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"General, all the holy crossbows have been arranged and can be attacked at any time." A lieutenant behind Le Zhongjin said respectfully.

Le Zhongjin nodded, looked at Yue Fei's army formation in the distance, and said, "Yue Fei really has some skills. He divided a huge camp into two parts, which are horns of each other, and defended the side facing the mountains. , obviously he considered the threat in this regard."


A lieutenant looked at Le Chongjin and said, "General, does it mean that Yue Fei knows that we have the Sacred Crossbow?"

"it's out of the question!"

Shaking his head, Le Chongjin said, "Only a few people in the entire Liyang Dynasty know about the destruction of the holy crossbow. Even if the Jinyiwei of the Nanyan Kingdom has the ability to reach the sky, it is impossible for them to know about the destruction of the holy crossbow!"

"But if Yue Fei doesn't know about the Sacred Crossbow, why would he defend in this direction?" the lieutenant asked in confusion.

"That's why I said Yue Fei really has the ability."

Staring at Yue Fei's army formation, Le Zhongjin said, "He knew that the mountain on the right side of Lianyun Road was far away from his camp, which was beyond the range of an ordinary bed crossbow, but he still defended like this. The dynasty is not underestimated because of previous victories."

"He imagined that the dynasty had means that he did not understand, so he arranged it like this and made some defenses, so as not to be caught off guard."

"Such arrangements, Yue Fei is indeed not weak."

"If you're not weak, that's the end of it."

The lieutenant behind Le Zhongjin snorted disdainfully, and said, "The Sacred Crossbow is known as the strongest bed crossbow in Yuzhou, with Yue Fei's defensive arrangement, a normal bed crossbow may be fine, but when they meet the Sacred Sacred Crossbow, they will That defense is like a piece of paper!"

Le Chongjin had a smile on his face, and what the lieutenant said was what he thought.

With Yue Fei's defensive arrangement, it is simply wishful thinking to guard against the Holy Crossbow!

"Pass the order, launch an attack!" Le Chongjin said lightly.


With an order, the army of the Liyang Dynasty, who had lined up early, moved forward immediately.

"General, the enemy is attacking!"

In Yue Fei's army, they saw the enemy advance at first sight.

Yue Fei's face was dignified and he said solemnly: "Order the bowman, as long as the enemy enters the attack range, immediately launch an attack!"


The army of the Liyang Dynasty was advancing steadily. Standing at the forefront were rows of shield soldiers carrying heavy shields, followed by archers and crossbowmen, and finally the infantry.

Le Chongjin arranged this in order to have a bow and crossbow shot with Yue Fei first, and then let the infantry attack.

"Fire arrows!"

Soon, the army of the Liyang Dynasty entered the attack range of the army of the Nanyan Kingdom.

At the command of the general, tens of thousands of bowmen fired arrows in unison.


With the piercing sound of breaking through the air, thousands of arrows instantly filled the sky, forming a terrifying rain of arrows, pouring down on the enemy formation.


The footsteps of the Liyang Dynasty army suddenly stopped, and the shield player standing at the front immediately squatted down and put all his strength on the shield to stabilize it.

Ding ding ding.

The sturdy shield array successfully blocked all incoming arrows.

It turned out that his soldiers were not injured in the slightest.

"Hmph, Yue Fei, this method will not pose any threat to this general's army."

When Le Chongjin on the high mountain on the right side of Lianyun Road saw it, he sneered.

When Yue Fei saw it, his brows were slightly wrinkled. He knew that the Liyang Dynasty army was powerful, but the last time they met, thousands of arrows were fired in unison, and a wave of arrows was enough to cause some losses to the enemy.

But right now, there is no loss at all.

It seems that Le Zhongjin's ability to control the army is far superior to Chu Feipei.

"Fire arrows!"

At this time, Le Chongjin shouted loudly on the high mountain on the right.

The sound passed through the army formation and entered the ears of every soldier of the Liyang Dynasty.


The bowmen of the Liyang Dynasty who stood behind the shield soldiers fired arrows in unison.

The same is the arrow, the same is the arrow rain volley.


Yue Fei gave an order, and the shield soldiers who had long been arranged in front of the army were also holding huge shields to block the rain of arrows.

Ding ding ding.

The shield successfully blocked the rain of arrows.

The first time they met, the two sides fought evenly.

"It's a good defense."

When Le Zhongjin saw it, he smiled, with disdain in his smile, he waved his hand and loudly ordered, "Change to a strong crossbow!"

Under the order, the bowmen who followed behind the shield soldiers changed their crossbows at the same time, and took out a stronger crossbow than the previous bows from behind.


'thorn thorn'

Suddenly, there was a sound like rags torn on the battlefield, which was very unpleasant.

But what appeared along with the sound were sharp black arrows all over the sky, shooting at Yue Fei's army formation at several times the speed of the previous arrow rain.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

The sharp arrow hit the shield at first, and the shield could still block it, but as the arrows rained more, a 'bang' sounded, and a shield was shattered.

"Bang bang bang!"

This sound was like a fuse, and it immediately caused a scene.

Many shields blocking the front of the army formation were shattered, and those shield soldiers did not respond and were directly covered by arrow rain.

In an instant, at least thousands of people were lost.

"Strong crossbow!"

Yue Fei's eyes narrowed, no one would have thought that the bowmen of the Liyang Dynasty were not only equipped with ordinary bows, but also powerful crossbows at the same time.

"The shield soldiers advanced steadily, the infantry followed closely, and the crossbowmen suppressed the fire!"


When Le Zhongjin saw that the shield soldiers in front of Yue Fei's army had been broken, he immediately ordered.


The Liyang Dynasty army immediately took advantage of this good opportunity to advance.

The shield soldiers walked at the forefront, the infantry followed, and the bowmen stood on the spot and used strong crossbows to suppress Yue Fei's army.

"General, order the crossbow to fire!" Qin Qiong said anxiously beside Yue Fei: "If the enemy is allowed to advance, our army will be crushed by the enemy's crossbow and can't lift its head!"

Yue Fei did not answer, but stared at the army of the Liyang Dynasty advancing in front of him. After pondering for a while, he said loudly: "Bowmen, change the arrows of fire!"

The bowman obeyed the order and immediately put down the ordinary arrows, and then took out the arrows around them wrapped in rags and wrapped in special kerosene and replaced them with arrows.

Someone immediately set fire to it.



Thousands of arrows were fired, and the flames attached to the arrows burst into the air, making the air burst.

The countless fire arrows turned the sky into a 'fire cloud'.

"Fire Arrow?"

Seeing it from a distance, Le Chongjin sneered, and said, "How can the mere Huoya break through our army's defense?"

"General, it seems that you have high regard for Yue Fei." Behind him, a lieutenant said with a smile: "Right now our army's shield soldiers are tough, and the enemy's crossbowmen's attacks are useless. Shooting, maybe with the powerful impact of the bed and crossbow arrows, it is possible to break our army's shield formation and give the enemy some opportunities."

"But this Yue Fei didn't use a crossbow, it's just stupid!"

"It's even more pity that, in this way, we can't use the holy crossbow to destroy the enemy's bed crossbow position." There was also a lieutenant sighed.

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