The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 979 Excited Zhang Licheng


Gu Wenqian left the family secret place, his face full of excitement.

He gave everything and finally got what he wanted.

He, the patriarch of the ancient clan, was no longer the puppet of the ancient clan and elders, and finally became the real patriarch.

But in addition to being excited, he also knew very well that what he had at the moment was all given by Lu Feng, otherwise, if Lu Feng opened his mouth casually, he might be beheaded by Gu Chen, and then someone else would be the head of the family.

Anyway, it was Gu Chen who did it, and no one in the Gu family would say anything.

Gu Wenqian, who understood this, naturally did not dare to disobey Lu Feng's order.

He immediately went down and arranged for someone to pass the news to Zhang Licheng.

Of course, in order to make an unintentional leak, Zhang Licheng must not be allowed to discover anything wrong.

That night, in Zhang Licheng's mansion, Zhang Licheng was depressed because of the abolition of the throne. When he was drinking sullen wine, his trusted aides walked in quickly.

"My lord, I have something to report to you," the staff immediately said.

"My lord?"

Zhang Licheng smiled sarcastically and said, "My throne is gone, what kind of prince is it? Don't call me like that in the future. Be careful that those old immortals hear and trouble you."

"My lord, there is a 70% chance that this subordinate is going to tell you that you will regain the throne." The staff's eyes flashed with light.


Zhang Licheng was startled, he sat up abruptly, stared at his staff, and said solemnly, "Qin Hui, Yu Yiran, what did you just say?"

"Your Majesty, there is a 70% chance that your subordinates will tell you the matter that will allow you to regain the throne." The aide Yu Yiran said again.


Hearing Yu Yiran, his most trusted aide said this, Zhang Licheng took a deep breath, his voice trembling, and asked, "What makes you have such confidence?"

"My subordinates just learned that Zhao She, the general sent by the Hundred Kingdoms Academy in the Land of the Kingdoms, led the allied forces of the small nations in the Land of the Kingdoms, but they were afraid of fighting and guarded the camp every day, and could not share the pressure for the dynasty on the front line of Longping City. The plans of the Dynasty and the Hundred Kingdoms Academy fell short."

"The army failed miserably in Lianyun Road, because Zhao She failed to put pressure on Longping City of Nanyan Kingdom, which led Lu Feng to concentrate on dealing with the army of Lianyun Road. The subordinates believe that Zhao She should be fully responsible for this matter. ." Yu Yiran said.

"Haha, hahaha."

When Zhang Licheng heard this, he burst into laughter and said, "Okay, okay, this plan is very good, very good!"

Yu Yiran not only told him the matter, but also told him what to do.

Regardless of whether the Liyang Dynasty army's disastrous defeat in Lianyundao had nothing to do with Zhao She's army not attacking, as long as he, Zhang Licheng, said it according to this statement, it was guaranteed that Zhao She's position would not be guaranteed.

Because in the Liyang Dynasty, there are still many generals who can't bear the defeat of the previous Lianyun Dao Dynasty army to a kingdom.

If it wasn't for Zhang Liyuan's forcible suppression by the emperor's order, Le Chongjin would have been killed long ago to quell the public anger.

But now, Zhao She's situation is different, those generals who want to vent their anger will definitely talk about this.

As long as Zhang Liyuan didn't want to offend the entire kingdom's army, he would never speak for Zhao She.

At that time, he himself asked to go to the land of the kingdoms to take charge of the army. With the title of King Zhenbei before the Liyang Dynasty, the supreme commander of the army, there are many people who support him, and it is very likely that he will get his wish.

If he can lead the coalition forces in the land of the kingdoms to break through Longping City, it will be equivalent to defeating the Nanyan Kingdom, and it will not be impossible to restore the throne by then.

When Yu Yiran saw Zhang Licheng's reaction, he knew that he must have understood what he meant, and immediately said: "Your Highness Mingjian."

"Yu Yiran, as long as this matter is successful, this king will never forget you, and I will definitely give you inexhaustible glory and wealth." Zhang Licheng laughed.

"My subordinates, thank you, Your Highness." Yu Yiran was overjoyed and immediately said.

Zhang Licheng nodded without further delay, and immediately ordered his cronies,

To spread this matter quickly, be sure to let the entire Liyang City know.

Only then can the greatest sensation be created, and then he can profit.


The next day, Zhang Liyuan, the emperor of the Liyang Dynasty, went to court as usual.

"If you have something to play early, if you have nothing to do, retreat!" The eunuch beside Zhang Liyuan shouted in a shrill voice as usual.

"The last general and others will play!"

As soon as the eunuch finished speaking, the three rows of generals standing on the right came out in unison.

Zhang Liyuan frowned slightly when he saw it. What happened to these generals? How can you stand up together?

He looked at it and asked, "What's the matter with the ministers?"

"Your Majesty, the last general and others have heard that Zhao She, the leader of the generals in the land of the kingdoms, is afraid of fighting. He leads thousands of troops, but dare not attack a small Longping City, so that the Nanyan Kingdom cannot feel the pressure in Longping City."

"It is precisely because of this that the Kingdom of Nanyan was able to devote its entire army to Lianyun Road to fight against the army of the dynasty, which eventually led to the defeat of the army of the dynasty."

"Your Majesty, Zhao She must explain this to the dynasty!"

"The last general and others agree!"

As the first general's voice fell, all the generals behind him immediately spoke.

Obviously they were negotiated.

Zhang Liyuan frowned. The news about Zhao She spread all over Liyang City last night. Naturally, he also knew about it and arranged for someone to investigate, but so far he has not received any news.

But he did not expect that these generals would talk about this matter early this morning.

What made him even more angry was that these generals actually played together, which made him look bad as an emperor.

Glancing coldly at these generals, Zhang Liyuan said, "I already know about this matter and will arrange for someone to contact Hundred Nations Academy."

"Your Majesty, because of Zhao She's fear of fighting, hundreds of thousands of sons of the dynasty died in battle. We..."


Zhang Liyuan didn't let the general finish his words at all, he ordered to retreat directly, and then left with a face full of anger.

What these military generals did this morning made him very unhappy. If they hadn't led troops, he would have suspected that they were here to force the palace, not to play.

After Zhang Liyuan left, the generals below looked at each other, nodded, and immediately left the palace to go to the mansion of Zhang Licheng, the former king of Zhenbei.


After a while, they arrived outside Zhang Licheng's mansion.

The soldiers outside the mansion immediately went to notify Zhang Licheng.

"My lord, it's starting." After getting the news, Yu Yiran, a close associate of Zhang Licheng, laughed.

Zhang Licheng also had a smile on his face, nodded, and said, "Let them in."

Soon, the generals who had been in the early court came to Zhang Licheng's mansion.

"I will meet the King of Zhenbei at the end."

"Your Highness is a thousand years old, a thousand thousand years old."

When the generals saw Zhang Licheng, they immediately knelt to the ground.

Before Zhang Li became the King of Zhenbei of the Liyang Dynasty, he was the supreme commander of the army. In the army, in terms of influence, he was probably more powerful than Emperor Zhang Liyuan.

Even if the throne is abolished, there is still influence, not to mention that these generals are here to ask for help.

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