di Renjie the Sherlock Holmes of the East.

In addition to being powerful in judging cases, Di Renjie is also very strong in government affairs.

Evaluation in history: Di Renjie is an upright person, and hates evil and hate, and calls filial piety, loyalty and integrity as righteousness. As a statesman, Di Renjie, in every position, is concerned with the people's livelihood and has made outstanding political achievements. After he took up the position of prime minister, he helped the country and Anbang, and made great contributions to Wu Zetian's abuse of government.

You must know that Di Renjie lived in the era of Wu Zetian, the only queen in China.

Wu Zetian was a ruthless man who could even kill his own son, so one could imagine what role he was.

But Di Renjie was able to become a prime minister under such a queen and to support the country and Anbang, which was enough to show that his ability was very strong.

In the later period of Wu Zetian, Di Renjie persuaded the Li clan to be the prince, and only later did Wu Zetian return the power to Li's Tang Dynasty. Otherwise, Wu Zetian is very likely to make the Wu clan emperor again.

If that's the case, the later "Kaiyuan Prosperity" of the Tang Dynasty may really be gone.

Di Renjie definitely has an indelible contribution to the continuation of the Li Tang society.

Lu Feng really did not expect that Di Renjie would be summoned this time.


Lu Feng thought about it, it was time for Di Renjie to come out now.

At present, the Nanyan Kingdom is developing rapidly. Although there are generally no problems, it is difficult to say whether there are any problems with specific county officials.

Jin Yiwei would also monitor these before, but with the needs of the national war later, Jin Yiwei focused most of his energy on the outside world and did not continue to monitor.

When Di Renjie is here, Lu Feng can completely let him do these things.

Di Renjie is an honest official, and his ability to handle government affairs is also very good. After some experience, he can definitely become a government official of the Nanyan Kingdom.

"System, show me Di Renjie's information."

Di Renjie: Prime Minister in the era of Wu Zetian, the Empress of Wu Zhou.

Race: Human.

Realm: Holy Reverend Triple Heaven (The current realm should be Holy King Triple Heaven.)

Loyalty: 95

Identity setting: Di Renjie is a student of the three northern counties. He heard that the host established the Kingdom College and is rushing to Nanyan City to study.

Remarks: Di Renjie's current realm is only the first level of the gods. When he becomes a servant of the host, his strength will be restored to the third level of the holy king within a year.

Looking at Di Renjie's message, Lu Feng still nodded, quite satisfied.

Especially this loyalty.

You must know that the loyalty of Wenchen is not so easy to improve.

Di Renjie's loyalty to himself has reached 95 points, which is already very good.

Of course, this must have something to do with Lu Feng's previous deeds in the battle against the barbarians in the three northern counties.

"Wait until Di Renjie arrives, give him some time to practice, and he will be able to become Xun Yu's helper in the future, so that the kingdom's internal affairs will not have such a lot of pressure."

Lu Feng had a smile on his face, the result of this call was very good.

Helped the Nanyan Kingdom to basically solve the internal affairs problems.

"As for the next call..."

Lu Feng looked at another opportunity to summon a designated industry, and pondered slightly, thinking about what industry he should summon.

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