Soon, under the order of Le Chongjin, the Saint-Destroyer Crossbow that had been arranged on the high mountain on the right side of Lianyun Road aimed at the crossbow array in the Nanyan Kingdom's army.



The sound of the Sacred Crossbow firing was like thunder.

"what sound?"

Even though they were far apart, Yue Fei still heard this unusual 'thunder' in the army.

"Look, General..."

The lieutenant beside him suddenly pointed to the high mountain on the right side of Lianyun Road.

At that location, a strange black cloud suddenly appeared.

No, no, that's not a cloud!

Yue Fei's eyes narrowed suddenly, and he clearly saw that the black cloud was actually composed of huge black crossbow arrows.


Qin Qiong and Zhang He also saw the true face of the black cloud, and both looked puzzled, and said, "The direction of the arrow is the high mountain on the right side of Lianyun Road, but that place is really far from our army formation. Too far, too far, not within the range of the crossbow at all."

"Why did the enemy army shoot crossbow arrows at our army?"


When they were puzzled, the crossbow arrows had already arrived at Yue Fei's army formation.

The place where it fell is just in the bed crossbow array.

One after another huge crossbow arrows fell, and the huge impact force shattered the surrounding bed crossbows.

The soldiers who were in charge of the bed crossbows were knocked away by the impact, and then fell to the ground, long dead.


Qin Qiong and Zhang He were shocked and watched this scene in disbelief.

After a wave of crossbow arrows, the bed crossbow array, which originally had more than a thousand bed crossbows, was damaged by more than half.

What is even more unbelievable is that how could the Liyang Dynasty have such a powerful crossbow arrow? Why is there never a trace of news?

"Quick, order the bed crossbow array to retreat, quick!"

Yue Fei was also frightened in his heart, but he reacted faster and ordered urgently.

He knew very well that there would not be only one or two such attacks.

Once the entire bed crossbow array is damaged here, it is simply a nonsense to want to resist the enemy in the future.

The crossbow is extremely important in today's war!

The order went down, and the general in charge of the bed crossbow array hurriedly asked the soldiers to pull the bed crossbow array to retreat.

But the speed is still a bit slow.

Just after retreating, the black crossbow arrow appeared again in the horizon.

Another terrifying attack.

The fast-moving crossbow survived, and the slower-moving crossbow was shattered again and damaged here.

"This... what kind of crossbow is this?"

The lieutenants around Yue Fei looked a little panicked.

Originally, the battle against the Dynasty made them feel very uncertain, but now the Dynasty has shown an unknown method of warfare, which makes them a little flustered.

"Dynasty has such means, we can't beat it at all!" Another lieutenant said such words with a trembling voice.


As soon as he finished speaking, Yue Fei chopped off his head with a sword. At the same time, he looked at the other lieutenants coldly, and said coldly, "Those who dare to disturb the heart of the army will be killed without mercy!"

Yue Fei knew very well that at this critical moment, once these lieutenants were afraid, they would definitely bring them to other soldiers after they went down.

At that time, it will affect the morale of the army.

In the face of the Liyang Dynasty, the Nanyan Kingdom was already a little weak. If the army's heart was disturbed again, there would be no need to fight, and there would be no doubt about defeat!

Therefore, he must use the most decisive means to wipe out this sign!

The other lieutenants hurriedly lowered their heads, not daring to meet Yue Fei's eyes.


Yue Fei put away his saber, looked at these lieutenants, and said solemnly: "You are all the soldiers that Yue Fei trusts, and I know everyone will be muttering in the face of the dynasty, but I can tell you that we have no way out! "

"Once we are defeated, the kingdom will cease to exist, and everything you have now will be annihilated with the kingdom."

"Therefore, I don't want to hear any more disturbing remarks, let alone your blood under my sword!"

"The general is right,

Our destiny and the kingdom are together, and the kingdom suffers, and we have nothing to gain. If anyone says anything that disturbs the morale of the army, let alone a general, even I will kill you! "Qin Qiong also said at this time.

The other lieutenants also responded quickly.

In fact, these lieutenants are very aware of the current situation in their hearts, and they also understand the terrible consequences of the army's confusion. They also had no sympathy for the general who was killed by Yue Fei just now.

When the two armies were at war, you, a general of the kingdom, said something that was enough to disturb the morale of the army. If you were not killed, who would be killed?

"Send an order to let the bowmen continue to suppress them, and at the same time report the damage of the bed crossbow to me in the shortest possible time." Yue Fei ordered.


A lieutenant took command immediately.

Yue Fei stared at the charging army of the Liyang Dynasty and said to Qin Qiong: "Qin Qiong, without the crossbow, we can no longer keep the enemy out of the army formation. Go down and order the army to prepare for melee combat!"


Qin Qiong also took orders.

After Yue Fei finished the arrangement, his eyes locked on the high mountain on the right side of Lianyun Road, and he pondered for a while, and said, "Let Jin Yiwei immediately find out what kind of crossbow the enemy has arranged on the high mountain on the right side of Lianyun Road. Get the exact news before."


Behind him, there was a faint voice.

A Jin Yiwei dressed in a black flying fish suit immediately went down to investigate.


"Haha, Yue Fei's bed and crossbow formation is over!"

On the high mountain on the right side of Lianyun Road, Le Chongjin laughed loudly and said, "Order the infantry, pass the shield soldiers and charge at the fastest speed."


After the order went down, the shield soldiers who were originally at the forefront of the Liyang Dynasty army quickly separated to the sides to make way for the rear shield soldiers.


The infantrymen of the Liyang Dynasty shouted in unison, one holding the weapon in his hand and rushing forward frantically.

"Fire arrows!"

"Fire arrows!"

In Yue Fei's army, the general in charge of the bow and crossbow kept giving orders.


From Yue Fei's army, many arrows flew out, condensed into a rain of arrows in the sky, covering the charging Liyang Dynasty infantry.

Killed many enemies in an instant.

But this did not stop the speed of the Liyang Dynasty infantry charging, they were still charging frantically.

"General, let the holy crossbow destroy the enemy bow and crossbow array!"

The general of the Liyang Dynasty on the high mountain on the right side of Lianyun Road saw it and said to Le Chongjin.

Le Zhongjin looked at it and pondered in his heart, the crossbow arrows of the holy crossbow need to be specially made, and each one takes some time to make.

He was going to leave some of those catapults for the enemy.

But now it seems that at this time, the enemy did not use the catapult, so he did not insist, nodded, and said: "Let the Sacred Crossbow Array aim at the enemy's bow and crossbow array, and kill the enemy as much as possible!"


The Sacred Sacred Crossbow behind them immediately adjusted to aim at the enemy's crossbow array.


The thunderous sound of the Saint Extinguishing Crossbow sounded again.

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