The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 935: The Arrival of the Gun God

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"It's a little bloody."

Zhang Han looked at Song Tonghao's body with some praise in his eyes.

Although Zhang Han is the general of the Shadow Guard and walks in the dark, he is also a military general himself, and he naturally appreciates bloody people.

"Clean up his body and take it back to Master Guo."



The news of Changze City's destruction spread quickly.

The other city lords of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom near Changze City were shocked when they heard it. They did not expect that Changze City, which had an army of several million, was breached in one night.

This made them panic.

Before Changze City was broken, they still thought of Changze City to defend, and then starting from Changze City, they counterattacked the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom, and then coupled with the army of the Liyang Dynasty, the Nanyan Kingdom would definitely be defeated.

Naturally, the interests of these people will not suffer any loss.

But they never thought that things were developing too fast, changing too fast, and it was too unexpected for them.

From the destruction of Rainbow Leopard City to the destruction of Changze City, it only took two or three days for everything to change.

The city lords of other cities did not want to accept it, but they had to accept it. They had no chance.

The Rainbow Leopard Kingdom is over.

As for who wins and who loses in the final battle between the Liyang Dynasty and the Nanyan Kingdom, it doesn't mean much to them.

Because they knew very well that with the destruction of Changze City, Gao Shun's army would definitely sweep across the entire territory of the Rainbow Leopard Kingdom as soon as possible.

At that time, how can these people continue to stick to it.

After all, the city of Changze with an army of several million was destroyed. How could their city be held?

In desperation, these people all chose to surrender.


Surrendering will cause them to lose a lot of family interests, but they know better that it is not the family's interests that will be lost if they do not surrender, but the family's life.

That would be even more miserable.

The choice of these city lords saved Gao Shun a lot of effort. He asked Guo Jia to be responsible for accepting these surrendered city lords, and also arranged for Shadow Secret Guard and Jin Yiwei to investigate the secret details of these city lords.

If there is a problem, none of them can run.

As for himself, he immediately rushed to Chuanping County with one million infantry, plus Lu Bu's 300,000 loyal and righteous iron cavalry.

Right now, the army of the Yang Dynasty is very close to Lianyun Road, and he must lead troops to support it.

Make sure that there are no mistakes in Lianyun Dao.


On the Evil Dragon River, the naval battleships of the Nanyan Kingdom quickly moved towards Lianyun Road.

"Your Majesty, there is a secret report from the Jinyiwei that the Liyang Dynasty army is less than a day away from Lianyun." Zhen just came to Lu Feng to report.

Lu Feng frowned. He underestimated the advance speed of the Liyang Dynasty army. The time for them to reach Lianyun Dao was much less than he expected.

It still takes a day for them to reach Lianyun Dao now.

"Send the order to Yue Fei. If the enemy does not choose to attack at the first time, let him continue to build a defensive line. If the enemy chooses to attack at the first time, let him stop the enemy from Chuanping County at all costs!" Lu Feng ordered in a deep voice.


Zhendao immediately went down to give orders.

"Right now, the situation is complicated!"

Lu Feng sighed lightly.

He knew very well that as long as Le Chongjin, the main general of the Liyang Dynasty, was not an idiot, he would definitely launch an attack immediately.

The elite army of 1.5 million Liyang Dynasty attacked Yue Fei's army of more than 600,000, and it was really hard to say the outcome.

Because Lu Feng has not yet fought against the Liyang Dynasty's millions of troops, he does not know how their military formations are, let alone their combat effectiveness.

Fortunately, he arranged to guard Yue Fei in Chuanping County.

Yue Fei's ability is extremely strong. With him and an army of hundreds of thousands, he may be at a disadvantage in the face of the attack of the Liyang Dynasty army, but it should not be defeated in a short time.

"Since you are here, why didn't you show up?"

At this moment, an indifferent voice came from behind Lu Feng.

The figure of Duan Shui appeared behind him, holding the Duan Shui sword in his hand, and looked around vigilantly.

"It's really not easy for the hider in the six sword slaves to cut off the water. Not only can you hide your own breath perfectly, but you can also see through other means of hiding your breath. You are an opponent."

A voice sounded in the surrounding void.

Immediately afterwards, an old man dressed in a linen robe of a warrior appeared on the deck of the battleship.

He was tall and held a long gun made of wood in his hand.

"Gun Prodigy Tongyuan!"

As soon as Lu Feng saw him, he threw an exploration technique on it and learned the information about the person who came.

Tong Yuan, the spear god Lu Feng summoned last time, Zhao Yun's master.

"I have seen His Majesty the King of Nanyan Kingdom." Tong Yuan bowed slightly.

His apprentice Zhao Yun was under Lu Feng's command. Because of this, he had a good impression of Lu Feng.

Or, with the strength of his Emperor Jiuzhongtian's peak, there is no emperor of the kingdom who can make him bow slightly.

"Senior Gun God is polite."

Lu Feng's face was full of smiles.

When summoning Tong Yuan, the information given by the system that Tong Yuan's loyalty has reached 70 points because of Zhao Yun's relationship with him, now it seems to be true.

More importantly, what the system said last time was that Tong Yuan was invited by Zhao Yun to come to Nanyan Kingdom.

But at that time, Lu Feng thought that Tong Yuan should be going to Dunchuan City, where Zhao Yun is now, but he didn't expect that he was here.

But this is not important, the important thing is that Tong Yuan is here!

"The old apprentice Zhao Yun knows that the old martial arts has entered a bottleneck. If you can't break through the bottleneck, you will not be able to enter the realm of sainthood for life, so he invited me to the Nanyan Kingdom, and wanted to persuade the old man to serve your majesty. Mage, maybe there is a way to help this old man break through the bottleneck."

"The old man knows the power of the ancient array mage, but the ancient array mage is the ancient array mage, and the holy warrior is the holy warrior. There is no point of understanding between the two."

"But the apprentice's heart is old and can't bear to refuse, so I came to the Nanyan Kingdom to see His Majesty, so that the apprentice will not worry about it. Now that I have seen it, the old man should leave and continue to travel to Yuzhou, or go to Wuzhou to find Rotten his own martial arts."


Tong Yuan is a direct person, he turned around and was about to leave.

"Senior Gun God stay."

A warrior at the peak of the Emperor's Nine Heavens, Lu Feng couldn't let him leave just like that, because it was a big help.

So he immediately opened his mouth to call Tong Yuan.

"What's the matter, Your Majesty?" Tong Yuan turned to look at Lu Feng and asked.

Lu Feng smiled slightly and said: "Zilong said that I am a strange person, an ancient formation mage, who can help seniors break through the bottleneck, seniors don't believe me?"

"It's not that the old man doesn't believe in Your Majesty, but that the realm of the Martial Dao Saint Venerable and the ancient master of the ancient array have nothing to do with each other." Tong Yuan shook his head.

"But if I say, I really have a way to help you?"

Lu Feng stared at Tongyuan and spoke slowly.

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